Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1155: 4 color phoenix!


There was no suspenseful battle. The Terran led by Lin Feng won the victory. The Phoenix family was slaughtered. The ancient battlefield had no other than the corpse of the Phoenix soldiers.

Fifteen soldiers gasped and squatted on the ground with one knee on their knees. They were placed on the ground to support them. Everyone looked at Lin Feng, and the eyes reflected gratitude and respect.

"Which family is the son?"

For a long time, all the fifteen soldiers have recovered their physical strength, and this time has time to ask Lin Feng, and the words of the inquiry are all indispensable.

Lin Feng is a little stunned, and there is some horror in my heart. Is this not an illusion? Shouldn't this be the test of the third floor of the Phoenix altar? But why did he win the battle and still stay in such a scene?

The ancient battlefield of the Terran? Is it a real or false illusion?

Lin Feng was also a bit stunned at the time, or the urging of the soldiers next to him, Lin Feng just woke up.

"Which family are you?" Lin Feng did not answer first to ensure caution, but looked at the other 15 people of the other party, and asked with a smile.

Hearing the words, fifteen people grinned and rubbed the golden blood on their faces, vying for the answer, lest the answer was slow, Lin Feng could not remember.

"Hey from the Tin family!"

"I am casting a sword mountain."

"I am a human being."


Fifteen people all reported their respective forces. After listening to these forces, Lin Feng was mostly familiar with the ancient clan, such as the Terran and the Jianshan Mountain. They were particularly powerful in the war, especially the Terran, Terran. The patriarch is a vulture.

Fuzhou is also an ancestor of the East, one of the ancestors of the Five.

The Jianjian Mountain is the hegemonic force above the battlefield. The mountain owners and former mountain owners who cast Jianshan are the overlords on the battlefield list, ranking 38th and 39th respectively.

As for the tin family, I have never heard of it, just do not know whether it is or not.

After all, this belongs to the ancient battlefield. The human race here must also be the ancient clan, and the battlefields in which they are located are already many generations of descendants of these people.

"The son, which family are you?"

After these people have finished answering, they still don't forget to ask Lin Feng's affiliation. After all, the blood is the most important measure in the ancient battlefield. Once the power is stronger, the higher the esteem will be.

Lin Feng stunned and saw the expressions of fifteen people can also guess, they value this attribution.

"I am from Hongmeng." Lin Feng compiled a lie, but it was the ancient battlefield, and did not measure the authenticity, and Hongmeng should be the most mysterious force among the human race.

Sure enough, when Lin Feng said that he was from Hongmeng, the faces of fifteen people suddenly changed. They were shocked and happy. The shock was that Lin Feng was from Hongmeng. This is a race that has not been seen for hundreds of years. Once you meet the people of Hongmeng, you will be able to be invincible.

The reason why the Terran can be so united is that everything is because of Hongmeng.

"Haha, great, brother, you heard no, Hongmeng, haha, Hongmeng finally came."

A soldier couldn't help but feel the color of excitement. He even cried out directly. The tears of the man can't help but make people feel that Lin Feng had to shake his head when he saw it. How long have these people been suppressed?

"Well, tell me, what is the situation here?" Lin Feng waved his hand and let a few people calm down.

After listening to Lin Feng’s comfort words, they dared not cry, and they were much more disciplined than before, and they dared not let go.

"The son, this battlefield is located at the junction of the battlefield and the phoenix enchantment. It is a virtual battlefield, but it is also a battlefield where both the warfare and the phoenix enchantment are valued by each other. Every year, countless elite soldiers will be sent in, and our Terran also Well, the other side is worthy, there are heavy soldiers."

"This time, we were fooled, because we had a ghost inside our camp, betrayed us, and sent information to the Phoenix family, which made us suffer heavy casualties."

"Now on this battlefield, except for the fifteen of us, the rest of the Terran parties are scattered in different corners. It is difficult for us to see them and get help."

"Don't you, can you bring us to find them?"

The Shi people of the Xi nationality looked forward to Lin Feng, and all eyes were on the color of hope. He really hoped that Lin Feng, the Hongmeng person, could bring them to other people.

Lin Feng was slightly stunned, slightly silent. At this moment, he is still very confused. What is it here? Why did he become such an ancient battlefield after entering the third layer of the Phoenix altar? Is it an illusion or is it going into a space?

If he can't understand it lately, Lin Feng can't guarantee that he can go out, and he can't guarantee to continue to hit the fourth level.

Lin Feng fell into silence, and also caused the fifteen soldiers to be nervous. They were all leftovers, the joint force of the Xi and the Terran. Because of a traitor, the whole team was almost killed by the Phoenix family, and they urgently needed help.

If Lin Feng doesn't help, they will have a hard time seeing the sun of tomorrow. The personal life is small. Once the phoenix family completely destroys the human race, it is a big event.

"The son, please look at the world's people and the human race, save me and so on!"

"Help me wait!"

Fifteen people sipped and clenched their fists. They were kneeling in front of Lin Feng. They were very neatly smashed down. The fifteen soldiers had never been shackled, but at this moment, they knelt down and only asked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at them and naturally understood their worries and worries. However, they did not belong to the ancient battlefield, or even belonged to the ancient people of the ancient times. The things here should not have much to do with themselves.

It’s just that you are also a human being, and you should be a part of the human race.

"Well, I am taking you to find other Terran soldiers."

Lin Fengyi’s kindness and perseverance in his heart can only be promised to fifteen people.

Suddenly, the fifteen soldiers were full of excitement, and they danced and took Lin Feng to the air, but they did not dare. If Lin Feng is not a Hongmeng, they may still do so.

"The son, don't delay, let's go!"

They are very excited, but they are also very anxious. It is a huge disadvantage for the human race to waste a little time, so they really want to find soldiers of other races as soon as possible.

Lin Feng looked at them, only to find that these sixteen soldiers were actually the strongest of the Emperor's peak, no wonder they can live to the present, and have not been killed before.

I am afraid that such powerful players are among the best among their respective clan, and perhaps they should have some status.

"Hey, you can't go anywhere, let's die!"

Suddenly, a horrible scream of screams spread throughout the Quartet, and then the sound of the screaming sound shook the entire ancient battlefield.

At this moment, Lin Feng and fifteen people were surrounded by the Fenghuang soldiers, headed by a four-color phoenix general.

Lin Feng looked at the four-color phoenix generals, his face changed slightly, the ancestral environment, and compared to the previous three-color phoenix, the strength is much stronger.

Even the strength of this colorful phoenix should not be weaker than the nebula.

"Sura, beat me, you can advance to the fifth level!"

Suddenly, Lin Feng heard the voice from the other party, suddenly a look of joy, once again looked up to the four colorful phoenix.

Finally, my own path is clear, and I found the key to leaving here, that is, this colorful phoenix!

At the same time, Lin Feng can also guess that the three-color phoenix that he killed before should be the third level on his behalf, and this four-color phoenix is ​​naturally the fourth level, defeating him naturally to the fifth level.

"You protect yourself." Lin Feng turned and looked at the fifteen soldiers. Although they are the realm of the peak of the Emperor, but the other side of this moment has appeared in countless phoenix soldiers, the Emperor of the Emperor to the peak of the Emperor, countless.

Only fifteen people, they undoubtedly occupy a thorough bottom, want to win, can only insist on the teeth, firmly believe in the belief of the human race, in addition to this, there is no other opportunity.

Lin Feng sighed and couldn't help but feel that the warlords in the ancient times were so sad, and that a comfortable life could not be enjoyed, but it was because of their uneasy life that they created a comfortable life for the younger generation.

Can't forget the honor and history created by ancient Forgetting is to forget the ancestors!

"Hey, Shura, you still worry about yourself!"

The other party’s indifference laughed, followed by the left hand and a glimpse of the golden light. A long gun with a length of two meters was held in his hand. The momentum of the gods was very strong, and the rifle was even more impactful. Lin Feng's momentum.

Lin Feng was shocked by this ancestor's rifle and couldn't help but step back. His face was very dignified.

The battle started quietly. As the opponent held a long gun and picked it up, the battle had begun. Lin Feng stepped out and jumped into the sky, and closed the sword of the ancestral scorpion.

When the God of War sword came out, suddenly there was a cloud over the sky, and the thunder was rolling, just like the horror of the rebellion.

The God of War, the peak of the gods, is magnificent and fierce. It has the momentum of crushing a long gun. It is only because the strength of the other side is too strong and the ancestors of the gods. As a result, the advantage of weapons has become a disadvantage.

Lin Feng holds the God of War sword, and it collides with the four colorful phoenixes. The sound of the smashing weapons spread throughout the ancient battlefield, so the two people under the atmosphere can't play.

However, the situation of the fifteen soldiers was not optimistic. It was shocked by thousands of phoenix soldiers, and they were defeated at various levels. It is not far from being killed.

Lin Feng has no strength to save them. Only when the battle is in front of him, if the four phoenixes are defeated, all this will be over. Once the other party wins, his own squad is about to end, but these ancient humans are afraid that they will not live. !

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