Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1076: 4 big battle ancestors!


"Lin Feng, it seems that you are really looking for death!" Tian Fengzi saw this scene with his own eyes and saw the scene of Tian Zang being killed by Lin Feng himself. He witnessed his splitting, his heart was broken, and a fury swept. The whole body, the Tianfengzi who clenched his teeth can no longer resist such anger.

"Tian Fengzi, from the moment I want to kill the sky, I have never considered your opinion, and consider your existence."

"No matter how strong the strength is, I still choose to ignore you. You may not know why, but I tell you, you and I have a battle in the morning and evening. After I became the Emperor of the Five Emperors, I will have a decisive battle with you. ".

"Oh, it’s just that you and I are very clear. I broke through the five emperors and played against you. In the end, it was just a miserable loss. So I would rather move this time before, when I am killing the sky, I will Can earn a face."

"And you, seeing your apprentice die in my hands, but it can only be a shame, left and right, I am the winner, you say that?" Lin Feng laughed and laughed, looking at Tianfengzi Looks a little bit of fun.

Lin Feng’s consideration is enough. The Emperor’s five-fold confrontation with Tian Fengzi is also a death. Then it’s better to stimulate Tian Fengzi today, let him know the loss of the most important person around him, let him know this pain, he is suffering, I am happy.

Quite simply, you don't need much explanation.

"Then don't say anything, let's die!" Tian Fengzi roared and roared, and the fists clenched and slammed out. The powerful Emperor's peaks swept out, and the entire square became an horror. It can even be said that it is a frightening scene.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth seem to be trembling, fearing the momentum of Tianfengzi, and after Tianfengzi clenches his fists, the two fists of the sky above the sky are suddenly appearing, and thousands of feet of light and shadow are scared. Countless people, not just disciples of the Tianmen Gate, but also other people in Tiandong City have seen this scene.

The momentum is terrifying, the murder is strong to the extreme, and all this is for one person only, Lin Feng, Tian Fengzi wants to kill Lin Feng, and kills Lin Feng with a strong posture, revenge for the sky.

Lin Feng looked at this scene gloomyly. The heart really accelerated a lot. It was oppressed by the horrible momentum. Few people could calmly face the peak of the Emperor, not to mention that Lin Feng was just a realm of the Emperor. Even though it is able to hit and kill the six gods of the Emperor, it is still two levels worse than the Emperor.

However, Lin Feng never went to fear, and would not go back. There was no such problem and habit from beginning to end.

"Before you die, Xiaoye will also get rid of your skin, hahaha." Lin Feng suddenly laughed out with a mad madness. The golden light of his body began to shine and became extremely glaring. The creation of the spirit was completely motivated, and a savage and hard momentum swept out. At the same time, the power of creation was even more Hundreds of mobilization came out.

Today, even if it is dead, you can't let Tian Fengzi be better. If you don't leave his layer of skin, you will never let go.

The power of creation and the creation of the spirit are completely used by Lin Feng at this moment. At this moment, the cards are not hidden, because Lin Feng is ready to work hard, and the strength at the moment is the real strength of Lin Feng, without the real strength hidden. .

The magic gas also oozes from Lin Feng's seven scorpions, and the blood is red, but the nose and the inside of the ear are black magic, which is terrifying.

Lin Feng clenched the sword of the ancestral ancestors, and the sword of the ancestors had already greeted this unprecedented opponent in the most powerful state. The old ancestors spent all their strength in the long sword to help Lin Feng.

This is a dead end. Lin Feng has almost no possibility of surviving, but what Lin Feng can do is to let the Tianfengzi break a few teeth in this dead game.

"Big Brother, you and I help my father." Lin Qiongsheng saw this, although the heart is complicated but it is clear that the father at this moment is more important. Even though the master is in the other side, Lin Qiongsheng chose his father without hesitation.

After Lin Shutian listened to Lin Qiongsheng’s words, his face changed slightly, but he quickly became dignified and nodded.

The two brothers took their palms and took all the energy to run through Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng instantly felt that two different degrees of vitality were added to the meridians, and the creation of the spirit and the power of creation suddenly improved. A level is even more terrifying.

This is the benefit of blood relationship, Lin Feng is very moved, the two small **** have now grown up and can be completely independent.

When Tian Fengzi saw this scene, his face was gloomy to the extreme. Lin Qiongsheng was his apprentice, and he was a close disciple, the most valued disciple, but at the moment he betrayed himself and made him angry.

"Hey, what can help change this? Lin Feng, you will die today!" Tian Fengzi ridiculed Lin Feng, the double-handed light and shadow has been pushed to Lin Feng's body in front of a few meters, the huge impact of Lin Feng's long Sending around and seeing this scene, many people's hearts are raised.

However, Lin Feng still looks dignified and has no expression of fear or fear. Instead, he has a high degree of warfare and can fight against the peak of the Emperor. This is a kind of experience. Lin Feng will not miss this opportunity in vain, even if he is killed today. It will not be revived after a few months.

After the resurrection, my strength will be refined, so today's World War I only have no disadvantages.

"Emperor Yin!" Lin Feng roared at the same time, both palms shot, the golden creation of the power quickly condensed into a huge emperor's seal, Lin Feng this time and then retreat with the huge double punch light and shadow has a distance of several hundred meters Then, Emperor Yin suddenly magnified, and the emperor's seal of hundreds of feet was directly hit by thousands of feet of boxing.

Rumble, the horror that can no longer be described in words is performed at this moment. It is like the era of the wilderness. When the heavens and the earth collapsed, the tens of thousands of miles suddenly became silent, and the air was all burned by this powerful energy. The sun in the sky did not know where the energy generated by this horrible collision had hit, and it was a dark world at the moment.


It’s not just the disciples and elders of the Tianmen Gate. At this moment, the leaders of many forces of all sizes are rushing here, and they all see such a shocking scene. They even see Tianfengzi here, and the opposite youth Jun is Lin Feng.

Both Tianfengzi and Linfeng know each other, and they are also the idols admired and admired by the young and old, but at the moment they are fighting unfairly.

Lin Feng tried his best to smash a huge amount of light and shadow. He did not let the shadow of the shadows move forward. However, the horror of the horror was a heavy blow. At this moment, Lin Feng only felt that whether it was internal organs or meridians. Fragmentation.

A blood didn't hold back, and it sprayed out. In a flash, Lin Feng's face was a lot pale.



Lin Yutian and Lin Qiongsheng's face full of nervousness and anxious look, quickly helped Lin Feng, looking at Lin Feng is like a hundred years old, the blood of the mouth is still pale and pale, Lin Shutian's heart is extremely embarrassing.

"It's all my fault, my father, it's my fault." Lin covered the sky and bowed his head but clenched his fists. He clenched his teeth and only hated that he did not have enough strength to revenge. Otherwise, how could this scene appear today? How can it be dangerous for my father?

Useless, this is your own incompetent waste.

"Sky, how many times did Lao Tzu tell you, no matter when it is not decadent, be sure to cheer up, even if the sky is falling! Your kid must also hold me." When Lin Feng saw Lin Shutian and wanted to be decadent, it was roaring and roaring, and the sound was loud. The radius of the earthquake was heard for hundreds of miles.

Lin Qitian’s face was shocked. He looked at his father’s unusually serious look and did not dare to retire. It was to restore his previous state of mind.

"If your kid dares to give Laozi a decade, I will not spare you, a man of greatness, is this hardship ready to back down?"

"Well? As the child of my Lin family, I can give up because of this pain. This is a coward, this is waste!"

"Remember the words that my father said, and remember the father's power today. This also tells you that in the future, no matter what enemies you encounter, don't be afraid."

Lin Feng frowned, his face was more complicated, and the words were full of warnings and teachings, teaching his two sons.

"He, the Emperor is eight, the door of the heavenly gate, the big four of the four super clan, but the father is afraid? Well? Is there a retreat?" Lin Feng roared, watching Lin cover the sky, even with fingers To the Tianfengzi, the face of Tianfengzi was furious.

"No, my father won't back down, even if he is dead, he will not accept him. What is he? He is nothing!"

"Hundreds of thousands of years have only become a peak of the gods, so good?"

"If you give me hundreds of thousands of years to practice, I can kill you Tianfengzi!"

Lin Feng sneer again and again The words do not reveal the slightest admiration and horror, from the beginning to the end have a contemptuous attitude.

However, this attitude made the Tianfengzi angry. He thought that Lin Feng was afraid of himself, but when he said this, he knew that regardless of Lin Feng’s death and death, he would not accept himself.

"Oh, if that's the case, then you still have to die!"

Tian Fengzi sneer again and again, Lin Feng has no power to fight again, the internal organs and the meridians are damaged, so that Lin Feng can only accept the arrival of death.

After a punch, Tian Fengzi’s face was smiling with a smile on his face. He waited for the moment when Lin Feng was killed. He could see if he would still lick his mouth and say that he looked down on himself.

"no no!"

Lin Qiong Sheng 瞪 瞪 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林

Tian Fengzi’s face was abnormally sinister and poisoned, waiting for Lin Feng’s death.


"Enough, Tianfengzi, the peak of the gods in your district, dare to violate the rules of the war, is it because you want to rebel?"

The roar of the roar was spread all over the entire Tiandong City, and all the tens of millions of miles could hear this roar, and the roar of the roar, whether it was the ancient patriarch Fuxi or the ancestor of the ancient Yan family, Yan Lun, Flying in the direction of the gate.

Because this voice is too familiar.

Four great ancestors!

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