Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 978 Don’t underestimate insects

The six-armed Shura Buddha chanted the Buddha's name, and golden Buddha light shone in the palm as big as a mountain. A string of Buddha bone relic beads flew towards the Salamander Demon King. At this moment, there seemed to be countless Buddhas reciting scriptures. Wherever the relics passed, Blood-red monster lotus flowers were born.

Six-armed Shura Buddha introduced.

"This is a natal Taoist tool made from my own relics. It is called the Buddha Lotus Relic Rosary. It can be used offensively and defensively, and has infinite uses. You have seen me use it many times, so you should have some understanding of it."

The Salamander Demon Lord, who was wearing a fiery red Taoist robe, caught the top-quality Taoist artifact called the Buddha Lotus Relic Rosary, and was overjoyed.

"Of course I know that this is the Taoist weapon that made you famous, Lord Buddha. More than three powerful people in the Return to Void Stage died under this treasure."

The six-armed Shura Buddha nodded with satisfaction.

"With this treasure, your clone can deal with the masters in the early stage of returning to the void. I don't believe that there are still masters in the returning stage in this third-level mortal world."

The unhappiness in the Salamander Demon King's heart had long been wiped away, and he laughed.

"This is absolutely impossible. Even in the small spirit world, it is impossible for monks to be born in the Void-Returning Stage. This is restricted by the rules of the world. We in Taiyutian, including the Void-Returning monks in the Spirit World, cannot go to the mortal world. With this treasure in hand , I can guarantee that this mission can be completed easily, and there will be a result no matter whether the five-color enchantress is alive or dead."

The six-armed Shura Buddha nodded and warned with a very solemn expression.

"I deduced the secrets of heaven a few days ago. In the blur, I saw endless kinds of bugs. I don't know what they mean. After you go there, you must be careful of any bugs. Don't underestimate bugs."

The Salamander Demon Lord licked his scarlet tongue.

"The lizards love to eat bugs, and the ancient salamander I took away is no exception!"

As he spoke, the Salamander Demon King made a hand seal, and the translucent spirit behind him suddenly appeared. The spirit was a huge lizard covered with fiery red scales. There seemed to be endless real fire burning in the lizard's body. With.

The magic techniques in the hands of the Fire Lizard Demon Lord are constantly changing, and the ten thousand-foot-high Yuan Shen is gradually divided into two. The split Yuan Shen is just a ball of fire at first. As the Fire Lizard Demon Lord continues to cast spells, the ball of fire gradually It turned into the appearance of the Fire Lizard Demon Lord Yuanshen. Of course, the Fire Lizard Demon Lord Yuanshen was not as tall as the original body, and his aura was much weaker.

Not long after, a person who looked exactly like the Fire Lizard Demon Lord appeared in front of the Fire Lizard Demon Lord.

One of the Salamander Demon Lords smiled and clasped his fists.

"Self, I have understood the basic situation of this mission. Currently, I feel good and don't have any discomfort. This time the soul differentiation was very successful."

The other Salamander Demon Lord forced a smile. At this moment, his face was as pale as paper, and the power of the flames on his body was far less than before. It was obvious that using the method of clones consumed a lot of him, and the process of splitting the soul was also extremely painful. It was slightly uncomfortable. Caution may result in permanent damage to the soul.

His body fell directly into a period of weakness.

The other Salamander Demon Lord nodded.

"Very good, please click here to write that the soldiers will enter the Gate of Blood Food."

The clone of the Fire Lizard Lord nodded, and he cupped his hands towards the Six-Armed Shura Buddha.

"Lord Buddha, you can rest assured that this mission will be arranged flawlessly and there won't be any surprises."

The six-armed Shura Buddha smiled and nodded.

"Go ahead."

With that said, the Fire Lizard Demon Lord took the Buddha Lotus Relic Rosary, glanced at the hundreds of god-transforming Dzogchen Heavenly Demon leaders standing by, and then quickly pointed out the fifty most powerful Heavenly Demon leaders.

"You must summon one trillion elite demons to accompany me on an expedition to harvest this weak third-class world!"

"As you command!"

Not long after, a dense and endless number of elite demon soldiers were waiting at the door of the Blood Food Gate.

The Salamander Demon Lord transformed into a beam of fire that cut through the dim sky and shot towards the center of the Blood Food Gate.

"The army moves out!"

"As you command!"

In the blink of an eye, the body of the Salamander Demon Lord merged into the Blood Food Gate, followed closely by the extremely excited demons, who filed in one after another.

One trillion heavenly demons are so vast. Even if 100 million heavenly demons enter the Blood Food Gate every breath, it will take a full ten thousand breaths to enter it.

In the Taiyu Heaven, the fact that one trillion heavenly demons set out to conquer an unknown third-level mortal world was considered an anecdote, and it quickly spread.

After all the demons entered the Blood Food Gate, the six-armed Shura Buddha frowned slightly.

"What's going on? I'm still a little uneasy."

He looked at the Blood Food Gate covering the sky, and he actually had an illusion that frightened him. It was like this gate, leading to endless hell. No matter what kind of strong man he was, as long as he entered it, he would return forever. not coming.

"Buzz buzz"...

There seemed to be endless bugs waiting for the arrival of one trillion Heavenly Demon Lords on the other side of the Blood Food Gate, and then completely devouring them all without leaving any bones.

The six-armed Shura Buddha's face changed slightly.

"How could there be such an ominous sign!"

As a monk in the middle stage of returning to the void, he is not ignorant and superstitious. In the eyes of a strong person at this level, any information sensed by the soul may be a spiritual warning.

The Six-Armed Shura Buddha was unusually agitated for no apparent reason.

"Even if the clone of the Fire Lizard Demon Lord cannot solve the trouble there, with the protection of my Buddha Lotus Relic Rosary, it shouldn't be a big problem to come back from the Blood Food Gate to report the situation after a month. By then, we will have specific information. Only then can you make sure you are safe.”

"If I send a clone to go there now, once the clone is lost, my realm will probably fall back to the time when I just entered the middle stage of the out-of-body state, and tens of thousands of years of hard practice will be destroyed."

Thinking of this, the Six-Armed Asura Buddha gave up the idea of ​​sending a clone to follow him now. He silently chanted the meditation mantra for a while, and when he looked at the blood-feeding door again, he lost the feeling that made him terrified.

In this way, he calmed down.

On the side, the Fire Lizard Demon Lord used the method of splitting the soul, which consumed a lot of energy. He had already started to meditate on the spot to recover his vitality. As if he felt the gaze of the Six-Armed Asura Buddha, the Fire Lizard Demon Lord opened his eyes slightly.

"What is the matter, Lord Buddha?"

The Six-Armed Asura Buddha said.

"Nothing, just checking your condition."

In fact, the Six-armed Asura Buddha wanted to confirm whether the Fire Lizard Demon Lord, who was also a cultivator in the Return to Void Stage, had any ominous premonitions. The Fire Lizard Demon Lord's realm was a little lower than his, and his spiritual perception was not as strong as his, but after all, the Fire Lizard Demon Lord's clone had entered the Blood Food Gate and would soon enter the third-level mortal world. His spiritual perception should be more direct.

Seeing that the Fire Lizard Demon Lord was not abnormal, the Six-armed Asura Buddha was completely relieved.

In the Wan Guo Continent, in the outer area of ​​the Heavenly Demon Sea, on the top of a tower of a huge floating palace, Ye Lin, wearing a Taixuan Sect Taoist robe, stood on the top of the tower, looking at the Blood Food Gate from afar, his figure motionless like a sculpture.

Suddenly, a fiery red escape light left the Blood Food Gate.

"The third wave of the Heavenly Demon Tribulation has finally arrived!"

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