Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1184: Buy a hammer and send a tiger!


"You are all waste, even the individual can't kill?"

In the attic of the 35th, the wolf breaks out the thunder and anger, but no matter how it breaks out, people outside will not feel it. It is more isolated from the spirit.

The wolf folded and looked at the three people in front of him. They were all scars and tragic battles. I can imagine what I experienced last night. It is hard to imagine that this Shura was so powerful, he sent out 15 people and returned. There are only three.

The white wolf died in the hands of Shura, not to mention the mud monkey. Now, twelve of his men died in the hands of Shura, which is more difficult to succumb than the grievances. The hatred can only accumulate more and more.

"Report, report leader, I, we did not see Shura!" One of the three men, his face pale to the extreme, the heart trembled, but he had to tell the truth, they did not fight Shura last night.

"What do you say?" The wolf's face was even more ugly, and his anger was difficult. He clenched his fist directly. Only a trace of it was about to be shot. The three men were scared to the ground and shivered.

"Report, all of us have not seen Shura, but instead were killed by two strangers!" He endured tremendous pressure and said the truth.

Suddenly, the entire attic was quiet.


The Jingcheng auction, which ignited its enthusiasm at this moment, was the vice-president of Jingcheng, who was also the ancestor of the ancestor level and was responsible for hosting this auction.

"You, today is the most important day in Jingcheng. I have never thought about this day's auction, because this is the opportunity that the city's Jingrui City owner has won for you. Jingruicheng is the overlord and its energy. Very strong, so I won everyone's ownership of all the treasures in this auction, and it was attributed to Jingcheng."

"In this way, there will be a qualification for everyone to pay attention to the treasure, as well as the qualification to buy heavy treasure, no matter who finally got the heavy treasure, the city owner said, will escorting everyone away from Jingcheng, the city is not allowed to make trouble." .

Nothing is allowed in the city. The potential meaning of this is that as long as I am out of Jingcheng, no matter how confused, it has nothing to do with him.

"First of all, the old husband, on behalf of Jingrui City, welcomes the representatives of the 26 forces participating in this auction. Among them, Taiqingmen and the two representatives of the Casting Mountain Villa are invited. Thank you for giving us the scenery of this city. The face of the city owner."

"After the consent of the city owner, the old man decided to give two of the two treasures directly to the two forces, and you don't need to spend a penny to get it. The city owner said, go back to the Taiqing Gate Master and the owner of the Casting Hills Villa. say hello".

The old man of Jinpao said this, which attracted the shock of countless people. Lin Feng also took a breath of cold. This Jingrui City master gave a big handwriting and even presented two pieces of heavy treasure to the above two forces, but if you think about it, you can Understand that if these two forces participate in the treasure, they are afraid that other forces will have no chance.

Jingrui City is still very prescient, and it is expected that there may be some forces to scrutinize Taiqingmen and Jianjian Villa not to auction, this matter, you do not need to worry.

"Chou Jianshan Villa Xie Jingrui City Lord."

"Tai Qingmen thanked the city owner!"

I don’t know where the congratulations came from, many people have not found it.

With the congratulations of the two representatives, the auction will officially begin.

"You, the first heavy treasure that the old man asked for is called the cracking hammer, weighing 30,000 jin, five meters high, belonging to the semi-god artifact, the peak of the gods, was cast a hundred years ago by a scattered repair, now a hundred years later, the price It is 30 million yuan."

The old man of Jinpao, with a beard, smiled and revealed that the auction price of this piece of heavy treasure was 30 million yuan. As for who can get this heavy hammer, it will be seen.

His words were backward. I saw that I needed to use four of the city’s disciples to lift the hammer. The hammer was golden yellow and engraved with thunder. It was like a hammer of Thor, and the anger was taboo, and it was five meters long. Hammer, quite heroic.

When Qinghuangtian passed this image back, the face of the vertical tiger changed, and the eyes were intoxicated, and they started to sneak out.

He once hoped to have a weapon of his own, but the election was too light, and it was not easy to use. If this heavy weapon could be auctioned, he would die in this life without regret.

The tiger looks at Song Qiujiu, but Song Qiujiu’s look is somewhat dignified. He doesn’t want to let his men down, want to take this weapon, but if he shoots it, then the other three, Hushan, beast and beggar, All need a weapon, so that no billion yuan can not solve the problem.

A person can solve it well, but four people can't get it. Once a person is missing, it will inevitably make this person complain.

In the end, Song Qiuji did not speak, he could not open this precedent.

The look of the vertical tiger is somewhat depressed, but he does not dare to blame the big brother. He also knows what the goal of Song Qiujiu is.

The beast looked at Song Qiujiu. He was very savvy, so at first glance he guessed the idea of ​​Song Qiujiu, but he had to say that the boss was doing the right thing. He could not open this precedent. He supported Song Qiuji’s decision. .

Lin Feng saw that the look of the vertical tiger was a little depressed, and it was quite depressed. I was very impressed with this honest man. This hammer should not have much money, and it should be good if the auction is down.

"40 million God coins."

There was a bid in the hall and a brand was raised. This is the bidding for the forces in Jingcheng.

"45 million." It is another sound, or it comes from below.

"Fifty million".

"55 million."


When shouting 55 million, many people stopped bidding, a semi-god artifact, the peak of the Emperor, not worth the price of hundreds of millions, but worth tens of millions of coins.

Many people are now cautious and don't want to see the emergence of heavy treasures because of this thing.

"Five million, there are no bids." The old man of Jinpao shouted and asked about the final price, but no one said anything, and the old man of Jinpao did not lose. Jingcheng is so big, and there are no shortage of these tens of millions of coins.

"55 million, once!"

"55 million, twice!"


The old man of Jinpai just had to shout out the last time. Suddenly, the spar outside the 30th attic was lit up. The emerald color was particularly attractive, which made the old man’s face change. This emerald light lighted up to represent the inside. People participated in the auction.

"Big brother, you...".

The vertical tiger in the attic stunned, and looked at Lin Feng how to press the jade stone on the table. Pressing it to show that he wants to participate in the auction, Shura wants to buy this hammer?

Lin Feng smiled a little, did not speak, and then shouted at the emerald stone: "60 million."

60 million? The big man in the attic actually has 60 million yuan to participate in the auction? Many people in the hall are surprised by the words.

The five-five million people shouted, but he could only shut up. The power in the attic must be the power outside or around the city, or even the power of the octagonal domain. Not allowed.

So he is not prepared to continue to bid.

The old robes looked at the 30th attic and then asked with a smile: "The son has a bid of 60 million, but there are bidders?"

"60 million, once."

"60 million, twice."

"60 million, three times."

"Congratulations to this son, he took a heavy hammer, came and sent the hammer to the man's loft."

The old man laughed and then pointed to the four disciples of the city. Immediately, the four disciples took the hammer and left the rostrum. Then they followed the dark road to the 30th attic and knocked on the door.

"Long tiger, go to open the door." Lin Feng looked at the vertical tiger, and the tiger looked like a big smile. He ran and opened the door.

When the door opened, the hammer fell on the front of the tiger. When the tiger screamed, the hammer was lifted. Everyone felt that the hammer seemed to remove the attic. The four disciples were even more pale and afraid to speak.

This turned out to be the barbaric domain of the octagonal domain?

"Go on." Lin Feng gave a sigh of relief, and suddenly the four released, and after entering the attic door, he quickly left the dark passage.

The vertical tiger carries a five-meter-long hammer, and the two-meter-and-five-headed big one has no sense of violation. The handsome figure and the heavy hammer are a perfect match.

"Big Brother, this hammer?" The tiger smirked and smiled a little. He wanted to ask how the hammer was disposed of.

Lin Feng’s disguised eyes were blind, and then asked: “Hushan, do you like a hammer?”

"Ah? Haha, yes, yes, Shura, I like the hammer." Hushan listened to Lin Feng's question, suddenly stunned, but soon reacted This is a playful tiger, he naturally wants to squat and then, and quickly promised.

"That's good, this hammer is for you." Lin Feng smiled and waved to Hushan.

Hushan burst into a mouth, he was ready to grab the hammer from the longitudinal tiger's hand. The tiger's face changed, holding the hammer, and looked at Lin Feng with a bit of pain. He wanted to cry without tears: "Big brother, you, you can't do this." Confrontation."

"What should I do to you?"

"Hey likes a hammer."

"I like it to you?"

"Ah, what should I do?"

"You are so shameless?"

"Wrong, you are very shameless, especially shameless, as long as the hammer does not face."

"you sure?"


"Okay, then give it to you."


After a farce that was a joke, the hammer was naturally a tiger. Lin Feng bought the hammer naturally and gave it to the tiger. As for Hu Shan, he was very clear. He just teased the tiger with Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng spent a lot of money to buy a hammer to give the tiger, so that the four brothers are all eyeing Lin Feng, especially the tiger, moved to death, Song boss can not be auctioned for some reason, Lin Feng bought a hammer for him, no doubt heavy Yep.

In the heart of the tiger, a little chemical reaction occurs.

Song Qiuji did not speak, but looked at Lin Feng deeply, this kind of grace, he accepted!

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