Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1006: Bury the hatchet!

"Lin Feng, really no you?" Qing Xinyue was lying on the bed. After Qing Lingxuan left, she took off her coat and showed her long legs. The heart of the white gauze looked extremely pure, but the face It’s hard to hide.

"But why do I always feel that my brother has concealed something from me?" Qingxinyue still can't completely believe that there is really no rescue of Lin Feng. According to the reason, the clan cannot tell Lin Feng that there is not much contact with Taijingmen. Come over to rescue.

How could Lin Feng not appear? All this seems a little unbelievable, or Lin Feng did not agree to rescue himself?

Qingxinyue’s heart is not practical. She can’t rest without knowing this. She’s sitting up, wearing her own clothes and wearing two blue transparent crystal shoes. She walked out of the room and went straight to the teacher’s Let's go to the room.

She has to figure out how greasy it is, or she can't fall asleep tonight.

Qing Xinyue wanted to find out whether Lin Feng was involved in the rescue, and Lin Feng was now looking for this Iraqi tears wholeheartedly.

Two days after flying, I saw the sun getting more and more pungent. It was already at noon. Lin Feng also appeared in the border village. This place brought me the most memories. I also had a sister Xiaoqing. After being rescued by Ma Gu, Now I am afraid that I should also be in seclusion.

Lin Feng hopes that Xiaoqing can live a stable life. She is also a divine inheritor, let her stay in the quiet city with the most peaceful life.

Lin Feng stood on the high platform outside the border village. The object was human. Although the high platform was still there, almost no one lived in the border village. All the people in the city were concentrated in the city government and several other villages.

Bianzhai has been subjected to a large-scale slaughter. It is a good thing for the strongmen of Golden Wheel City, and there are not many people in the border village. Therefore, it is very easy to find the tears of the Iraqi people, of course, if she is here.

Lin Feng’s house-to-house search, although the room here exists, but it has already fallen to the ashes, the dust on the table is already half a centimeter high, and obviously no one lives.

Lin Feng didn't know how to come again. The wooden house that once lived in Xiaoqing came in. After opening the wooden house, there was no trace of dust. Lin Feng’s heart suddenly jumped faster, and a familiar atmosphere was in the wooden house, but it was not Belong to Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing’s wooden house has the breath of Iraqi tears? Is this a fate? Looking at yourself silently in the place closest to you, is it a wooden house here?

After Lin Feng opened the door and walked into the courtyard, it was still this wheelbarrow, and there was an axe for firewood. All the memories came to Lin Feng’s eyes, but Xiaoqing’s memory gradually receded, and the tears of the Iraqis appeared. Face.

Lin Feng walked to the door of the wooden house and raised his hand to try to ring the door. However, because of the excitement in his heart and no preparation to give up, he stood by the wooden house for a long time. Lin Feng was engaged in inner struggle and was extremely complicated.

After a long time, Lin Feng sighed and knocked on the door. Didn't he come over to find the tears of the Iraqis? If so, what are you hesitating? More waste of time, the Iraqi tears are more dangerous, I do not want the Iraqi tears to be dangerous, the soul of the ancient devil should also be dealt with in time.

Lin Feng thought about it, it was the door of the wooden house, the dull sound of the cockroach, Lin Feng’s heart fluctuated with the knocking of the door, but there was no answer to the knock on the door, it seems no one inside. ?

Lin Feng pushed open the door and slammed the old wooden door to make a false noise. Lin Feng saw the structure inside the house, but no one.

The bed was neatly arranged, there was no trace of miscellaneous, and the table was also the same. It was obvious that someone was cleaning at all times. The breath here also belongs to the Iraqi people, but the tears of the Iraqis are not in the house.

The house is there, but the people are not there!

Where did the Iraqi tears go? The breath here is very strong, which means that if the Iraqi tears leave, how long does it leave, but where can she go? It is obviously impossible to leave the city.

When I think about it, Lin Feng has only one guess, that is, on the back of the mountain, on the back hill of the border village, there may be tears of the Iraqi people.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng no longer has a little doubt, flying directly to the back of the mountain, and is a full flight, for fear of wasting time.

From the wooden house to the back mountain, it is only a few hundred miles away. Lin Feng did not have much time to come to the foot of the mountain. It is still a dense green jungle. The shadows cover the afterglow of the sun. The surrounding temperature is much lower, but it feels very incomparable. Refreshing.

Lin Feng ran along the mountain road and walked up. Lin Feng had already confirmed that the Iraqi tears were on the top of the mountain. As for why it is so sure, it is his instinct, and Lin Feng’s intuition has always been very accurate. This time there will be no major problems.

Along the meandering mountain road, Lin Feng walked up to the tens of thousands of meters of mountain peaks. After coming to the foothills, Lin Feng saw a newly built pavilion far away, or a thatched pavilion built, extremely simple and simple. A huts that can only accommodate two or three people sheltering from the rain.

The gazebo supported by three trunks is covered with thatch, but what really makes Lin Feng excited is the tears of the Iraqi sitting in the pavilion.

The Iraqi tears have already taken off the blue dress she once liked. The black hair has no jade and orbs worn on the old days. There is only one yellow dead wood raft made of wood, and the body is covered with a linen coat. The simplicity of the dress, the dress is completely invisible. This is the tears of the Iraqis.

However, Lin Feng is extremely familiar with her breath. She can be sure that this woman who is wearing her own clothes is the tears of the Iraqi people.

Lin Feng’s eyes were suddenly wet, and the hard-wonness was shocked by this scene, leaving tears of remorse and self-blame. Several times I wanted to scream at the tears of the Iraqis, but it seemed as if the scorpion had a thorn and could not make a sound. The hand that stretched out shook a few times and finally hanged down.

Lin Feng turned around and came down to the winding mountain road. She sat down against the Iraqi tears. She sat without talking and did not say hello to the Iraqi tears, because Lin Feng didn’t know how to tell the Iraqi people how to face it. How to face this woman who has hurt herself, how to face this silent woman.

Time passed by, the afternoon sun fell, and there was only a trace of red sun on the sky, and the rest was covered by the long night.

The Iraqi tears stood up from the stone bench of the gazebo and turned around with no expression to prepare to leave, but she just walked out of the gazebo and saw the black robes sitting on the mountain road. This back, she is very familiar.

Tears, silently wet the clothes of her own linen, suddenly felt that everything she did was worth it, leaving no regrets.

Lin Feng felt that the Iraqi tears behind him had stood still. Lin Feng slowly got up, his face turned very complicated and turned to look at the tears of the Iraqis.

At this moment, there is no words, the atmosphere is very silent, and the four eyes are opposite. Lin Feng and Yiren’s tears all see the tears in each other’s eyes.

The Iraqi tears are even more shocked, because Lin Feng rarely shed tears, such a man will cry, she laughs, she really feels that her efforts are all worthwhile, no regrets.

Tears, once again wet the clothes, the Iraqi tears can not wipe the tears, the nose suddenly screamed and ran to Lin Feng, Lin Feng opened his arms, the death of the Iraqi tears into his arms, this time afraid of Iraqi tears Leave yourself again.

Lin Feng hugged the tears of the Iraqi people, and the tears of the Iraqi people felt suffocated. A warm, pure yang rushed into the face, making her happy, but she felt shy. She wanted Lin Feng to loosen herself, but Lin Feng was still dead. Holding the tears of the Iraqis, the death does not let go.

This time, I am afraid that I will lose the tears of the Iraqis once again, and I will lose such a good woman forever.

"Don't go, don't go, just like this." For the first time, Lin Feng showed a similar mood and tone, holding the tears of the Iraqi people, feeling incomprehensible.

The Iraqi people laughed, but although she was in tears at the moment, she still felt satisfied. There are such men who are looking for themselves in the tens of millions of miles of water. It is worth it.

"Well, I don't go, I don't go." The Iraqi people cried in tears, then took the initiative to hug Lin Feng. Lin Feng could feel the softness of his chest, the fragrance of the rose in his nose, but there was no trace of evil thoughts, just want to hold her.

This hug, let the two people completely cross each other's hearts, will never leave, Lin Feng will not question the Iraqi tears again, the Iraqi tears will eventually put down the obsession, will not think of their own occupation of Lin Feng ~ www.novelmtl .com~ Lin Feng is so good, not a woman can control it. She only needs a love affair, maybe she is exhausted, maybe she is the second best, but in the end she is the real woman of Lin Feng. .

The passage of time is a little bit past, from the sky, there is only a trace of dying sun to the present morning starry sky, the silver glow of the moonlight splashes down, and the woods are rare, except for the screams, There is no other voice.

"Let me loose, I can't breathe." The Iraqi tears shouted at Lin Feng whisperingly, and a hot air hit Lin Feng’s face. Lin Feng’s whole person would be broken.

"No, I have to make up for what I owe to you in the past." Lin Feng shook his head firmly, revealing a childlike stubbornness.

Yi people tears a happy smile, she once again saw Lin Feng like a child, she is very satisfied, such Lin Feng only Lin Feng's woman can see.

"Well, there will be a lot of time to hold me, you hold me like this, what if you can't resist the evil fire?" The Iraqi people smiled and looked at the man in front of him, laughing with a few trembling.

Lin Feng looked at the tears of the Iraqi people, then put the mouth on the lips of the tears of the Iraqi people, and the breathing accelerated. The Iraqi people looked at the man in front of them with tears and finally closed their eyes.

Under the moonlight, within the woods, there was a burst of joy and laughter.

Everything, the ice is released!

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