Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1024: The engagement ceremony begins!

"Lin Gongzi, you come really good."

The ambiguous atmosphere has never dissipated, but Qingxinyue still can't stand the taste of this speechlessness, and it has taken the lead to break the dull atmosphere. It is not salty or smiley, some resentment in the tone, and some loss. .

Chu Chunqiu looked at two people. He increasingly felt that the relationship between Lin Feng and Qing Xinyue was not simple. In particular, Qing Xinyue definitely had a good impression on Lin Feng. Otherwise, he would not see Lin Feng afterwards. He also had some temper of princesses. .

Chu Chunqiu did not explain, because Lin Feng did not speak, he did not want to talk more, anyway, the facts will certainly be revealed, it depends on how Lin Feng chose.

"I just want to ask a question, can I?" Lin Feng grinned, smiling slightly with a bitter bitterness, while still stubborn, staring at Qingxinyue.

Qing Xinyue slightly moved his eyes and did not dare to stare at Lin Feng’s gaze, but she nodded silently: “You ask.”

"Where is your brother?" Lin Feng stared at Qingxinyue's eyes and never shifted, and asked aloud.

The abrupt problem made Qingxinyue somewhat unprepared. Her face changed slightly and her eyes were more dithered, but soon she calmed down and then said coldly: "Lin Gongzi, I don't have a brother, I only have one person."

"Do you have a hard time?" Lin Feng did not pay attention to the answer of Qing Xinyue, still asked quietly.

Qing Xinyue shook his head coldly, then said with a deep voice: "I don't know what you are saying, well, I still have things, go first."

"In addition, Lin Gongzi seems to be a little bad to come to my room, so you should go to the outer hall, just to witness my engagement ceremony with Qing Lingxuan." Qingxinyue said faintly, and then walked away from Lin Feng’s side. The two men touched their shoulders, but they could not stop the decision of Qingxinyue to leave.

Qingxinyue wears more than three meters of Taiji robe, deep red robes and golden phoenix crowns. Everything looks so graceful, behind him is followed by four costumed maids and two guards, all half-step gods. The strong of the emperor.

Qing Xinyue walked past Lin Feng's body until it disappeared into the apse. Lin Feng did not say a word from beginning to end, nor explained the problem of rescue to Qing Xinyue.

After a while, Chu Chunqiu went to Lin Feng's front and asked faintly: "Why don't you tell the reason?"

"Do you think I said it, she will believe it?" Lin Feng shook his head with a smile, then looked at Chu Chunqiu.

"Oh, maybe not, but isn't there me? I am a member of the original, I can justify you." Chu Chunqiu shook his head. He admitted that Lin Feng explained that Qingxinyue would not believe it, but he Chu Chunqiu rescued the heart of the moon. This latter is clear, so he can defend Lin Feng.

"Well, go to the front hall. I don't need to defend. I will let Qing Lingxuan tell the truth about himself, because it is easier for me to believe in Qingxin." Lin Feng shook his head and turned around to go straight to the front hall. It was better to explain the truth to Qing Lingxuan himself.

Chu Chunqiu grinned, Lin Feng still has no change, when it is changed, it is really unambiguous.

Chu Chunqiu followed up and followed Lin Feng to the front hall, and the front hall was still in turmoil. More and more people are worried about why the doorkeeper is still not coming. Now it has arrived at noon.

"The door is coming!".

At the same time as the three o'clock in the afternoon, there was a deafening sound under the high platform. Then everyone saw the Qingxinyue wearing Fengguanxia, ​​accompanied by several maids and guards, stepping into the high platform step by step. .

When Qing Xuan saw that Qing Xinyue finally came, he could not help but relieve his breath. His plan was finally able to continue, and it would not be interrupted in advance, and the engagement ceremony could be opened.

"let's start". The clear-hearted faceless expression of the old man in charge of the ceremony, picked up her long red skirt, sat on the dragon chair, specifically belonging to the position of the door owner.

Hosting the old man's respectful nod, then turned around, his face full of smiles shouting: "I announced that the engagement ceremony officially began!"

With the scream of the old man, the engagement ceremony of Qingxinyue and Qinglingxuan was officially started, and everything will be carried out according to the channels on the right track.

Qing Lingxuan stood on the side and couldn't stand the excitement and joy in his heart. I wished that I would rush to the high platform to hold the hand of Qingxinyue, and then I would hold the heart of the moon into the cave room. In order to avoid the storm.

"How come the doorkeeper?" Qing Xuan looked at the maid behind her eyes and asked.

The maid was in a dilemma, because Qing Xinyue warned that she was not allowed to speak out in front of the boudoir, but the pressure of clearing the sinister was terrible. She was just a little maid, how can she resist the silence, so she can only speak out.

When I heard the reason, the clear face suddenly changed, and the heart beat up quickly, Lin Feng? coming?

After the silence, the silence was silent. Afterwards, the eyes looked closely at the crowd below the high platform. Everyone looked seriously. Finally, his eyes were locked in two people wearing black robes. He almost suffocated. .

He was not afraid of Lin Feng, but he was afraid that Lin Feng would make troubles and all his plans would be disrupted. He would have been jealous in his heart. Lin Feng did not go to Shibuya to save people for any benefit, even to catch himself. It can be said that such people are The best companion of Qingxinyue, married to such a person, he also agreed.

Only the plan is far from changing, the war world is about to open, and the deity of the Qingling Dynasty is about to return. Therefore, he has to fight for the right to seize the power. Therefore, he has to sacrifice Lin Feng, even if he is owed, so if Lin Feng is in trouble at this moment, it will inevitably Destroy his plan.

At the same time, he thought about a very serious problem. He clearly told Taiqingmen and the Sunshine Empire that no one was allowed to say this thing. Why did Lin Feng know now?

Suddenly, Qing Xuan looked at the white-bearded old man above the opposite hall, which is the avatar of the Qing Dynasty, and his complex face.

Qingxinyue is the department he planned, so the Qingling Dynasty also took Lin Feng as part of the plan and used it for the game.

Qing Xuan thought of this, cold sweat directly wet the clothes, now it is really like this, I am afraid that today is destined to be difficult to break.

"I personally presided over, you go on."

Qing Xuan can not sit on the chair, directly interrupted the host, and then he personally played, presided over this engagement ceremony.

The practice of clearing the voice of the people has attracted many people’s cheers. It’s a great honor to be the host of the door to the marriage of the doorkeeper. It is also a great event for Taiqingmen.

The presiding veteran did not dare to complain, and honestly retired, and gave the position to the Qing dynasty. Qing dynasty stood in the center of Gaotai, and blinked across the Qingling dynasty. Qingling sighed and smiled. It is confidence.

Compared with the indifference of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing dynasty was very anxious at this moment. He removed his gaze and then shouted: "This engagement ceremony is a marriage between our doorkeeper and my disciple Qing Lingxuan. So it is very important for Taiqingmen."

"On such an important day, I don't want anyone to spread this news out. After all, this is related to the rise and fall of Taiqingmen."

"So, you guys under the high platform, go back." Qing Xuan said here, his face was gloomy, he did not want Lin Feng to destroy, and could not directly name Lin Feng, so it was not directly exposed to Lin Feng, so he can only use other people to drive away Lin Feng.

It’s just that he thought it was too good, and he didn’t say that Lin Feng couldn’t walk away. It’s that these disciples were not willing to go. After listening to his words, they talked about the noise, but no one left the high platform.

Everyone did not leave, the Qing dynasty was more anxious, and watching the emptiness of the Qing dynasty, the face of the Qing dynasty was bright again, it seems that there is some certainty from victory.

"Excuse me, why are we leaving, is it good for the safety of Taiqingmen? Are we hard to bring harm to the sect?"

"Yeah, too door-to-door, do you have any concerns?"

"It's okay, too door-to-door, we just watched quietly, absolutely not destroying, not messing up, you can rest assured."


More and more disciples are talking, but in turn, comforting and clearing up is not too much worry, which makes it more difficult to clear the scam, but he can’t continue to say it, destroying the engagement ceremony, but it’s not a good sign. .

"Okay, then let's do it. Please check out Qing Lingxuan." Qing Xuan nodded, then looked at Qing Ling Xuan, indicating that he began to play, as the protagonist will give him a fight.

Since Lin Feng has already arrived, then Qing Ling Xuan can not weaken any momentum here. To raise this banner, I want to clear my heart, how can I not pay for it?

"Follow!". Qing Ling Xuan wolf sighed, unable to restrain the excitement of the heart and rushed to the high platform, and could not be too lost, so he walked up in the shortest time, and did not appear too hungry.

Standing on the high platform, Qing Ling Xuan looked at Qingxinyue.

"The doorkeeper, you are coming down too." Qing Ling Xuan waved his hand at Qingxin Yue, slightly owing his body to show respect for the door owner, rather than respecting Qingxinyue.

After all, Qing Xinyue is her female apprentice, a younger generation. He respects only the position of the doorkeeper, because this position is extremely sacred and inviolable.

The clear-hearted moon came down from the dragon chair with no expression, and the maid on the side wanted to help, but was pushed away by the heart of the heart, scared the maid to dare to move half a point, only to stop in place.

Many people in this scene have seen it, but they dare not speak. Even the fools can see Qingxinyue is not willing to engage in the ceremony, especially with Qinglingxuan.

There are also many disciples in the audience, and the goddess in their eyes was taken away by Qing Lingxuan. But apart from being jealous and hateful, they don't seem to dare to have other luxury ideas.

Qingxinyue stood opposite Qinglingxuan. Qinglingxuan looked at his dream goddess and the woman he wanted to get, but Qingxinyue always had no expression, and did not go to see Lingxuan, not to see clearly. Virtual break.

Qing dying in the heart of helpless sigh, Qingxin Yue afraid to hate himself, but this has no retreat.

"Hand in hand, the ceremony begins!"

Clearly sighed and sighed, turned and looked at the couple!

The nine elders of the elders also stood up and respected the doorkeepers. They all walked down and surrounded the couple, witnessing the scene with their eyes.

The surrounding atmosphere was suddenly tense, and many people's heartbeat accelerated, waiting for this scene.

Lin Feng’s body leaned forward and walked a few steps before standing in front of the high platform, watching the scene.

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