Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1203: The domain owner who was scared!

"Okay, you all go down."

In the hall, the corpse father waved at the four elders, the four did not dare to violate the order, and the strength of Shura could not be harmful to the domain owner. After the four men quit, the corpse father also looked at the same. The corpse, a polite smile: "You go on, words."

"Father, but he...". The corpse is still full of anger, and clenching his fists tightly. She can't forgive this masked man in her life, even to herself.

"Oh, go on, it will be handled naturally for the Father, and will not make you wronged." The old man waved his hand and insisted that the corpse should leave the hall. In desperation, she could only leave the hall. After I saw Lin Feng, I closed the door and suddenly the hall was quiet. There were only two people, one old and one small. .

Lin Feng looked at the old man, the old man smiled and observed Lin Feng, but he didn't talk for a long time. Lin Feng was a little surprised, but he didn't ask urgently. He saw that he had no harm to himself. Just look at it.

Lin Feng took a position to sit down and did not care about the old man's eyes, and the old man did not care about not being angry, but he appreciated Lin Feng's maverick.

After a long time, the old man finally recovered his gaze and sat next to Lin Feng, only a tea table in the middle.

"Sura, can you summon the corpse of the corpse, I want to take a look."

In the first sentence, Lin Feng was deeply shocked. He stared at the old man for a long time. He couldn’t speak for a long time. Instead, the old man was very chic and asked: "How? I feel very surprised?"

"Don't you...?" Lin Feng thought of something, combined with the connection between the corpse valley and the corpse of the corpse, can determine a basic guess, but cautiously just asked three words, but no longer said.

The old man understood what he meant. Naturally, he followed the tone of Lin Feng: "Yes, I am the first owner of the corpse!"

"Sure enough, this is understandable." Lin Feng smiled, and the smile was very splendid. I was still wondering on the eternal kingdom. Who is the first owner of the corpse demon army, the mysterious man with the prestige? Can you lead the corpse of the corpse to destroy so many ancients?

Now, everything has unveiled the real veil, the old man in front of him, the domain owner of the corpse, and the father of the corpse.

"That was all 500,000 years ago. I had a chance to go to the eternal kingdom through the hands of the four great ancestors. I naturally took the corpse of the corpse. I don't know how you passed the corpse. The things of the devil, in short, they are all cultivated by me. In those days, I was not the realm of the peak of the gods, and these corpse people only had the realm of the five emperors."

"But even so, I still led these corpse demon corps to destroy the seventeen ancient clan of the eternal kingdom, as to why they were destroyed...". The old man said this, and there was a cold murder in the depths of his eyes: "Because hatred!"

"Hate?" Lin Feng is puzzled.

"Yes, hatred, the hatred above the war has been destroyed by me, but I still feel that I don't hate it, so the lower bounds have destroyed their roots, that is, the seventeen ancient clan, so that whether it is the war or The eternal kingdom, these seventeen clan no longer exist."

The old man grinned and laughed. The old guy at this moment is not like the old man who is dying. It is like a young man with a high spirit. He can use whatever means for hatred.

Lin Feng was shocked by his words. The mysterious man who led the corpse of the corpse was actually going for revenge. It was not really nothing to do to arbitrarily destroy the other people. All of this was also a purposeful revenge.

"Well, these are the things of the past. How about, Shura, let the corpse go out, what do I take?" The old man licked his palm, and his heart was itchy. He had not seen his old partner for hundreds of thousands of years. He is inevitably somewhat nostalgic. The most hopeful thing in his life is that one day, I will see the corpse of the corpse.

It is finally possible to achieve it now.

Lin Feng sighed, the first owner had already made a request, and he did not have the qualification to refuse. If the corpse army had no old man, it would not be possible to go to his own hands, so he could only release them.

Lin Feng opened the door of the martial arts world and summoned the less than 90 corpse demon people. The row of horrible white skin mortal people stood on the hall. The four-meter corpse had no breathing, only The chilly atmosphere.

The old man excitedly stood up and the crutches didn't lie. He ran to the dead bodies in front of him. He was a lot shorter than these dead people, but this did not delay the old man to miss the past. In the dynasty, all the scenes appeared in my heart.

"Yes, yes, they are, haha, they are." The old man’s eyes were filled with crystal clear tears, but he did not flow down. He was too excited and never been so excited.

For a long time, he calmed down, loosened the arm of the corpse, walked back to the seat slowly, and asked Lin Feng: "I remember that one hundred and eight dead corpses were left, then...? ”

"It was crushed, in a big battle." Lin Feng’s answer to the truth is not to hide the old man, nor to hide it. No matter how brilliant these corpse people are in the past, they are the old man’s men, but today they are their own army and they have the power to do anything.

The old man nodded. He also guessed this scene. Otherwise, the corpse will never disappear without any reason. He still couldn’t help but look at the corpse, and now the corpse has the seven realms of the Emperor. This is what he did not expect.

Lin Feng is now the realm of the Emperor's eight-fold, the corpse of the demon is also the Emperor's seven heavy, this force is so comprehensively applied, the power is not weaker than the ten ancestor-level powerhouses, of course, only the ancestors.

But this is also scary enough. You must know that the whole corpse is up and down. Except for the old man who will be the dead wood, there are only five ancestors who count the corpse. The most powerful bloodshed has only seven or eight ancestors. Well, the weakest wilderness, it is very likely that there is none.

Therefore, Lin Feng led the corpse demon person to say that he could qualify to go sideways in the octagonal domain. He was not afraid of any force. At this moment, he really did not want to kill Lin Feng because he did not dare, nor could he This is necessary.

"Okay, take it back." The old man waved his hand and motioned that Lin Feng could take back these scary big blocks. Lin Feng turned and suddenly disappeared in the hall by more than 80 dead people.

At this moment, the old man brows slightly, he smells a strong force of time and space and the aura of life, but it is only fleeting, can not help but glimpse, this Shura actually inside the world? Not simple.

He is more and more satisfied with Shura, and feels that he is more than enough to be his son-in-law. Even if the corpse can be matched with him, he said that he did not want to give up this opportunity. He wanted to ask a straightforward question at this moment.

"That, Shura, I ask you a question." The old man looked cautiously a lot, and there was some expectation hidden in the old face, which made Lin Feng slightly surprised and confused, but still nodded and indicated that the other party could ask.

"Can you have a marriage match?"

"Yes, two!"

Lin Feng’s face was dull, but his heart trembled, and he knew that it was broken. How recently did you push the woman one by one? He can't continue to promise this kind of thing. Qinghuangtian and Qianjin Caiyue don't know how to arrange it.

"Well? Two? May be worthy of you?" The old man frowned, quite dissatisfied, so the elite boy has so long been married, then he has to ask stubbornly, in the end what woman can match Shangrao.

Lin Feng gave a slight glimpse. At this time, I don’t know if I should say the marriage with Qianjin Caiyue. If I say it, it will inevitably make the old man’s heart unbalanced and never dare to mention marriage.

If you don't tell the truth, just say that it is an ordinary woman, presumably the old man will not give up, or will continue to persuade himself.


"The daughter of the Nihuang, the golden moon!"

"Hey? You, you, what are you saying?"

Almost at the same time, when Lin Feng’s voice was not lost, the old man was scared to stand up directly. At this moment, the back of the chain seemed to be flat. He looked at Lin Feng and looked at Lin Feng. It was shocked.

Nihuang? The daughter of Nihuang?

This kid won't talk big? He doesn't believe it, he wants to ask for it.

"How can you let Nihuang marry his daughter to you? Who are you?"

"Predecessors, I can't say that I am a teacher, but his old man is not lower than the status of Nihuang, but one of the ancestors of the five parties!"

"What? What do you say? One of the five ancestors? Is it your master?"

The old man was so scared that his face was white, and the cold sweat came out, and he quickly drenched his clothes. He forgot how he left the hall, but the old man did step out of the hall step by step.

Outside the temple, the old man sighed and looked back at the shadows inside the hall. He also thought about what happened in the past few days. The situation in the corpse valley now believes one point.

Besides, Shura should not use the phoenix to deceive people, let alone daring to say that his master is one of the five ancestors, so that you can imagine Shura’s words at least not fake, so, He also believed in four points.

In the end, Shura’s talent and strength can win the favor of the corpse, and the singer’s own magical valley, which was established in the past, is a symbol of talent and strength. He also believes in three points. .

Lin Feng also directly broke through the Emperor's eight weights from the six emperors, and within a short period of seven days, the first cultivation of the Shinto technique was so pure, and the people under his own hands had no thoughts and still pondered, so he Also believed in two points.

Very grateful, let the old man cold and sweat, never dare to mention any marriage, he sighed, can only say that the corpse does not have this fate, Shura's woman can be the daughter of Nihuang, himself However, it is the domain owner of the corpse.

The entire octagonal domain is managed by Nihuang, how dare he and the Nihuang robbed the son-in-law?

After thinking about this, he once again rushed into the hall, scared Lin Feng and looked at the old man.

"Sura, join the corpse!"

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