Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1136: ambush!

"Someone in front, be careful!"

On the way, the nebula gods suddenly felt the end of the mountain at the end of the mountain. Some people have been waiting for a long time. The atmosphere is even more sacred, and his face suddenly changed. He became the Star Academy of the Champion Academy and won the God of War. This is a supreme glory.

However, it is also a great danger, because there are always some colleges that do not know how to stop, and thus get some benefits. Now, the cold air that appears at the end of the mountain in front of the mountain makes the nebula gods wary.

After the reminder of the nebula gods, Lin Feng also touched the end of the mountain with the sense of God. Some people did ambush there, and there was more than one god, and there were countless god-level spectators.

"It seems that today is difficult to go back smoothly." Lin Feng raised his brow, his hands behind his back, and the God of War sword was hidden in the world of Wuhun.

The nebula gods are ready for the battle, but there are too many people ambushing on the opposite side. There are some people who are desperate to start desperate, four gods, twenty gods from five to six strong, such lineup choice Ambushing here is bound to be ready for everything.

Not much time, those who ambushed at the end of the mountain all took the initiative, and Lin Feng and the nebula gods also saw the true face of these people, and could not help but change their face.

"Warring Academy, Jielong Academy, Jianzu Academy and Mozu Academy?"

Lin Feng saw the representatives of the four colleges, that is, the four ancestors of the ancestors all gathered in front of them, and behind them are representatives of several emperors of various colleges.

As soon as the momentum came out, Lin Feng’s momentum was suppressed. Lin Feng felt that there was a lot of pressure and even a few murders. Even if Lin Feng was urging the Buddha, he could not change the situation at hand.

The four great gods, with a cold and decisive gaze in their eyes, clenching their fists and killing the entire mountain range, there is only one purpose, that is, to **** the sword of war and kill Lin Feng.

During the conference, Lin Feng gave lessons and humiliation to the disciples of the Jianzu Academy and the Confucius Institute. This enemies must be returned. The Jielong Academy is because of the contradiction between Jieyu and Lin Feng at the Xingyun Academy. Jie Yu can not forget the day's affairs, but also because of the war **** sword.

Therefore, Jielongyuan also decided to take advantage of this drowning. As for the purpose of the last Mozu Academy, it was more pure, the above order, killing Lin Feng, so they can only obey.

In this way, the representatives of the four major colleges and the ancestors gathered together to discuss how to destroy the Nebula Academy.

"I didn't think of it, the nebula gods, Lin Feng?" Jianzu looked at the two faces with a sinister look, but his eyes were ridiculed and humiliating. At this moment, he did not think that Lin Feng and the nebula gods could have anything else. The opportunity to live, everything is in his grasp.

Lin Feng’s eyes were dull. He was not afraid because of the ambush of the four great ancestors. The nebula gods were somewhat cautious. He had never faced such a complicated situation, and he was confused in a moment.

"Four seniors, today you really have a heart to kill us?" Lin Feng's mouth swayed a slap in the face, laughing and asking four gods.

It is said that the faces of the four people are a bit strange, and they look at each other. It is obvious that Lin Feng’s performance is so dull, there is not much fear of tension, that is, I don’t know whether this is a real reaction or a deliberate performance.

It’s just that no matter how Lin Feng performs, the killing in their hearts will not change at all, and the purpose will not change.

"Lin Feng, you have to blame you for not giving each college a feeling of affection, doing things too much, so that today it is a disaster, no one can blame yourself, can only blame yourself!"

"Lin Feng, the nebula gods, give you the last chance to say a word, the last sentence before death." The gods of the war spirits screamed with indifference and looked at Lin Feng and the nebula.

He has been unable to withstand the anger of his heart and wants to revenge for the war, but in the end it is because of reason to resist the shot.

Lin Feng and the nebula gods look at the prestige of the four great gods in front of them. It seems that this life and death are in the hands of four people.

If there is no accident, if you encounter such a situation, according to the normal logic, it is true that Lin Feng and the nebula gods have no chance of living, even if they are unable to escape, a god, a **** is five, but the opposite is four. Great God, twenty gods.

The strength comparison is very obvious, the Nebula Academy is in a crushed state, but the surface strength is so, Lin Feng has a lot of cards hidden in the dark, not used.

Lin Feng asked the deans of the four colleges before, whether they really considered it. This is actually giving them a chance to survive. Unfortunately, these four old men are stubborn and must see themselves and the nebula. Good willingness to rest.

Therefore, under such circumstances, I can only be ruthless.

People are selfish, Lin Feng is like this, and when it comes to his own life and death, Lin Feng will not be ambiguous.

"Giant eagle ancestor, does not appear at this moment, when is it waiting?" Lin Feng suddenly screamed, his voice was like a dragon.

Suddenly, many people were shocked, and the mountains and rivers suddenly became buzzing, and Lin Feng screamed at the name of the giant eagle ancestor, which made the four great gods begin to wonder.

Soon, they all understood why Lin Feng was going to shout out the name of the giant eagle.

The giant eagle ancestors appeared in the mountains and seemed to have been hiding here for a long time, only because the four great gods and these gods ambushed here, he did not show up.

Lin Feng’s drink was the appearance of the giant eagle’s ancestors. It seemed that it was on call, and the faces of the four great ancestors suddenly changed and changed. It seemed to be aware of what was the same, but it was too late.

The giant eagle ancestors stood on the ground in the middle, with low shrubs on both sides, but they could not block his tall figure. Although his face was very old, he also had a lot of wrinkles, but he was still strong and the sword was not old.

"Giant Eagle, why are you here?" The skeptical color of Jianzu’s face looked at the giant eagle ancestor. He and the giant eagle ancestor were the best friends. Although they did not speak much at the time of the meeting, they did not represent the two. The relationship is not good.

After seeing the sword ancestor, the giant eagle ancestors will have a brighter face on their faces, and they will take the initiative to make jokes and sword ancestors.

However, this time, the giant eagle ancestors are still indifferent to the old face, just like a man being manipulated, so that the face of Jianzu is very shocking.

"Giant Eagle God, help me stop Jianzu." Lin Feng shouted again, this is the order, as a slave to the giant eagle ancestor, there is no rebuttal qualification, even if it is the knife and the sea, the first to rush.

"it is good".

What is shocking is that the giant eagle ancestors nodded and promised. For Lin Feng’s command, the **** ancestor did not resist at all, so that the whole ambush was stupid, and the sword ancestors were like this, even the spirit ancestors, even Lin Feng The nebula behind him is also shocked and surprised.

The giant eagle **** ancestors want to kill Lin Feng, hate not to tear up Lin Feng, but why did he agree to Lin Feng’s order? No hesitation?

Jianzu and the giant eagle gods have a good relationship. According to the truth, it is impossible to agree with Lin Feng’s order, but this is the case.

The anger of Jianzu’s face, angry and sullen, yelled at the giant eagle ancestors: "Giant Eagle, you are confused, I am Jianzu!"

The anger is endless, but for the giant eagle god, what kind of friendship is like the past cloud smoke at this moment, there is no effect, his life is more precious than these things and friendship, he will not resist the orders of the earth gods, nor will he Lost in letter to Lin Feng.

Since you have promised to be a slave for a year, you must start now.

Some people encircle Lin Feng, to kill Lin Feng, then the enemy of his giant eagle!

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the giant eagle eagle stared at the sword ancestors. As long as the latter had any wind and grass, he would not hesitate to stop, so that the sword ancestor could only stand in place.

"Brother, you are responsible for the ancestors of the war."

Lin Feng put his gaze on the nebula gods behind him. The latter did not have any hesitation. With the help of the giant eagle, no matter whether it was life or death, it was not so terrible.

The nebula gods stunned the eyes of the spirits of the ancestors, suddenly the two eyes intertwined, rubbing the spark of murder.

"Hey, Lin Feng, even if you have the help of the giant eagle ancestors, but what about it? Any ancestors can kill you, what other mad qualifications do you have?"

The ridicule and humiliation of Jielong’s ancestors, he never looked at Lin Feng in his, and now the future is also true.

Lin Feng also does not put the dragon ancestors in his eyes. Among the four ancestors, the only dragons and ancestors have the weakest strength. Of course, they still have no way to win the latter.

However, this does not delay Lin Feng mocking him.

"Oh, since you think so, then...".

"The ice spirit predecessor, everything depends on you, the last two gods, count the gift after the kid gives you a clearance!"

"Enjoy it, huh, huh."

The indifference of the rumors spread throughout the mountains, and everyone in the day felt a chilly and cold chill from hell, as if to ban the soul.

In an instant, the faces of the four great gods have become dignified.

"This, this breath is cold and cold?"

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