Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1121: Use the sword of the sorcerer, waste your kendo...

"Eight representatives, what else do you want to say?"

Jingrui City Lord looked at the eight representatives sitting in the chair. Before the start of the conference, it is always necessary to ask the representatives of the Seed Institute. This is the rule. Whether it is held in Jingcheng or not, you need to ask.

However, there is generally no representative who would put forward some opposing opinions. After all, it is necessary to give the main face of the host, the same as the ancestor, and the face is the most important.

However, there are exceptions.

"Ling brother, how can we help with the sword before the start of the conference?"

This is not an opinion, but a request, and some excessive. Today's itinerary is arranged by Jingrui City, and now it is demanded to use the sword to help, naturally it will make Jingrui City owner somewhat unhappy.

He looked up and looked at the sword ancestor of the Eyed Sword Academy. He saw that the smile on his face at the moment was very strong. It seemed to be harmless to humans and animals, but he had thought for a long time. This is a conspiracy, but also a A good opportunity to make the disciples of Jianzu College famous.

Kendo is a very simple matter for the disciples of Jianzu Academy, not to mention the use of swords to help, which is not a problem for the disciples of Jianzu Academy.

"How do you want to help, is it a person? Or is it a battle?" Jingrui City's mood is not lacking, so it can tolerate this very inappropriate condition, because the college assembly can go smoothly, sometimes the episode must be accepted, can Very good completion of the conference.

After listening to the problems of Jingrui City Master, Jianzu glanced at the disciple of Jianzu Academy, who was in the corner of the platform. He saw a young man in a blue wide-brimmed shirt holding an epee in his hand and wrapped in a sword with an epee. I don’t know if I’m afraid that others will see the edge of this sword.

"Jian Xuan, come and see your elders."

Jianzu used his fingers to refer to the other five ancestors sitting in the chair, only Bai Nv and Lin Feng, he did not reach out and pointed, apparently telling Jian Xuan, although these two people sat in the chair, but did not This qualification.

Lin Feng and Bai Nv's brows are all picks. The white girl saw Lin Feng's gaze. Lin Feng also looked at the white girl. After the two eyes were intertwined, Lin Feng recovered his gaze very flatly, but the white woman's mouth had a slight curvature.

"Jian Xuan, I have seen five seniors."

"I have seen the master of the city."

The blue disciple held a heavy sword and bowed to the five ancestors and the Jingrui Lord. It was counted as a courtesy.

Jingrui did not pay attention to this sword Xuan, the realm of the six emperors of the Emperor, has been ignored in his eyes, he can easily shoot a strong Emperor of the Emperor, not to mention a disciple of the Emperor.

"Jian Zu, what do you mean?" Jingrui City asked the sword ancestor, I don't know what time to let his college disciples come out to do something. Is it a sword? This is simply outrageous.

One day will soon pass, and the college's conference will be held for two consecutive days. On this day, eight teams that have advanced to the semi-finals will be selected, and the top three will be selected directly tomorrow.

Therefore, the time is more urgent. He has deliberately arranged what needs to be done every time. Now the meaning of Jianzu has already disrupted his original plan. Jingrui City is naturally angry.

"I mean, Jian Xuan and one person are better than swords. The winner is out. The conference begins immediately. How?" Jianzu smiled coldly and showed a lot of coldness on his face. This time he was already in front of tens of thousands of people. King Jingcheng will not refuse.

Indeed, Jingrui could not solve the requirements of the sword ancestor. After all, he had acquiesced in the sword.

"Give five minutes, after five minutes, whether or not the winners and losers are separated, they must start the conference." Jingrui promised this request, but only five minutes.

Jianzu’s face showed a bright smile, and nodded faintly: “No problem, five minutes, enough to Xuan to prove himself.”

"Jian Xuan, pick an opponent, and get his consent, then fight the sword." Jianzu smiled a little, then squinted at Lin Feng. ,

The meaning is already obvious. It is to ask Jian Xuan to lay down Lin Feng from his seat, so that he can humiliate the face of the Nebula Academy in public. He does not know what the Nebula Academy is. He does not know when this is the college, but such representatives do not. Qualified to sit side by side with him.

Someone needs to fight him down, and they can't do this thing. They use the power of the gods to insult the gods, but Jian Xuan can, this time the sword, one is famous, and the other is the same level.

Jian Xuan understood the meaning of the master, and he also looked at Lin Feng's body along the eyes of Jianzu. The corner of his mouth couldn't help but sway a slapstick and playful curve. From the beginning to the end, he did not win the Lin Feng. Now that there is a chance to fight the sword, he will not let go of such an opportunity.

Lin Feng did not think about the spearhead of this sword ancestor, but ultimately pointed to himself, it was simply unprepared, because he couldn’t think of it, he did not provoke the sword ancestor, he had never seen the sword ancestor, and he did not have any disciples for the Jianzu Academy. contact.

So now Jianzu wants Jianxuan to teach himself, that is to belong to the provocative person, and for such people, Lin Feng generally will not let the other party hospice.

"The representative of the Nebula Academy, can you agree to fight with me and help everyone?"

Finally, under the eagerness of many people, Jian Xuan chose the opponent, and this opponent also shocked countless people.

A representative of one of the seed colleges, Jian Xuan chose a representative of a seed college to challenge Lin Feng.

Things are getting more and more lively. Not only do outsiders decide so, but Lin Feng himself feels that things have become interesting. Jian Xuan challenges himself to fight.

The four emperors stood on the side of the corner, looking at the scene of the collapse from afar. Some were anxious and nervous. What if Lin Feng lost the sword? I am not very embarrassed, I am afraid that no one in the game will take the Nebula Academy seriously.

But then again, once Lin Feng won the game, it is equivalent to offending the Jianzu Academy. The Jianzu Academy is a third-class force with three or four gods, not the sword ancestor.

Therefore, Lin Feng is a dilemma both inside and outside. It is not a promise, nor is it promised.

Lin Feng stunned his eyes and looked at his own eyes. He looked at himself completely out of disregard and did not regard himself as one thing.

Indeed, in terms of the realm of the present five emperors, it is difficult to get people to value, let alone the other side of the sword is already the realm of the six emperors.

"What? You don't want to accept the sword?"

After Jian Xuan saw Lin Feng not answering, his face could not help but reveal a bit of ridicule and humiliation. It seems that he deliberately angered Lin Feng.

Only if Lin Feng was so irritated by him, he would nicknamed Tianjiao.

"Fighting sword, there should be something to help, if I win, how? If you win, how?"

"There are no such rules. You want to invite me to fight the sword, the little brother of Jian Xuan, huh, where are you confident?"

After Lin Xuan’s ridicule, Lin Feng finally said the first sentence on the ring, and this is the first sentence, so many people feel the difference of Lin Feng.

And although this sentence is dull, but the smell of gunpowder is full, Lin Feng is simply directly humiliating the IQ of Jian Xuan, and raising his status, calling his little brother, enough to show everything.

Jian Xuan was in a good mood, especially to be able to provoke a representative of the Seed Academy, but Lin Feng’s two words directly counterattacked, leaving him with only anger, but he did not know how to refute it.

"Hey, you call Lin Feng, I am a representative of the Seed Academy. I have some rituals, but you don't know how good or bad, my tolerance for you, but a little limit!"

"Lin Feng, reply directly to me, you, dare not, fight the sword?"

Sword Xuan was angry and directly asked Lin Feng to dare to fight the sword. This attitude is nothing more than a complete tearing of the face, that is, to play Lin Feng's face, the more painful the better, this is what Jianzu wants to see. A scene.

He is obedient to obey, showing a duty that a disciple should do.

Lin Feng did not think that Jian Xuan would directly provoke himself, but since this is the case, if he still can't go on, it will really make people look flat.

"Well, I accept your challenge and fight with you."

In a word, simply crisp, Lin Feng stepped out, directly to the front of Jian Xuan, the distance between the two is less than ten meters.

At a glance, the atmosphere suddenly became cold, and there was a murder in the cold.

"Lin Feng Xiaoyou, please also tap it, huh, huh, Jian Xuan is a younger generation."

In an instant, Jianzu sipped a tone, and the tone was completely ridiculous with Lin Feng, not a bit of truth.

Lin Feng did not pay attention to it, did not intersect with Jianzu, and would not take care of him.

"Lin Feng, pull out your sword and let me see your accomplishments on the kendo. If you can be a representative, you must have something extraordinary!"

Jian Xuan sneered again and again, he began to clench his epee, opened the sword belt, a sharp blood color epee exposed to everyone's eyes, causing people to cheer.

"This sword is terrible?"

"This should be a quick advance to the gods?"

"No, it should be the level of the Emperor, but it has already become a god."


"Lin Feng, how? You don't have a sword? Or dare not draw a sword?" Jian Xuan sees Lin Feng still does not speak and does not pull the sword, the face suddenly reveals the ridicule of the drama, and the words are also revealing.

"Sword Xuan, you can understand, use the sword of the sorcerer, the meaning of the ethical ruins?"

After Lin Feng’s silence for a long time, he finally raised his head and stared at Jian Xuan tightly. Then he asked Xue Xuan in a cold tone.

The face of Jian Xuan changed slightly. From this sentence, Lin Feng felt the humiliation of himself. An unnamed fire directly rose to his heart. He clenched the giant sword and went straight to Lin Feng.

"I don't care so much, let me see what my kendo means, let's talk, haha." Jian Xuan ridiculed the laughter, an epee directly penetrated the space, and the hard-born ones had to get into Lin Feng's chest.

Many people have closed their eyes and dare not look at the **** scene. The pity is spread over the platform.

Of course...

"The sword of Yonger, the waste kendo, that's it!"

A slapstick laughter rang through the clouds, and the horrible momentum spread all over the place. Everyone widened their eyes and looked at the scene. Lin Feng barely grasped the blade of the epee, and vaguely saw the blood, but this is not the focus. .

The focus is on Lin Feng after clenching the epee. The hard-boiled sword has been taken over. The sword-shoulder face has become blushing, but the strength is exhausted but Lin Feng is unfortunate.

Lin Feng held the blade and kicked his left foot. The hilt rushed in the direction of the arm. Lin Feng took the epee.

A sword smashed down and went straight to the skull of Jian Xuan.

Sword Xuan’s body was was scared to move half a step, his face pale and looked at the top of the epee.


Suddenly, Lin Feng’s epee was stopped on the skull of Jian Xuan’s skull. The distance between the two was less than half an inch, but it scared the sword and the soul of the soul. It seemed to be a hundred years old.

One blow, one stroke, the sword of Yonger, the ethical ruin is as simple as that.

"Jian Zu, I will give you face, listen to your words, see Jian Xuan is a younger generation, can't bear to kill him, you know it."

"Sword, return it to you, remember that the most important meaning of kendo is the sword of Yonger, the ethical ruin!"

In a word, Lin Feng gave the sword to the sword, and then steadily walked back to the edge of the ring and re-sitting on the chair.

At this moment, the jackpot is silent!

Only Jian Xuansheng is better than death, wanting to cry without tears.

His kendo is really abolished!

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