Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1028: Re-enter Shibuya!

"It seems that you have told him everything."

Suddenly, the Qing dynasty has stood behind Qingxinyue, but Qingxinyue has not noticed a little bit. The current person has reacted after speaking, panic and turned to look at the teacher, and then the psychological tension and embarrassment.

Qing Xuan sees the heart of the month, can not help but smile faintly smiled: "It does not matter, do not have to be nervous, perhaps, said better." Qing Xuan did not blame the meaning of Qingxinyue, so that Qingxinyue was a bit strange, because when he was a teacher, he said clearly and clearly, the previous things should be selectively forgotten, and no one can be told.

Now that she has not done so, she has already told Lin Feng, but she has not brought in the blame and punishment of the illusion. Perhaps this is related to the guilty guilty of the guilty conscience. I want to make up for the relationship with myself in a timely manner. Stupid, she can see everything.

She doesn't want to be in a relationship with the emptiness, which is not good for any party, so Qingxinyue knows what to do in the future, maybe it would be better to selectively forget some things.

"Well, apprentice, let's go, go back, Lin Feng will not have an accident." The Qing sighed and sighed, waved his hand, and the man had already left. There was no point in nostalgia.

Qingxin nodded, and today she is still Qingxinyue, the doorkeeper of Taiqingmen, not the medicine, perhaps only in front of Lin Feng is the shy and weak medicine sister.

Qingxinyue flies in front, and Qingxuan follows behind her, but at the moment, there is a lot of thoughts in the Qingxu heart. After this, Qingxinxuan can’t marry Qinglingxuan, and Qinglingxuan will be bound by the war. The man took it and went back to the world he should have returned.

The marriage of Qingxinyue has been stranded for a while. If Lin Feng can promise the marriage of Qingxinyue, this may not be an option. Lin Feng’s development potential is huge, and he can completely be the son-in-law of Taiqingmen. For a person with great potential, he will never Refuse.

I thought that the potential of Qing Ling Xuan was huge, but after Lin Feng’s second defeat to Ling Ling Xuan, he wanted to understand that Qing Ling Xuan really did not work. At least at present, he did not have Lin Feng’s display to make him more convinced.

Qing Xu broke his sigh, shook his head and continued to fly to the Taiqing Gate.

After a few hours of flight, Lin Feng and Chu Chunqiu have already arrived in Shibuya. Shibuya is located at the border of the Sunlight Empire. Although this place is large, it is extremely mysterious, and Lin Feng has to be careful.

Standing in Shibuyakou, Lin Feng and Chu Chunqiu both maintain a very serious look, because Lin Feng and Chu Chunqiu are both an idea. Shibuya contains a great crisis. If you don’t pay attention, you will fall into death, because the black robe people don’t know anything. It will appear.

Lin Feng killed two black robes, one of which was still tragic, which will inevitably attract the resentment of other black robes. For this, Lin Feng had to guard against it. In addition, the mysterious man restricted him to return before a month, so Lin Feng also wants to comply with.

Now Lin Feng has once again returned to Shibuya, and the dark atmosphere has allowed him to adapt quickly. After all, he has been here for a long time, and so is the space inside.

Lin Feng and Chu Chunqiu, who are familiar with the road, soon came to the center of Shibuya and came to the vicinity of the cave, but did not rush in, because they did not know what was inside. The old monster in the cave was a monk, even the Qing Dynasty Not his opponent, he will die if he is not careful.

"Is it still waiting?" Chu Chunqiu asked Lin Feng, he couldn't decide, Lin Feng is the same, two people don't know how to do it, they can only wait outside, Lin Feng believes that the mysterious person will be able to feel that both of them have already Came to the entrance to the cave.

As for what he will do, it is not Lin Feng and Chu Chunqiu can decide, everything can only wait to see, but Lin Feng will not think, this is two hours.

Two hours later, the mysterious man did not appear, but there were two black robe people, the boss and the second child of the black robe, because the third battle has been killed by Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, it seems that you are on time, you are back a month ago." The head of the black robe sipped and couldn't see his face, but he could feel his anger at the moment and kill two brothers. This hatred has never been forgotten.

"Where is your master?" Lin Feng frowned, no time and nonsense with these black robes, and asked straightforward where the mysterious man was.

"Oh, I just want to see our master when you come. Are you dreaming? Lin Feng?" The black robe sneered out and the words were mocking.

"What do you mean by that?" Lin Feng screamed and asked the black robe. He was already punctual in Shibuya. The mysterious man was not ready to see himself. So what is the mysterious person playing?

"The master said, if you want to see him, you must defeat both of us." The black robe said with a sneer, pointing to himself and pointing to Lin Feng.

"Do it yourself." Chu Chunqiu was not willing to talk nonsense, prepared for the battle directly, and his face was extremely dignified, but his words were quickly stopped by the black robe.

"No, no, no, it is not you who want to fight with us, but he, Lin Feng." Chu Chunqiu shook his head and suddenly had a lot of gloomy smile on his face. He seemed happy to see this happen.

When Chu Chunqiu heard the words of the black robe, his face couldn’t help but change, let Lin Feng fight against them alone?

"Wheel battle?" Chu Chunqiu sipped and looked at the black robe.

"Yes, it is the wheel battle. Lin Feng needs to defeat both of us. It is not a victory to defeat any one. We must win two of us." The black robe said with a deep voice, and the tone was full of faint sarcasm and drama. He was very much looking forward to this scene, so that he and his second child could smash Lin Feng, although the master refused to kill, but abused Half dead is always ok.

The two black robes have already thought about the plan. They are first played by the second child and Lin Feng, which consumes the strength of Lin Feng, and then he plays himself. This will inevitably be abused.

The black robe people have already thought about the way to abuse Lin Feng, which makes Chu Chunqiu start to worry about Lin Feng. It seems that Lin Feng said that it is not fake. When he came to Shibuya, it was a journey of nine deaths. The mysterious man would not let Lin Feng.

Chu Chunqiu looked worried at Lin Feng, but Lin Feng was surprisingly calm at the moment, without any nervous or anxious feelings, as if these were in his thoughts, and in fact it is true, Lin Feng has been here before This is one of the ways to think about the other party's possible torture.

Therefore, Lin Feng knows that since he can't change it, he will face it bravely. It is just that the plan of the black robe is difficult to achieve. Although he is only the Emperor, he has the right to face up to the Emperor. It is no longer completely abused before.

"Yes, when did it start?" Lin Feng grinned, staring at the two black robes, his tone was dull.

For Lin Feng's mild reaction, it is quite different for the two black robes. Lin Feng is not afraid of the wheel battles of the two of them. Is this really not afraid or not showing up?

The two people are more and more eager to learn Lin Feng, let the latter know what is called pain.

"If you are ready, feel free to start." The head of the black robe sipped and he was fully prepared with his hands on his back. As long as Lin Feng agreed, he could start the battle at any time.

Lin Feng nodded and turned to look at Chu Chunqiu, a faint smile: "Chu Chunqiu, back, I want to warm up, there is no fighting recently, I am also very boring." Lin Feng's tone is full of playful meaning.

Chu Chunqiu grinning He likes Lin Feng's unruly look, even though he may not be able to beat the black robe, but he does not surrender to the other party. This is difficult for anyone to do. Only Lin Feng Dare to do this.

"Lin Feng, I like you like this without strength and forceful look, haha, I am waiting for you to return." Chu Chunqiu laughed and immediately withdrew several kilometers, leaving the surrounding bushland to Lin Feng and the black robe.

The battle is about to be started. Lin Feng will fall into the most serious crisis in history. He has battled the two super-powerful superpowers. For Chu Chunqiu, this is something that can’t be imagined, but for Lin Feng, this is An adventure is full of crises but also opportunities.

And this opportunity is that Lin Feng himself is also a time to break through, and without pressure, it will not reach the bottleneck, and will not exceed the bottleneck, so Lin Feng is also pushing himself this time, this is a way to quickly break through the triple Emperor.

The ancient demon king is now four-folded, and can be said to be extremely powerful. Chu Chunqiu has been passed down by the ancestors of the ancestors. It is already the Emperor's triple. Lin Feng feels that he has been surpassed by the two rivals in the past, so he must do his best. Catch up and even surpass.

The title of the first person of Jiuyi, others will never want to take away, no one thinks.

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