Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 975 The inevitable sacrifice

There was a white-robed swordsman with an extraordinary bearing. He turned into a sword light and kept traveling among the demons. Wherever he went, all the bodies of the demons were chopped into several pieces. Even the Nascent Soul could not escape the pursuit of the sword energy.

The strength of the white-clothed swordsman is in the late stage of leaving the body. The target of every pursuit is the Great Perfection Demon. With just a casual sword, the overwhelming sword power and sword intention will track and kill the Great Perfection Demon. Pigs and dogs.

Many female monks who fought bravely could not help but be shaken when they saw this scene, while the sword fairy in white ignored it indifferently.

This person is none other than Song Lingtian, whose appearance and aura have changed.

During this period, Song Lingtian practiced the "Infatuated Swordsmanship", and the growth of his swordsmanship was extremely terrifying. Not to mention the out-of-body Dzogchen Demon, even if the demon in the early stage of incarnation fought alone, he would die.

Song Lingtian's infatuation is probably far greater than that of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal. He integrated his love for the deceased Taoist couple into the way of swordsmanship. Even if he faces the opponent of the Perfect God, he will not hesitate to use the sword. .

There was a middle-aged monk with an ordinary temperament and appearance, wearing a light blue Taixuanmen Taoist robe. He was standing on top of a huge blood-colored mosquito with a body length of seven to eight feet. There were buzzing and dense swarms around him. Followed by millions of bloody mosquitoes, these mosquitoes appear somewhat translucent, seeming to be somewhere between fantasy and reality.

Surrounding the bloody mosquito, there are millions of other spiritual insects, including butt bugs, golden-backed man-eating ants, thousand-threaded spiders, and flaming scorpions, with as many as thousands of species.

Different types of spiritual insects cooperate with each other in an unusually tacit understanding.

There are two green mantises accompanying the middle-aged monk, who seem to be the commanders of the insect swarm.

Wherever the cloud of blood-colored insects passes, even the demon's spiritual body that has transformed into a disembodied body will be sucked by the densely packed blood-colored mosquitoes until the body is completely destroyed. After a while, blood-colored eggs will be laid, which will hatch and turn into dense mosquitoes.

As for the demon's counterattack, it is easily reached by a group of mosquitoes with tortoise shells forming a formation. Even if the demon is surrounded by millions or tens of millions of mosquitoes, it will soon become nourishment for the mosquitoes.

The insect cloud formed a large font on the sea for a while, a triangle for a while, and a big ball for a while, which was very eye-catching.

The middle-aged monk laughed heartily while ruthlessly harvesting the demon's spiritual body.

"Happy, Lafeng, today I will definitely be one of the most popular existences... Look at those fairies, their eyes are straight, they all show fear, they are obviously interested in my army of spiritual insects. Very impressed!”

This person is Elder Sun, Ye Lin's master. He is naturally not interested in young and beautiful fairies, but he is keen to show off the various strange spiritual insects he has cultivated. As for whether to leave a positive impression or leave a positive impression when showing them Negative impression, he doesn’t care…

These blood-colored mosquitoes are a unique variety of spiritual insects that Elder Sun spent a full sixty years mixing and crossing various spiritual insects, constantly screening, and then constantly feeding various elixir materials to target the demons. They are called devil-eating mosquitoes.

The Demon-Eating Mosquito is not a pure spiritual insect. It is more like a magic that can be blessed by the master's magic power. It can be weak or strong. There is no growth at all. When the owner of the mosquito becomes more powerful, they will also become more powerful.

The characteristic of the Demon-Eating Mosquito is that it can feed on the spiritual body of the Heavenly Demon and continue to reproduce. After receiving the blessing of mana, the Demon-Eating Mosquito is extremely fast and can withstand various attacks. Its terrifying level far exceeds that of high-grade Taoist tools.

Ye Lin has also studied devil-eating mosquitoes. He found that this kind of hybrid spiritual insect is extremely unstable. It explodes instantly after being fed the blood of the Insect King. It will not grow and mutate, so there is no large-scale breeding.

Elder Sun was very satisfied with the new species of mosquitoes he researched. He said that this filled the gap that no mosquito could suck the blood of the demon. If there was a chance, he would release hundreds of millions of demon-eating mosquitoes into Taiyu Heaven to invade Taiyu Heaven.

This day is the end of the demon.

The war lasted for half a month. Both the spirit insect army and the demon-dampening alliance were killed with soft hands and mentally numb. It was not clear how many heavenly demons they had killed.

On the Heavenly Demon Sea, the spiritual body of Heavenly Demon is floating everywhere, and the seabed is filled with the broken remains of Heavenly Magic Treasures and Taoist tools.

Hundreds of gods-stage demon leaders and 500 billion demon soldiers came in force. They thought they could easily defeat this unknown third-class mortal world, but unexpectedly they were already destroyed within less than a month after arriving in this world. Kill them all.

After the victory of the war, all the participants cheered in victory.

Xiaoqiang came to report.

"Master, in this battle, the demon alliance army sacrificed a total of 60 million soldiers, and the spirit insect army sacrificed 340,000."

Ye Lin nodded.

"All of them were buried with monuments and their families were given generous pensions."

"As commanded."

Unlike the soldiers who had already started cheering, Ye Lin felt sad and happy in his heart.

What he was happy about was that this battle resulted in an unimaginable victory and great victory. He also accomplished the strategic goal of killing all the demons and not allowing any demon from Taiyu Heaven to return to the Gate of Blood Food after a few seconds. .

Sadly, even though they had a huge advantage at the beginning of the war, the sacrifices of tens of millions of heroic soldiers of the Demon-Dang Alliance could not be avoided, nor could the spiritual insects die in battle.

After all, although the demon army was generally scattered, the demons were not fools. When facing death, they all knew how to use secret techniques to consume their lifespans and fight desperately. The battlefield was too big, and it was impossible for all comrades to resist or protect them every time, and death was inevitable.

Moreover, no matter how chaotic the demon army was, there were still two or three hundred billion survivors, and the total number of the demon-slaying coalition and the spirit insect army was less than 1.1 billion. On average, each soldier had to kill hundreds of powerful enemies. On the demon side, most of the cultivation bases were at the Jindan stage, but the number of Yuanying stage demons was as high as 700 million or 800 million, which was still more than the number of Yuanying and Out-of-body cultivators, crushing Ye Lin's side.

It was the best result to achieve such a record.

Ye Lin sighed slightly.

"Sure enough, no matter how strong the existence is, it is impossible to be perfect."

At this time, Elder Sun came to Ye Lin's side. He seemed to see Ye Lin's thoughts and smiled.

"Birth, aging, illness and death are the laws of heaven and earth. Even if there is no great calamity of the Heavenly Demon, these people cannot escape, unless they become immortal golden immortals one day. The ancients said that death is lighter than a feather, and death is heavier than a mountain. The soldiers are willing to fight for the goals they want to achieve and for the people they want to protect, and they have long been prepared to die on the battlefield."

"Those who sacrificed are like this, and those who did not sacrifice are also like this. There is nothing to be sad about. The most urgent task is to prepare for the subsequent great calamity of the Heavenly Demon. If we fail to survive the great calamity, we will be ashamed of everyone."

Ye Lin nodded heavily after hearing this.

"Master is right."

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