Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1129: Advance to the top 4!

"The nebula predecessor, please!" Jianzu took the initiative to stand up and glanced at the nebula gods. He used a predecessor. After all, the nebula gods became a **** for a long time, so he called a predecessor.

But the tone is so flat and indifferent, this is simply a sarcasm-like title, not from the heart of the heart, so when the nebula gods listened to the words of the sword ancestors, the face was a little dignified.

"Please!" The nebula gods nodded, and his face was dignified. There was no other change in his look. He walked slowly to the center of the ring and waited for the sword ancestors.

After Jianzu came to the center of Fujian and Taiwan, he lifted the fainting sword on the ground and put it on his seat. Every movement was so cautious, and there was a lot more distressed in his eyes. Heaven is of great significance to the sword ancestors.

"Predecessors, you have to be careful, if you want to be hurt by me, it is not good. After all, you and I are both gods, you are my predecessor!" Jianzu said a faint sentence, his face was calm, tone There are not too many fluctuations.

The nebula of the nebula of the nebula has a slight curvature, and the gripping of the double fists suddenly runs through the entire city of the city or even tens of thousands of miles outside the city's main government. The power of the gods is unbearable.

The breath above the ring is getting colder and colder, and with a strong murder, people only feel cold and biting, and can't help but back a few steps. Lin Feng and Qianjin Caiyue feel the same.

Although they can fight against the seven powerful powers of the Emperor, but at the level of the gods, there will still be a big gap between Lin Feng and Qianjin Caiyue, and not to mention those ancestors, even ordinary gods, be careful. .

The momentum of the nebula gods is compelling, and the cold is biting, as if there are stars in the sky overlooking the dark clouds, covering the sun, only the cold glare.

Jianzu stood opposite the nebula gods, and there was no sword in his hand, but he was better than a sword, because his understanding of the kendo had reached the point of not having to use a sword, but he could achieve the role of a sword.

"The nebula predecessors, I advise you to quit as well, lest the old face be thrown away, huh, huh." The arrogance of Jianzu's mouth is full of laughter and playful smile on his face. He does not value the nebula gods. In the past, it is still the same today.

"This does not require you to worry, you still worry about yourself, huh, huh." The nebula gods did not show weakness, and the cold tone ridiculed the sword ancestors.

Suddenly, the two gods were cold and fierce, and they disagreed. The two great gods played thousands of times in an instant, hitting thousands of fists and seeing people dazzled, even if Lin Feng and others were so, they could not see two at all. The battle trajectory between individuals.

I can only feel that there are two people fighting above the sky. From time to time, the deafening sound is like a thunderous crash. The sound is terrible, the sound of the vibration is too big, and it rains.

Everyone's clothes were all wet, suddenly clouded, lightning flashing, above the sky is more like two dragons roaring, double dragon fighting, terrible extreme.

The nebula gods palms and stars, put confidence in the stomach, palms shot, hundreds of millions of kilograms of energy is like being shot hundreds of peaks, directly rushing to the body of Jianzu.

And the sword ancestor rounds the hand, just like there is an epee artifact in his hand. The terrible sharpness is getting more and more horrible. After the last lap, it seems that the sky and the earth will be split by the empty sword. same.

Jianzu’s hands rushed to the nebula’s ancestors, and the two empty airs were actually the swordsmen that came out. The speed was hard to describe in words. The nebula’s ancestors saw this face change, and he quickly launched two in a panic. Hundreds of millions of pounds above the palm.

After the bang, the explosion sounded through the nine miles. The sword's empty sword power collided with the energy of hundreds of mountain peaks of the nebula gods. The aftershock of the vibration directly flew out both.

In the process of falling, the nebula gods mastered the sense of direction. After a step, they directly plunged into the sky, kicked out, and kicked heavily in the lower abdomen of Jianzu. It was still hundreds of millions of kilograms of energy.

Once this foot is kicked under the panic, then the sword ancestor can announce the end of the game in advance, and the Jianzu Academy will also be eliminated.

People are in the process of ascending, so the power is naturally not well mastered, even though there are hundreds of millions of pounds, but when this foot has come to the lower abdomen of the sword ancestor, the power is reduced by half.

Jianzu would not be defeated so easily. He clenched his fists and resisted at the chest. He kicked out with one kick. He flew straight out of the house, but he was not injured. The nebula was not in a hurry. The battle was anxious. But must improve the quality.

Every vitality must be used in the most critical position. After all, it can't afford to lose strength. Once the energy is too weak, it will be as tired as Jian Dingtian. Don't say it is a golden moon, even any god. The strong can beat him.

The nebula gods blasted out, and the number of fists came one after another. Just like Wan Long was roaring, the momentum under the heavy punch became more and more terrible. During the day, Jianzu felt a danger. He dared not take risks and could only continue to withdraw. As long as there is time, there is still a chance to win.

However, Jianzu has become more and more surprised. The nebula gods have such a strong strength. They thought that he could defeat the nebula in his dozens of moves, but now he found that it was too simple.

Being a strong ancestor of the gods, especially the old ancestors, no one is too simple, whether it is from the savings of the spirit or the experience of the battle.

"I don't believe, you can win." Jianzu screamed, and there was still no sword in his palm, but he could often feel the terribleness of his epee in his hand. The sharp momentum seemed to cut off the head of the person at any time.


After a drink, Jianzu once again increased his strength. Since the previous energy was not enough to make the nebula gods defeat, then only continue to increase the amount, as long as they can defeat the nebula gods, even if they are prostration, they will not leave.

The nebula gods are not in a hurry. After seeing this, they are relieved. The sword ancestors can’t help it. The sword ancestors who lost a game can no longer accept another game, so the sword The ancestors are completely at a disadvantage in their hearts.

Taking advantage of this idea, the nebula gods began to act and fight for the defeat of the sword ancestors.

Jianzu hurriedly shot, he couldn't help but wait for this tasteless, so he increased the use of energy, and directly ran to the nebula gods, and made a hard gesture.

The nebula gods saw this scene, and the heart was even more happy. In this game, the Nebula Academy must win!

"Okay, it's time to end the battle." The nebula gods smiled faintly, the face was full of self-confidence, and the sword ancestor here was still somewhat angry. The virtual sword in his hand seemed to cut off the head of the nebula god, but he also felt it at the same time. The cold breath of the stock is drilling into his own body.

After a long time, Jianzu felt uncomfortable. It seemed that the meridians of the whole body were frozen. Once frozen, they could not be motivated and could not fight.

"Still, give me a roll." Jianzu violent, he can not stand the occurrence of such a situation, once the meridians are frozen, how far is it to lose the game?

When he thought that Jianzu College might not have entered the semi-finals in history, his heart was more anxious and nervous. Once he was nervous, there would be a lot of mistakes.

It's now!

The nebula gods meditation in the heart, seized the shortcomings of the sword ancestors, and hit the victory!


Two deafening loud noises, the nebula gods and ancestors took out, hundreds of millions of pounds of force running through the entire body of the sword ancestors, in the blink of an eye, they all heard the sound of the bone crack, but the breath disappeared.

However, despite this, Jianzu still slammed into the ring, and the huge spare force drove him hundreds of meters away, almost falling below the ring.

The face of Jingrui City who saw this scene was somewhat surprised. He did not think about the domineering of the nebula gods. This is simply hidden.

For a time, the Nebula Academy thoroughly spread the entire tens of thousands of miles around Jingcheng, which is hundreds of thousands of miles of power and clan ears. This college not only has Lin Feng but also a golden moon, and now the dean of this college is Zhiyong. Double perfect, won the semi-finals.

This is strength, absolute strength!

In the face of absolute strength, no one can afford to eat cheap, and the same is true of the sword ancestors. In the end, he still did not stay in the top four games. Jianzu College also suffered a fiasco.

"Star Cloud Academy, advance to the top four."


The nebula gods sighed in a deep breath, standing in the middle of the ring, and gradually shed tears of excitement in their eyes. How many years have passed? Did not enter the top 12, how many years, did not enter the semi-finals.

After a hundred years, I entered the semi-finals by others a hundred years ago. After a hundred years, I relied on his own strength to defeat the sword ancestor and make the college one of the top four.

He is very satisfied with this.

"You can take a break, you."

Jingrui City Lord said to the nebula gods, and then nodded to Lin Feng, and allowed them to leave the ring for a short time, waiting for the championship to begin.

The nebula gods nodded slightly, squinted at Lin Feng, and then walked down the platform. Lin Feng led the four Tianjiao and walked slowly. The golden moon and the moon followed naturally. She had decided to entangle Lin Feng all the time, so she did not follow Lin Fengcai. It is a big deal.

Because of the promotion, the Nebula Academy allowed a short time to leave the ring to ease and rest for the championship game.

"Who is the number two?"

"Four poles!"

“The four-pole college is against the White House!”

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