Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1068: Shocked the mainland!


"Do you kill me? It seems that the people in Zhao Dian, hey, it is not very good." Lin Feng sneered out with a sneer, and then stepped out, taking the initiative to run away with the old man, the momentum is extremely overbearing.

The old man was shocked. He did not expect Lin Feng to dare to challenge him. This made him stunned and angry. This is simply a mockery of him. He is one of the important elders of Zhao Dian, who has a lot of power. Killing Lin Feng once was also an order from Zhao Yunqi’s wife.

Perhaps Zhao Yunxuan’s order, he can choose to refuse, but Zhao Yun’s wife ordered that he will definitely obey, just because his wife is somewhat different and people have to obey.

So he took his twenty disciples and elders and encircled Lin Feng, just to kill Lin Feng, but Lin Feng was not afraid of it, but dared to rush alone, and rushed directly to him.

The old man was furious, clenched his fists and jumped quickly, and rushed to Lin Feng. Both of them almost rushed to each other at the fastest speed, so no one would regress, and no one would let, so that The momentary collisions are together.

The two boring loud noises, Lin Feng and the old man collided with four fists, and made a dull collision. In addition to this, the heart-wrenching power was also stirred up. The squares were all affected by the hundreds of miles, and the bushes were more It is cut off from the nail tip and makes people embarrassed.

After Lin Feng was shaken off, he once again made a comeback. At this moment, the boxing power was several times before. He participated in the overbearing boxing of the power of creation. After testing the strength of the old man, Lin Feng already had the confidence.

Even if the old man is the strength of the six emperors, but there is no such a high level of the gods, especially the strength, it is even more common, I am afraid that this **** of the six-fold breakthrough, do not know how many people after the counseling And the help of the exchange, and Tianjiao's breakthrough way is far from each other.

Such a six-powered Emperor and the Emperor are four and the Emperor is the same, there is no difference, at least in the eyes of Lin Feng.

Therefore, Lin Feng slammed together with a punch, and hundreds of millions of jins broke out to the extreme, and it was no longer possible to add a little bit of power. This is the horrible energy that slammed on the old man’s fist.

The old man’s face was bun, and the bite was broken to kill Lin Feng’s task. However, who knows that the two fists collided, this time it was not a dull collision, but a crisp cicada.

This crisp fracture sound made the other 19 strong people look happy, they thought that Lin Feng’s wrist was broken, but when they saw the old man’s face became pale and colorless, the fine sweats flowed down, only to be shocked and I can’t believe it.

The old man’s wrist is folded? Not Lin Feng's wrist?

A punch, a powerful punch, even directly shattered the emperor's six superpowers, the important elders of Zhao Dian?

This scene was clearly seen by several big crickets. Zhao Zu stood on the ground and looked at the pictures that were swaying in time and space. I wished that I could pass through the scene at the moment and stop this battle.

Where is this encirclement, this is simply seeking abuse!

Everyone went to see Lin Feng for abuse, not only could not find the face that belongs to Zhao Dian, I am afraid that this time I would have to return some of Zhao’s face and throw it in, and there will be no left.

"This bunch of idiots." Zhao Zu clenched his fist and broke the chair. His face was even more angry.

Fu Xi looked at Zhao Zu, but did not speak again. This matter has nothing to do with Lin Feng. Lin Feng was already ready to return to Tiandong City. It is the elders and disciples of these Zhao Dian who are not reluctant to fight and want to kill Lin Feng. In this case, Lin Feng killed the twenty people, but they were not excessive.

Of course, this is only a speculation and an idea. Fuxi can't believe that Lin Feng can kill the twenty people by himself. If such a thing really happens, it will definitely shock the whole continent and make people stunned and fall down. of.

"Haha, Zhao Dian this time, I am afraid I will lose my wife and lose my army." The Qingling dynasty still stood in the position and laughed at the laughter. But after seeing Zhao Zu’s almost murderous eyes, this time he was shocked, but he dared not say it again. After all, he was still an emperor. Not the ancestors.

If you really angered Zhao Zu, killing him can still be done.

Zhao Zu also kept restraint. He followed the reason why the high-level did not intervene. However, the people of Zhao Dian had already stepped in. This time, the cofferdam is a vivid example. It is only destined that this cofferdam failure will not only fail but also be defeated.

After Lin Feng’s fist hit the old man’s wrist, he even kicked the old man’s chest in the blink of an eye. He kicked heavily and kicked the old man out for a few kilometers and finally fell on it. On a boulder, the boulder was crushed by the smashing, and the old man fell on the stone fragments, and it was difficult to get up.

Seeing here, the remaining 19 disciples plus the elders did not do anything. Lin Feng was so overbearing that he dared to beat people in front of all of them, and the elders were almost disabled, so they would not allow such things.

"Up, kill him." Another elder anger screamed, holding a long knife in his hand, he was thin and thin, holding a long knife looked a bit nondescript, at this moment is a big hand wave, but also entered Lin Feng's line of sight.

Lin Feng’s mouth has a slight curvature, and a faint grin says: “First take your sword!”

After a drink, the person has disappeared without a trace, and the thin old man saw that his face suddenly changed. He felt a terrible breath spreading and shrouded him behind him, so he simply retreated.

But it is still a little late.

The sword of the ancestral sword flashes and is inserted directly into the back of the old man!

"Ah!! My back!"

The screams are endless, and the 18 elders and disciples hear the screams of the wolves, all of them are very ugly, and the sword of the ancestors is deeply inserted into the back of the old man. Later, Lin Feng even bite his teeth, a sturdy, directly inserted into the back, the sword of the ancestors directly through the chest of the old man.

With a bang, Lin Feng simply and retracted the long sword, leaving the old man who had fallen to the ground and had no breath at the end, and under him was a lot of blood that had been exhausted and flowed to the ground, which was extremely scary.

Lin Feng wiped the sword of the ancestral temple with the clothes of the old man, and the sword of the ancestors of the blue-blue was not contaminated with a trace of blood.

Lin Feng held the sword of the ancestors and looked at other people. The 18 people were all scared by Lin Feng. The two biggest leaders, one seriously injured and one directly killed, Lin Feng’s sly, everyone saw it. .

"Run, run."

Suddenly, I don’t know where the voice came from, completely disturbing the military heart. Everyone wants to run away. Just leaving Lin Feng’s life is no worries.

Lin Feng has already killed his eyes at this moment, but he only wants to kill people. He seems to forget who is the one who is encircling. Lin Feng just wants to kill a few people. Otherwise, this time he is too quiet, many people don’t seem to put themselves in the eye. Inside.

Lin Feng definitely does not believe that this cofferdam is the decision of these 20 people. There must be some instructions behind them. Lin Feng is going to kill some people, telling the initiators behind this, wanting to take himself as a soft persimmon and take a photo of the mirror. Let me talk about it!

The killing of the ring is now reflected in Lin Feng’s body.

One person, one sword, facing the entire killing alone.

Blood, corpse, whoever comes, don't want to interfere!

Killing, you have to be thorough!

Yangwei, just today!

Lin Feng roared and roared. At this moment, Lin Feng is a demon, a devil. Lin Feng, full of dark magic, no longer has a little bit of justice. At this moment, Lin Feng is the representative of hell, the devil's knife and axe.

In addition to killing, there is nothing more than blood.

Eighteen people completely fell on Lin Feng's ancestral sword and there are heavy fists. Anyone is the same. At this moment, they don't know what is called team battle. What they can do is to escape.

Under such circumstances, Lin Feng had the opportunity to kill these people. Whether it was the Emperor's four or the Emperor's triple, regardless of the emperor of Zhao Dian or a generation of disciples, all of them were dead under Lin Feng's sword.

World War I, anti-encirclement, death, nineteen people!

One person left alone is the six-strong old man of the most powerful Emperor, but at the moment he is also in a state of shackles.

Lin Feng is covered with blood. His eyes are **** and scary. The horrible murder is like a sharp knife on his throat. He can always have the life of the old man. The old man looks at Lin Feng at this moment, and his heart is scared. To the extreme.

Within half an hour, even twenty people, 19 people died, it is almost unimaginable.

One of the four priests of the Emperor's arrogance, however, actually killed 19 strong men of the Emperor level, and the realm was not weaker than Lin Feng, but it was still urgently tempered by Lin Feng.

Those who escaped are more powerful, and they are also cowards. They will eventually be killed. This time, this conclusion is reflected. Even though they are powerful, they only know how to escape and how they can fight.

Lin Feng even chased dozens of miles ~ ~ almost every few strokes will be killed by Lin Feng, the decisive killing, people are frightened.

One of the emperor's heavy passers-by saw this scene, and he was scared to death by alive. Until now, he did not know how to wake up, but this is not the scope of Lin Feng's thinking.

"You, go back and tell the people behind the scenes, just say that I want Lin Feng's life, not so easy, want my life, come straight, don't engage in sneak attack, useless."

Lin Feng stood with his hands in front of the old man. The old man felt that Lin Feng was unusually tall. Under him, he was a weak person, and there was no strong atmosphere.

Lin Feng glanced at him, and then he took the sword of his ancestors and slowly disappeared into this mountain range.

The old man looked at Lin Feng's back and finally disappeared. This was a deep breath.

"Fortunately, I have left a life!"

The old man kept sweating and was ready to get up and rush back to Zhao Dian and report it to his wife.

"If you have failed, you will die, you don't have to go back!"

Suddenly, the voice of an indifferent woman sounded behind her. The old man’s pupil was tight, and only a white woman was seen in front of her, but she did not see it. A sword had been deeply inserted into his heart.

"Madam, you...oh!"

The old man’s eyes widened and he died.

Not killed by Lin Feng, but was killed by the lady on the sword, and all this is for the wife to sell life, people are embarrassed.

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