Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 988: Pursuit outside the Territory

Seeing that there was no hope of relying on the army to fight, the Salamander Demon Lord saw Ye Lin and others chasing after him. He gritted his teeth and flew away again. He shot straight towards the sky.

"I must escape from this world and go to the outer starry sky. There is endless vastness there. It is impossible for these indigenous monks to find me. At the same time, there are demons there who can be summoned to serve as subordinates. When the next Jiazi Blood Food Gate opens, I will You can directly return to the Blood Food Gate to pass the information back."

"Such a chosen son will definitely arouse the interest of the Six-Armed Shura Buddha, or even the Holy Lord. When they join forces and send their clones, they can easily sweep away this group of indigenous monks."

In this way, the Fire Lizard Demon Lord completely abandoned the trillions of demon armies.

Although he is not dead, in the hearts of all the troops, he is already dead.

On the sea, the collapse of the demon army is amplifying little by little. Countless demons who have lost their fighting spirit begin to flee in all directions. Countless desperate demons raise their hands and kneel down to surrender in order to seek a chance for survival...

"You can't escape!"

Immediately behind were streaks of escaping light that pierced the sky, and it was Ye Lin and his party who were chasing after them at high speed.

The Fire Lizard Demon Lord felt something in his heart and escaped faster. In a short time, he had already flown past the junction point between the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent and the extraterrestrial starry sky, and entered the extraterrestrial starry sky that could accelerate infinitely.

The Fire Lizard Demon Lord felt slightly relieved.

"My magic power is much stronger than all of them. In any small indigenous third-class world where everyone can teleport through the air, it won't show much advantage. But when you come to the outer starry sky where you can infinitely accelerate, teleportation through the air is no longer a problem." It is the main means of escape. It relies on mana to continuously accelerate, and eventually it can approach the speed of light. It will definitely be able to get rid of them easily!"

The Fire Lizard Demon Lord flew through the air several times and left the Ten Thousands of Miles away from the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent. He spat out the source of the dark soul with a fierce breath, and shot out in a flash. The surrounding space continued to distort... He consumed Wannian Shouyuan activated his secret technique and entered a state of infinite acceleration.

In the extraterrestrial starry sky, one can achieve infinite acceleration by continuously flying in the same direction, but the Fire Lizard Demon King directly consumes ten thousand years of life, and the starting speed is much higher than that of ordinary God-Transformation Dzogchen cultivators. After accelerating, ordinary monks would naturally not be able to catch up with him.

A few days later, the Salamander Demon Lord's escape speed had increased two or three times faster than the initial speed.

"I finally escaped. Who would have thought that a mere third-class mortal world could be so dangerous, huh!!"

The Fire Lizard Demon Lord was suddenly startled. With a look of surprise, he turned around. Millions of miles away, there was a blue escaping light following closely, getting closer and closer...

"This is, this is... a butt bug, this is impossible, a butt bug that has left the Dzogchen Perfection, there is no way it can catch up with me!"

The Fire Lizard Demon Lord was so frightened that he was scared to death. He had already seen a large number of monks standing on the back of the butt bug. It was Ye Lin and a group of terrifying swordsmen who could pose a fatal threat to him!

The most terrifying thing is that this butt bug is rapidly closing the distance with him. According to the speed of both parties, he will be caught up in two hours at most!

By this time, the Salamander Demon Lord no longer cared about figuring out why an out-of-body butt bug could catch up with his speed in the extraterrestrial sky. He just wanted to speed up and escape!

Just now, under the protection of a trillion-dollar army, I was no match for Ye Lin and the others, let alone in the vast alien sky. If I were besieged, I would be in a state of indignity!

The Fire Lizard Demon Lord was so frightened that his soul trembled, and he spat out another large mouthful of the source of his soul, trying to burn the power of the source to forcefully accelerate...

As a result, he was caught up again a day later.

The Fire Lizard Demon Lord couldn't help but feel a little desperate.

"I am originally a clone, and my soul is originally incomplete and unstable. If I consume the source of my soul a few more times, I am afraid that my soul will collapse without them taking action..."

The Fire Lizard Demon Lord burned the source of his soul twice more, but still could not escape the fate of being caught up.

Feeling that the origin of his soul was about to collapse, the Fire Lizard Demon Lord felt desperate. He knew that he had no way out. A few hours later, Xiao Lan, who was violently spitting out purple-blue shock waves from his buttocks, walked side by side with him. .

The Fire Lizard Demon Lord asked unwillingly.

"What a chosen one. No wonder Six-Armed Shura Buddha once told you to be careful of bugs. Before I die, I just want to know why you, a little bug in the out-of-body stage, is so fast!"

Ye Lin smiled lightly.

"Because he can accelerate by farting!"

The Salamander Demon Lord looked confused, farting to achieve acceleration? What kind of weird escape method is this?

In fact, Ye Lin didn't tell him that under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Xiao Lan to catch up with him who was continuously using secret techniques in the outer starry sky, but Xiao Lan's escape speed would be affected by food.

Xiaolan has eaten a lot of Jianmu leaves recently... The shock wave from the fart is several times stronger than before. Xiaolan doesn't even dare to release the collapse fart, because it feels that the moment it is released, it will also Explosion, continuous flight, and a little release are within the tolerance range.

Therefore, the fundamental reason for chasing the Fire Lizard Demon Lord was because of Jianmu!

Jian Mu is Ye Lin's most precious treasure, so naturally it cannot be revealed easily.

A series of sharp sword energy cut towards the Salamander Demon Lord, and the Buddha Lotus Relic Rosary once again bloomed with dazzling golden light, condensing a golden shield like a small sun to wrap the Salamander Demon Lord.

The Salamander Demon Lord knew that he would not be able to escape the fate of being killed today, but after accepting it, he no longer had any fear. He smiled coldly.

"It seems that this spiritual insect of yours has gone through an extremely rare mutation. If you can kill me today, I will kill you and make you pay an unbearable price!"

Ding ding ding!

The sword energy slashed at the golden Buddha's light shield, and a terrifying attack wave surged out. This mana shock wave was lethal to the monks in the Nascent Soul stage, but it had no effect on Ye Lin and his group.

This time, the Fire Lizard Demon King injected the Buddha Lotus Relic Rosary with majestic mana in advance. The power of the shield was obviously much stronger than the last time. It was not broken after being attacked by so many sword energy, but the light became extremely dim.

The Salamander Demon Lord made a hand seal, and behind him appeared a huge lizard spirit that was thousands of feet tall and shrouded in flames. There was only a "boom" sound, and the flames covering his body suddenly burst out. The intensity of the fire became several times more fierce. The aura of the Lizard Demon Lord also became more and more terrifying.

He made a desperate move and chose to burn all his soul to enhance his mana, and deliver a fatal blow before he died!

Ye Lin snorted coldly.

"It's a dead end. Let's see how powerful your clone's death blow is."

I saw Ye Lin making a secret with one hand.

"Ancestral dragon incarnation!"

Roaring, violent roars of dragons came, and a huge golden dragon that was thousands of feet long and winding was protecting everyone on Ye Lin's side in the center.

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