Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1054: Mysterious ancient Yan!


When I came to the ancient Yan people, it happened to be late at night, and it was overnight. It was only less than eight days before the end of the assessment game. It was difficult to win several games in the eight days. Because many Tianjiao have left their respective clan, the rest can only meet the other geniuses who went to the ancient Yan people.

The ancient Yan and the ancient people are in the opposite place, one in the east of Tiandong City, and the other in the west of Tiandong City. When Lin Feng flies to the site of the ancient Yan people, some doubts, because the site of the ancient Yan people It’s too simple, and even a bit rudimentary. It’s a natural village, without any obvious spots.

According to the truth, the ancient clan, especially the super four clan, must be evenly matched with each other, no matter which aspect should be the same, but the ancient Yan people's site is only a thatched house, it is hard to imagine.

After Lin Feng’s horror, he began to treat the ancient Yan people cautiously. No clan is so simple. Since the ancient Yan people are one of the four clan, there must be differences, and it is impossible to judge the level of a force by architecture. Strong and weak.

Lin Feng is close to the natural village in front of her eyes. The temperature is gradually rising. It is in the middle of the night when the black wind is high, but there is still high temperature. It is like two suns roasting, and some are uncomfortable.

However, it is certain that the site of the ancient Yan people is undoubted, and the village entrance of the natural village is also placed with a stone tablet of less than half a meter. The three small handwritings curved above are the ancient Yan people.

However, Lin Feng saw the brilliant flame method from the curved small characters, because these three words were not carved with swords, but they were baked with real flames. The high temperature of the flame melts it, and then the three words of the ancient Yan people appear naturally.

In particular, the word Yan, the feeling of Lin Feng is a sea of ​​fire, not inferior to the high temperature of the sea of ​​fire, as if looking at it will fall into the sea of ​​fire, even the soul must be burned, Lin Feng avoids being affected by this word , quickly removed his gaze, and then walked into the village.

Although the village is dilapidated, it is still neat. There are wooden houses on both sides of the road, but there are also grasshoppers, but the roads are unusually clean, but there is a strong flame.

Lin Feng holds the sword of the ancestral sword in his hand, but the sword is not sheathed. Lin Feng walks slowly inside, but does not feel the existence of human beings, and there is no breath of anyone. This makes Lin Feng start to be astonished, this is not What about the ancient Yan people? Why is there no one?

Lin Feng walked a few steps and eventually came to the bustling area of ​​the village. There was also a pavilion built here. The pavilion was only a hundred meters high, but it was very prosperous compared to other wooden buildings and grasshoppers.

Lin Feng approached the pavilion, then pushed the door straight and went in, but the situation inside still disappointed Lin Feng, still no one, although this pavilion is very hot, but no one.

"Where is this man going?" Lin Feng began to wonder. He didn't understand what kind of clan the ancient Yan people were. They didn't show up in low-key, but they didn't know which ancient celestial genius was famous in the mainland, but it belonged to four. One of the big clan, it is amazing.

"Lin Feng, I feel that there is a situation under the village."

Just when Lin Feng was wondering how to make a decision, Lin Ou’s words suddenly came into Lin Feng’s ear, and Lin Feng’s face suddenly sank.

"Predecessors, are you saying...?"

"They, underground." Lin Gu answered affirmatively. Although Lin Feng’s question was only half asked, he still knew what Lin Feng wanted to ask.

"In the underground? But isn't the underground fire all over the sea?" Lin Feng's face was full of horror, and at the same time there was a lot of confusion in his heart. Is there really no connection between the ancient Yan people and the fire? The same is the cultivation of the fire source, and the fire spirit is the creation of the world spirit, it can be said that the ancient ancestors of the ancient Yan.

Lin Feng walked carefully to the door, but did not go out, but saw something similar to the manhole cover, but was sealed and sealed, and no one could get in.

"I have never seen the ancient Yan people, but I have lived for so many years. I have heard that the ancient Yan people’s behavior is low-key. They live underground, and it is normal. Otherwise, how to explain them for so many years is like It is the same as the elimination of sound."

Lin Gu continued to say that Lin Feng analyzed all these things, and Lin Feng listened to Lin Ou's words, and slowly nodded in agreement with this statement.

"Come on? Let's hide!"

Suddenly, Shi Siming reminded him that Lin Feng immediately felt that someone outside the door had come in. Lin Feng’s face suddenly changed. After that, he jumped into the side room next to him and walked in to shield the breath.

The door was pushed open, and several figures came in. Although it was in the middle of the night, several people were wearing robes of flame color, and they were flashing red fire. It was difficult to see clearly.

"In these few days, there will be three other clan's Tianjiao come over to challenge the ancient arrogant arrogance, so we must be prepared. The patriarch said that they did not intervene and let us solve it ourselves."

"But in the morning, our Yanzi son has already lost to Chu Chunqiu, so I can't continue to leak."

"All the underground passages are sealed, only let our Tianjiao go out, let these Tianjiao come in, understand?"

Several disciples standing in the courtyard talked about each other's warnings, and Lin Feng was all understood without a word. It was also known that Chu Chunqiu won the Yan Yan in the ancient Yan people.

"Go, these houses are searched to avoid omissions."

At this moment, the younger brother of the first sighed, and with a big hand, the disciples of the four red robes went to different rooms to check. Of course, Lin Feng’s hiding room also had disciples coming in.

The disciple just pushed in and Lin Feng directly acted to get stuck in the throat of the disciple. Then the left hand took a shot of the man’s chest. The disciple fainted directly. Lin Feng wore the disciple at the fastest speed. Clothing, then went out.

"Is there a problem?" The headed man squinted at Lin Feng and asked casually.

"No". Lin Feng’s low voice replied that he did not cause the man’s suspicion. Then the other three disciples also came out and shook their heads and found nothing.

"Well, we are going back to the ground, and no one is allowed to come up today."

The headed man sipped, then walked out the door and walked out. He walked down the street for a few kilometers. Then there was a big hole in the ground, surrounded by flames and a flame sign.

"You all put your palms up." The first disciple pointed to the flame sign, and then looked at Lin Feng and other four people.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng's face suddenly changed, because he did not know what the meaning of putting the palm of his hand into the end, but things have been here, there is no retreat, Lin Feng and other disciples, put the left hand behind the flame sign, the flame The color of the flame is shown above the sign.

Only Lin Feng’s hand was put in, suddenly became blue, and a strange sound was heard from the signboard, and the face of the entire body of the disciple suddenly changed dramatically.

"There is a situation, fast, inform the elders."

The headed man screamed and yelled at the depths of the hole. At this time, Lin Feng no longer waited, kicked all the four disciples out, and then kicked the man who led the head out. The speed jumped into the hole.

"Chasing, chasing after, must be the genius of his family." The headed man wolf stood up and jumped into the hole with a big hand.

After Lin Feng jumped into the hole, it quickly fell to the ground. It was all inlaid with red slate, and all of them radiated a deep red flame. The temperature reached thousands of degrees, but it was not completely The fire sea, Lin Feng's speculation is that this ancient Yan people's underground caverns may be completely fire.

Although I don’t know how the ancient Yan people built this hole, but they have come in, then stay here for a few You can go out with three victories, and look for Yandi. It is also a serious matter to see if it is in the ancient Yan people.

Lin Feng ran down the stone under his feet, but did not walk for a long time. There was a checkpoint in front. Several old men in red robes stood here, holding a flame sign in their hands. Obviously they used this each other. To verify identity. .

Lin Feng's face is a bit heavy, this level is definitely not going to go, and will be discovered, so that a Tianyao of the ancient Yan people can not see, let alone fight them.

Behind him, the footsteps of the running rush gradually came out. It was obvious that the disciples had chased them up. Lin Feng knew that he could not have any hesitation, otherwise he would inevitably be discovered and blasted out.

These elders who guard the checkpoints are the superpowers of the Emperor's Five Emperor or the Emperor's Sixth. It is definitely impossible to rush from it. Therefore, we must think of a solution.

"Right, there is a way."

Suddenly, Lin Feng’s flash of light flashed, and then there was a slight arc in the corner of his mouth. He turned and went to the four disciples who ran over. While the four disciples had not seen themselves clearly, Lin Feng’s big hand waved his time and space. Directly put the four people together, Lin Feng also disappeared in place.

In the world of Wuhun, the disciples of the four ancient Yan people are all above the glacier world, and the faces of the four people suddenly become pale and the atmosphere is decadent.

Lin Feng stood idle at high altitude and looked at the four disciples.

"Say, how can you pass the level!"

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