Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 982: Come to collect puppets

The fundamental reason why the Fire Lizard Demon Lord could no longer deduce any information about Ye Lin was that Ye Lin had practiced the "Hidden Dragon Art" to the Great Perfection at one time. After practicing to the Great Perfection, Ye Lin could not only hide his breath at will, but also hide his own destiny.

Not to mention that a cultivator in the Return to Void Stage like the Fire Lizard Demon Lord could not find his destiny, even a powerful cultivator in the Combined Dao Stage who was stronger than the Return to Void Stage could not find it.

As for the senior sister, she could hide her own destiny in a blink of an eye, and the Fire Lizard Demon Lord could not find it at all.

It must be said that the Fire Lizard Demon Lord had fought in other worlds many times and participated in the harvest of other worlds. He was extremely experienced. Even if he came to this extremely weird third-level mortal world and suffered a great loss at the beginning, he still did not panic and made the most correct choice.

But as the Fire Lizard Demon Lord said, he sent so many spies at one time to disperse, even if Ye Lin had a great ability, it would be impossible to kill them all.

But how could Ye Lin do as the Fire Lizard Demon Lord wished, and he would not sit and wait for death.

Deep in the sea, ten extremely weak but fast streams of light flashed by. They were the ten great perfection demon leaders who were sent by the Fire Lizard Demon Lord to the outside world to inquire about the news.

At this time, all ten of them had gloomy faces. Not long after leaving the core area of ​​the Demon Sea, they stopped in a coral reef.

A charming woman asked.

"What are your plans next?"

"According to the little girl, we only have two choices now. One is to follow the instructions of the Demon Lord and blend into the society of the indigenous monks to gather intelligence. The other is to randomly find a few indigenous people with average cultivation to search their souls and find some information to complete the task."

A strong man with two heads and a demonic aura snorted coldly: "We have traveled millions of miles without sensing a single intelligent indigenous creature. This shows that the chosen son has long moved away the monks around who have wisdom and have mastered some intelligence. If we want to blend into the society of indigenous monks, I am afraid we must pass through the defense line set up by the indigenous monks..."

"Even the Demon Lord dare not act separately from the army rashly, which is enough to show that passing through the defense line of the indigenous monks alone is a matter of life and death. If we are caught by the Return to Void monk, wouldn't it be as easy to kill us as cutting melons and vegetables? Anyway, my goal is to randomly find a few intelligent monks. If anyone wants to seriously complete the task assigned by the Demon Lord, please feel free to do so."

After these words came out, everyone looked at each other, and indeed no one left the team.

The demons have always been self-interested. How could they risk their lives to complete the mission better? Moreover, if someone wants to leave alone now, they will be ruthlessly killed by others.

If someone really wants to complete the reconnaissance mission seriously, won’t the life of the person who perfunctorily treats the Fire Lizard Demon Lord be in danger?

"I agree with the second plan. This sea area is not small. Even if it is cleaned up, there will be fish that slip through the net. Next, we will split up into groups of five and look for a sea monster in the out-of-body stage to search the soul."

"I agree too."


Just when the ten demon leaders were divided into two groups and were about to leave, they suddenly heard a voice coming from the depths of the coral.

"Why bother so much, fellow Heavenly Demon Daoists? Whatever information you want to obtain, Ye can tell you unconditionally..."

The ten Heavenly Demon leaders were stunned when they heard this. Their faces changed instantly, and they all looked at an umbrella-shaped five-color coral. There, there stood a young male cultivator in a light blue Taoist robe...

The ten of them walked along the way, with their spiritual senses fully open, but they did not find any breath of this male cultivator, as if this person did not exist at all. If he had not spoken suddenly, the ten people would not have noticed anything unusual from beginning to end.

The seductive woman exclaimed and asked the two questions that all the Heavenly Demon leaders wanted to ask the most.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of your visit?"

The male cultivator smiled and flicked his finger. A blue light flashed across, and a huge butt bug appeared under his feet. The butt bug slowly rose into the air and swam towards the ten people.

"I am the person you want to find the most, the Chosen Son of this world. Can't you feel it? Oh, sorry, I forgot to release the breath of the Chosen Son."

Before he finished speaking, the ten demon leaders really felt the breath of the Chosen Son from Ye Lin, and at the same time, they also felt the breath of Ye Lin's cultivation, the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm.

But at this moment, no demon dared to despise Ye Lin, who was only at the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm. Everyone's face was as pale as paper, and some were timid and even fell into fear.

Even a fool can understand that the Chosen Son must be cheating if he takes the initiative to come to the door!

The charming woman asked again: "May I ask the purpose of your visit?"

Ye Lin said with a smile.

"I am here to collect ten Yuanshen that can refine the Great Perfection of Transformation Spirit Puppet."

The ten people immediately began to retreat slowly.

Ten Great Perfection of Transformation Spirit Demons were forced to retreat by a Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm cultivator, which is also a world wonder.

The charming woman laughed in anger.

"Just you, a mere Chosen Son of the Out-of-Body Stage? The Return-to-Void Stage cultivator behind you has been lying in ambush for a long time, right? No need to hide your head and show your tail!"

Ye Lin was slightly stunned and looked behind him.

"The Return-to-Void Stage cultivator behind me? You all have very rich imaginations... I'm sorry to tell you that there is no Return-to-Void Stage cultivator behind me, only some puppets..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Lin waved his sleeves, hundreds of spiritual lights flashed, and puppets of various shapes appeared in front of Ye Lin, with the Five Colors Fairy and the Demon Snake True Lord in the lead.

Behind these two puppets stood ten Great Perfection Spiritualization puppets and dozens of ordinary Spiritualization puppets.

After sixty years, Ye Lin's puppet factory has successfully refined ten Great Perfection Spiritualization Heavenly Demon leaders, including Wusheng Sword Immortal and Huoyun Fox Demon, who came from the Blood Food Gate last time, into Great Perfection Spiritualization puppets!

The ten Heavenly Demon leaders who came out to inquire about intelligence saw that there were many familiar faces among these puppets that he had seen several times, and they were all trembling with fear and showed disbelief.

"How is it possible? Strong men like Wusheng Sword Immortal and Demon Snake True Lord have also been refined into puppets!"

"In such a short time, even the puppet immortal in the middle stage of Return to Void under the command of the Saint Lord can't do it!"

"It seems that this boy has a treasure related to puppets!"

"With so many puppets, we are definitely not opponents. Quickly use the secret method to escape, go back to report to the Demon Lord, and send a large army to fight them head-on!"

The ten people were about to break through the air and teleport, escaping at the fastest speed.

Ye Lin's voice sounded again.

"You must have misunderstood. Ye summoned these puppets just to tell you that you won't die after surrendering, at least you can still be a puppet..."

As he spoke, a series of sharp sword energy had cut the sea water into several sections and killed the ten people!

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