Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1173: Kindness!

"Well, the third battle can be declared over, everyone!"

Everyone is quiet, only Lin Feng raised his arms, laughter gradually occupied the entire bar are, the words are not difficult to hear a trace of playful ingredients, this makes the violent wolf fold is soaring.

"Good boy, it seems that Lao Tzu can't leave you today!" The wolf screamed and screamed at the teeth, and then the whole person was like a wild wolf rabbit. He went straight to Lin Feng and went to the wild battlefield. Once a person, the figure of the wolf fold appeared, causing the exclamation of countless people.

The barbarians above the valley are screaming at each other and looking at the shocking scene in front of them. Is it necessary to shoot in person? Kill this mask man?

The momentum of the wolf at this moment is terrible, as if the sword can't hide the edge, it is more like the sky can not wrap the thunder, the battle seems to be about to trigger, no one can stop it.

Lin Feng’s eyes calmly looked at the wolf folds in front of him, but there was not much tension and fear. The wolf of a god’s peak was temporarily unable to reach the level of fear, but the heart was very important, and the momentum from the wolf was not It's hard to feel that this is an extremely difficult person.

Even Lin Feng thought, the colorful phoenix of the first layer of the Phoenix altar in the colorful phoenix altar, even if it is the ancestors of the ancestors, there may not be such a strong strength in the wolf. Of course, Lin Feng’s speculation, after all, has not fought with it. For the time being, the strength of the other party is not clear

"Wolf fold, you want to break the rules, if you break the rules, I will accompany you!"

Song Qiujiu knows very well that he must shoot at this time. Otherwise, Lin Feng will inevitably let the wolf break. Although Lin Feng’s attack on the corpse made him shocked, he could even say that he felt amazed, but if he changed into a wolf, Song Qiu Nine still has little confidence in Lin Feng.

At this moment, he stood up without hesitation, standing in front of Lin Feng, helping Lin Feng block all the pressures and souls released by the wolf fold, and the two great savage leaders played at this moment.

"Song Qiujiu, it is you who destroys the rules. You and I have three people. Why have you always let him play against each other?" The face of the wolf fold is extremely ugly at this moment, and it can even be said that it is not too much. He is holding Lin Feng, holding Tight fists want to fight past several times.

"Oh, wolf fold, don't you want to use the mud monkey to kill me three consecutively? You dare say you don't have this idea? Otherwise why do you continue to send him after the mud monkey kills the brutal?"

"If it wasn't for this brother who killed the mud monkey, hehe, you must not be so excited and angry? How? Your person is a person, my person is not a person? You can be allowed to be killed twice by you. ?Wolf fold, where is this truth?"

Song Qiujiu did not wait for the wolf to dismiss the words and simply refuted the past, let the wolf fold suddenly and speechless, do not know what to say, finally can only put the anger on Lin Feng, pointing to Lin Feng with his hand, face Hey: "Kid, it's a man, you give it out!"

"Brother, you retire, victory in both wars is enough to prove yourself, there is no need to see him." Song Qiujiu turned back to comfort Lin Feng, but also let Lin Feng reason a little, don't be overwhelmed by the words of the wolf.

It’s just that Lin Feng didn’t listen to Song Qiuji’s words, because the wolf fold is pointing at himself. From ancient times to the present, anyone who dares to use his fingers and points to himself has no end in the end, and he is not dead or hurt, so the wolf is no exception. Even if he is the leader of the wild domain.

"Wolf, first hand over the 200 million gods owed, then you and I can fight alone, life and death, how do you feel?" Lin Feng laughed coldly, his tone was dull, he could There is no fear because of the fierce name of the wolf. In fact, Lin Feng has 80% confidence to defeat the wolf, even kill him!

Just Lin Feng’s words changed Song Qiu’s look. He quickly yelled at the wolf: “Wolf fold, can you afford to lose? We won two victories, how? Still want to find some face? Your wolf folds and the wolf is a temperament, stingy!"

"Song Qiujiu, I don't have to look at Laozi as you teach, I don't want to eat you. I have let go of all of you today, wait, this hatred will not end, I will not be so!" The wolf folds and clenches his fists, and his face is cold and radiant, and can even be said to be a blind eye.

With a big hand, all his men brought back at this moment, ready to leave the wild battlefield and leave the valley.

"Leave the **** coins, be a shameless person to be untrustworthy!"

"In addition, if I see you in a few days, I will play with you!"

Lin Feng made a sound at this moment, the tone was relatively dull, and there was no effort to shout, but the whole barren field can be heard clearly, so no one has the same face, they feel that Lin Feng’s two words are really domineering, not at all. Give the wolf a face.

Song Qiujiu is prepared to forget this. The two sides don’t want women to don’t want the gods. It’s best to let the wolves fall back, but Lin Feng can’t do that. Anyone who uses his fingers, when is he dead, this time Hatred is a cancellation!

The wolf fold has already turned around. However, after listening to Lin Feng’s words, I couldn’t help but anger and soared. After I glared at Lin Feng’s eyes, my left hand waved, and the powerful force directly slammed into Lin Feng, which is a ring. It can be surrounded by wolf energy and is daunting.

Song Qiuji’s face changed, and he wanted to reach out and help Lin Feng to pick it up, but Lin Feng’s left hand blocked, his right hand slowly extended, and a loud noise, Lin Feng clenched the space ring, although it was dull. The sound of the collision, Lin Feng has nothing to do, but the space ring is broken in half!

Oh, countless **** coins flowed down the ring and soon piled up a hill.

"Thank you, wolverine!" Lin Feng's mouth was full of a smile and looking at the wolf fold, so that the wolf's gaze changed again, but he was not a fool, just licking the ring, he used a full five-force, this **** The six-handed kid was able to pick up his face without looking red and white.

"What is your name?" The wolf looked at Lin Feng and asked deeply.


"Well, after half a month, it is the meeting of the various domain owners in the octagonal domain. We select the occupants of the entire octagonal domain. At that time, we will meet again. You and I will fight, can you dare?"

"Okay, don't see it!"


The wolf folded his fist, then turned around and led a large group of people to leave the wild battlefield, and soon disappeared into the depths of the western forest.

Song Qiujiu did not speak, just silently looking at Lin Feng standing in front of him, watching the gods on the ground stacked up in the mountains, this moment his heart is very complicated, especially when Lin Feng smoothly took over the ring thrown by the wolf, For Lin Feng, it can be said that it is impressive.

But no matter how you think, how to say, today Lin Feng has great grace for him. If this kind of kindness is not reported, he is very upset.

"Sura brothers, I remember this kindness. If something happens, I must tell me, I will do it!" Song Qiuji turned around and took a fist and took a sigh. His face was very dignified and he did not bring a little. The color of jokes.

Lin Feng looked at Song Qiujiu, and he was not surprised. In just half an hour, he gave up this Song Qiujiu, a person who has a good report, a man who has a hatred, and a good spirit, but it is not like coming from the outside. People.

"Song leader, you don't have to be like this. If it is not your sentence that makes me agree, I will not take it. This is the truth." Lin Feng said with a smile, looking at Song Qiujiu.

Song Qiu Jiu’s eyes were slightly stunned. After some doubts, he said that Lin Feng felt that he had agreed. He thought that he would not think about it for a while. He simply didn’t want to, no matter what the reason was, but the fact is that Lin Feng helped him to repel. The wolf folds and smashes the latter's wolf ambitions.

"Brother, there is something to talk to you!" Song Qiu Jiu-shuang laughed loudly. At this moment, he was very happy. He was pressed by the wolf for so many years. This is the first time that he feels elated. This kind of comfort is unmatched by anyone. of.

"Song leader, I really have one thing I want to tell you, that is, I am afraid that you will be angry." Lin Feng looked at Song Qiujiu and blinked at the three bullies who were behind Song Qiu's body. The three men saw Lin Feng's eyes pointing at them, and they couldn't help but tremble. The pale face would have to retreat. leave here.


A scream, from Song Qiujiu, Song Qiuji turned and looked at the three bullies, they began to wonder, is Lin Feng related to these three people?

"Brother, although you said that even if it involves myself, I will not be partial." Song Qiujiu gave a big patted the chest hard.

Lin Feng shook his head. He did not want to swear by or swear by Song Qiuji. He just wanted to let Song Qiuji release the green phoenix and the golden moon. This requirement is not excessive.

Lin Feng said the details of the cause and effect of the whole thing, told Song Qiujiu, and after listening to these things, Song Qiujiu's face was a little bit gloomy, and finally angry.

"Come, let me put these three wastes down and listen to me!"

A roar, shaking the mountains, angry, people feel horrified, and the three bullies are pale, and after being caught, they kneel on the ground and cry for Song Qiujiu.

"Master, let's take a long look, everything is his fault." The bald bully bit his mouth and said that Lin Feng is the source of crime.

"Master, let's go to work for you. Just came back and met him, we are bitter." The flat head bully, which is the head of the three, is hard to see.

Song Qiujiu did not have the heart to listen to their explanations. Today, no matter who is right or wrong, he can only let these three bullies be disposed of. The value of Lin Feng can be much greater than the three wastes.

"Push down." The anger was hard to come by, and Song Qiuji directly waved his hand and let his men crush the three wastes.

"Brother, don't worry, I will personally pick up the two girls, you and me!"

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