Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1016 The Strongest Sword Qi

The three-headed sage had no choice but to grit his teeth and extinguish the true fire of his soul. In this way, his strength returned to the previous level, and the power of the three top-grade Taoist instruments blessed by his magic power was greatly reduced.

The six sword immortals were divided into two groups, each with three people. One group of sword immortals activated the flying swords and began to besiege his golden flying sword. The golden flying swords activated by the three-headed sage were difficult to advance, and there was a faint trend of retreating.

The other group of sword immortals controlled the flying swords to fly out to meet the extremely flexible and swift scissors. The speed of the scissors was fast, but the speed of the sword immortals' flying swords was not slow. The three flying swords chased and intercepted the scissors, and the scissors were difficult to advance. The top-grade Taoist instrument was also difficult to advance and collided with the three flying swords in the void.

For a while, the metal clashed continuously.

Since the golden flying sword and scissors of the three-headed saint are both top-grade Taoist tools, and not everyone on Ye Lin's side has top-grade Taoist tools, even the top-grade Taoist tools quickly showed signs of damage when facing the expansion of top-grade Taoist tools, but fortunately they did not immediately break and become scrapped.


Just when the demon pill as big as a star in the sky was about to fall, a huge body full of muscles and carrying unparalleled physical strength appeared in front of Ye Lin. He held up the huge demon pill like a star with both hands, and his muscles and bones bulged, and his blood vessels gave people a terrifying feeling of about to burst.

This is the small tool that has opened the sixth turn of the "Nine Turns Demon God Body", half-demon god!


A white dragon tens of thousands of feet long stretched out its dragon claws from the colorful space turbulence, and the two dragon claws grabbed the demon pill. It was Ao Lingshuang. At this time, Ao Lingshuang's white dragon body actually showed ancient lines, and the white jade-like dragon horns were gone, replaced by two blood-colored demon god horns.

Ao Lingshuang is a genius in body training, and his speed of practicing the Nine-Turn Demon God Body is not slow. Now, hundreds of years have passed, and he has already practiced the Nine-Turn Demon God Body to the sixth turn, and is also half-demon god.

In this way, Xiaoqi and Ao Lingshuang exerted their strength at the same time, not only resisting the huge demon pill that was falling like a star, but also lifting the demon pill up and smashing it towards the three-headed saint.

The three heads of the three-headed saint were all wide-eyed when they saw this.

These out-of-body and spirit-transforming cultivators were originally just ants in his eyes, but now they actually resisted his strongest form of one thought and three divisions!

Not just resisting, it should be said that it was suppressed without suspense!

The three-headed saint waved his sleeves, and the golden flying sword and scissors flew back, but the most powerful demon pill was caught by Xiaoqi and Ao Lingshuang and could not break free.

The face of the head in the middle of the three-headed saint sank.

"Damn monsters, where did they get such great brute force? These two guys carry the aura of ancient demon gods, and the body-building skills seem to come from the ancient demon god clan."

"Small!" The three-headed saint shouted softly.

The huge demon pill, like a star, shrank rapidly in the blink of an eye. As a result, the huge Xiaoqi and Ao Lingshuang could not catch it in their hands. When the demon pill of the three-headed saint was about to fly back, a white light suddenly appeared, and a white-scaled demon python thousands of feet long appeared in the five-color space turbulence.

The scales of this demon python are like white jade, noble and holy.

The white-scaled demon python opened its mouth, and a strange suction force spread out. The three-headed saint's face changed drastically, his heart skipped a beat, and he secretly shouted that it was not good. He only felt that his natal demon pill was a little difficult to retrieve, and it was slowly flying towards the mouth of the white-scaled demon python.

"This is... This is the innate magical power of the wild ancient snake!"

The three-headed saint shouted violently.

"Come back to me!"


The golden flying sword and scissors that had just been taken back shot straight at the eyes of the white-scaled giant python, but how could Ye Lin and others stand by and watch Xiaobai, who could not dodge, get hurt.

For a moment, the sword energy was everywhere, and various spells were used to block the golden flying sword and scissors in front of Xiaobai.

The three-headed saint saw that his life-defining demon pill was about to be swallowed by the white-scaled demon python with the wild swallowing ancient snake, and he was scared to death.

This demon pill is different from other life-defining Taoist tools. Other life-defining Taoist tools are not closely connected to his soul, and they are all external things. Only this demon pill is the result of his hundreds of thousands of years of hard work. It is a vital part of him. If this demon pill is swallowed, today's battle will definitely be lost.

At the critical moment, the three-headed saint's hand flashed with light, and a silver-white ancient sword appeared. This ancient sword did not look sharp at all, but it made Ye Lin tremble with fear!

"No, this is the sword energy sealed by a powerful sword immortal!"

Even the elder sister's face changed slightly at this moment.

The head on the left of the three-headed saint laughed.

"I know you are scared. This sword energy is the strongest sword energy left by the seal of the sword immortal in the fusion realm. It was accidentally obtained by me in an ancient ruins when I invaded the subsidiary world of the spirit world. Even though it has been hundreds of thousands of years and its power has dropped greatly, it can easily threaten the existence of the great perfection of returning to the void. Today, I use it on you ants, which is really worthy of your pride."

The head on the right was extremely ferocious and gnashed his teeth.

"This treasure was originally my life-saving trump card, but I didn't expect to use it here. You deserve to die, you deserve to die!"

The head in the middle had a gloomy face and shouted softly.


Buzz buzz buzz!

The sound of the sword chanting was heard all over the sky and the earth. Just this sound made Ye Lin feel that his soul was being cut by the sword, which made him extremely painful, and his head seemed to explode.

Then a silver-white sword energy as wide as ten thousand feet was like a crescent moon descending, cutting towards Xiao Bai. The speed of this sword energy was neither fast nor slow, but it gave people the illusion that no matter how they avoided it, no matter where they hid, they would be killed!

At the critical moment, in front of Xiao Bai, the butts of a hundred butt bugs that had been ready to face it burst out with dazzling blue light at the same time!


The sound of the explosion that shook the sky and the earth sounded, and a hundred blue shock waves destroyed everything, and instantly intersected with the ten thousand feet crescent sword energy, and a silver-blue shock wave followed.

The crescent sword energy ten thousand feet wide actually dissipated under the bombardment of a hundred blue shock waves!

Ye Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

The farts of the butt bugs were not very effective against high-level cultivators with strong spiritual perception. For a strong person like the Three-Headed Saint, he could easily dodge even if there were a thousand fart bugs releasing farts.

But the sword energy without a master would not turn and dodge. Even the strongest sword energy sealed by the sword immortal in the fusion realm could not withstand the simultaneous bombardment of a hundred farts.

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