Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1267: Teach the apprentice!


"Receive you as a disciple?" Lin Feng stunned, and he thought about a variety of situations, including the use of interests and the sincere exchange of trust in the top, so that the corners also joined their own alliance, but the extension of the sudden glimpse The request was made, and all of Lin Feng’s own plans were disrupted.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. If I knew that things were so simple, I wouldn’t think so much. I just have four apprentices, which are distributed in different places and even different world continents. The original intention was only to accept three apprentices. However, in the eternal kingdom, the little guy Jiang Xuan was accepted as an apprentice. Counting the earliest Ye Chen and floating Shen, Ling Xue, it happened to be four.

If the next apprentice is accepted at the moment, then the top is the fifth apprentice, and the strongest of the five apprentices, and the first apprentice above the war.

But what is your own inability to manage and teach him? Is it just a name? Moreover, the top-notch is much older than his own, so that a person who is much older than himself is an apprentice, and Lin Feng thinks how to feel awkward.

"Master, I am an orphan, I don't care, I don't teach, my grandfather let me grow up, but I always want a teacher who can give my father a caring care, you are!" Looking at Lin Feng in the hope of the color, some sparkling liquid flows out of the corner of his eye.

Such a big man, because of his feelings, is enough to prove that he really wants to do this, but these words are an unreasonable joke for Lin Feng. I don’t have the old age of the extension. How can I give it? His father's love care?

This is a violation of the logical relationship, Lin Feng himself can not agree.

"Tactical, my age, you can see that your age is much older than me, you let me give you the care of your father's love? This is noisy." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and patiently explained the extension. I hope the latter understands.

Hearing the words, the top-notch was slightly stunned, and then his face seemed to think of something in general. After standing up, he gradually flashed the gemstone color, and gradually the jewel-like color faded, and the extension was originally thin. The body became a big fish with sixteen legs.

Blue is a big fish with a jewel-like color. It has a height of one person. This is the body of the top!

"This…". Lin Feng stunned, can't imagine what happened in front of him, obviously a very complete person, suddenly became a sapphire big fish?

The next moment, the top is standing in front of Lin Feng, but this time, the top-notch has a well-thought-out pat on the chest: "Master, I am a demon, the age can be different from the human, I am not smaller than you now. ?"

"this is". Lin Feng does not want to admit it, but can only acknowledge this fact with a hard scalp.

"Since I am younger than you, you have taught me twice in a row, and even saved my life this time. If so, I will worship you as a teacher. Is it just right?" Takchi once again grinned and watched. Lin Feng asked.

Lin Feng smiled again, but he couldn't say any reason. He could only honestly nod his head: "Yes, the name is right."

"Hey, in this case, please accept the worship of the disciples!" Tuoke laughed, and once again, he slammed into the ground again, and he went through the eight hundred lines of worship, and his face was full of excitement.

At this point, it is impossible for Lin Feng to play tricks. The teacher’s ceremony has become a responsibility, and he should have done this responsibility. Otherwise, it will be disrespect for the teacher.

"You get up." Lin Feng smiled faintly and raised the top of the foresight. The top-notch stood up very seriously and stared at Lin Feng.

"Do you know my true identity?" Lin Feng did not know what to ask, simply asked a question that he was most concerned about.

Wen Yan, the main focus of the Tuo Zheng, and Shen Sheng shouted: "Lin Feng, the college led the Star Academy to win the championship, defeated the Lingling Academy, Jielong Academy and other powerful opponents, in the Warring States and the Dragons In the encirclement of the gods, Enron fled."

"Hey, Master, are you too forked?" Tope stared at Lin Feng for a long time, suddenly showing a hippie smile and a face of reverence, Lin Feng heard that half could not listen, put Waving his hand and returning directly to the top of the valley of life and death.

"I am going to the hall to wait for me." The special satisfaction and excitement of the Tuoqi at this moment, after turning back to the remaining six dead, waved, and kept up with Lin Feng's footsteps.

The six black sergeants behind him looked at the young master and never had such low humility and sincerity, but this time facing this man?

"He is Lin Feng? That is Shura?"

"No wonder so arrogant and terrible, it is a good thing to worship him as a teacher."


"Master, you don't know, your speech on the windy valley that day is simply exciting. The disciples of the entire octagonal domain are all mobilized by you, and the heart is hot and bloody."

"Master, and, the moment you defeated the dry, I really admire you. At that time, I knew that you are the master of my life, hehe."

"Finally, Master, when you played against me, I actually taught me for so long. I also went out of the lost and difficult situation of cultivation, and your influence is really everywhere."

Lin Feng is about to get bored at this moment. He thought that the Tak is a very stable child. At least it will not be so sticky. But he is wrong. This way, Lin Feng is behind him, and the top is If there is no end to it, it has been embarrassing.

Perhaps I understand why Tuanhan Yuanning can be a mountain villager and he is not willing to teach this grandson. Is this old thing to give himself to himself?

"Master, you said...".

"You shut me up, don't shut up, I throw you out of the division." Lin Feng really can't stand it, the apprentice of the people, this is the first time I saw it. Although Jiang Xuan is a sticky guy, it is a child. He doesn't care about the world. He likes it very much.

I can change my adult's eyes every day, I really can't stand it.

Ye Chen and Fu Shen are both apprentices who are unwilling to talk. They like to teach and practice and try to figure out. Only this extension...

The Tuozhi also realized that he had a lot of words. He couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t dare to ask, and followed Lin Feng to the grandfather’s thatched cottage. Tsao Hanyuan was sitting on a small stool and looking at the distant mountains. The hills are in a daze.

"Grandpa, I am back." The extension limped to the extension of the cold yuan, Tsao Hanyuan turned around and saw his grandson so embarrassed look, a little bit of distressed in his heart, but his face as usual past, faint smile: "Okay, success is good What are the remaining dead?"

"Oh, I am stronger than my grandfather, I have six left." The color of the top-notch drama is more than six fingers placed in front of the extension of the cold.

Wen Yan ~ ~ Touthan Yuan no longer speak, put his gaze on Lin Feng, nodded to him slightly.

"Tokyo, your teacher will discuss some things with you." Touthan Yuan coughed, very solemnly asked the top.

However, when the old man’s words just fell, he saw the smile of the top-notch: “I will listen to the master and grandfather regardless of the anecdote.”

"Tactical, how do you still have no opinion? You are the domain owner of the corner field right away. You are like this, hey, grandpa, how can I feel relieved?" Tseng Hanyuan’s face changed, some helpless, and some hated iron. be discouraged.

Lin Feng knows that the top-notch is only going to be superficial, but it is because of the idea of ​​the extension, let Lin Feng understand, the top-notch has no opinion, perhaps the reason for the young orphan, so that he does not have the opportunity to ask others, everything can only be their own But this will not encourage him to be independent, but will be depressed, hesitate, and will waste opportunities.

"Tactical, you come with me." After Lin Feng shouted, he left the thatched cottage directly, and the whole person gradually disappeared.

"Master, why?" Tuoqi has some doubts, how the Master suddenly left.

"Bad boy, go, it is your master to teach you." Touthan Yuan cursed a bang, and the temperament of the body trembled. He heard that the top-notch did not delay, and the footsteps of Xiangyun directly followed.

Takhan Yuan looked at the direction in which Lin Feng and the top of the totem disappeared. He sighed. He really hoped that Lin Feng could teach his unsuccessful grandson, at least he had the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Otherwise, the future corner. ?


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