Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 968 Infinite Power

That is indeed the case. It is reasonable to say that it takes a long time to refine a perfect puppet of the incarnation of the spirit, at least a hundred years, at most hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, but that is based on the situation where there is only one puppet master to refine it.

Ye Lin's puppet spirit insect team has reached a million, among which there are hundreds of puppet masters who have reached the perfect state of out-of-body. With cooperation, the progress of refining the perfect puppet of the incarnation is naturally rapid.

What makes the five demon leaders most desperate is that once the five-color enchantress is refined into a puppet, it will almost never be out of Ye Lin's control, that is to say, even if they want to rescue the five-color enchantress, the five-color enchantress herself will not leave.

The main purpose of this five-person team is to rescue the five-color enchantress, and harvesting the entire Wan Guo Continent is a secondary goal. Now that they see that there is no hope of completing the task, endless hatred suddenly surges in their hearts.

"Good chosen son, do you know what the identity of this five-color demon girl is? You are so bold. We must capture you alive and hand you over to the Saint King for conviction!"

"We must catch this boy at all costs, otherwise the Saint King will definitely be angry with us once he gets the news, and then we will be doomed!"

"Hmph, even if you have two great perfection puppets, the strength of the puppets cannot be stronger than the soul refined into the core of the puppets!"

While speaking, the five demons all used their own methods to bypass the bound golden dragon claws and attack Ye Lin.

The demon fox transformed by the graceful woman gave birth to three more fiery red tails, tearing through the void like a needle tip and stabbing towards Xiao Lan.

The Shura giant, who was thousands of feet tall, roared wildly, grabbed the void with one hand, and a blood-red giant axe quickly grew larger in the palm of his hand, and then with a "swish", it chopped towards Ye Lin.

The naked Buddha snorted coldly.

"This butt bug is fast, but don't think about escaping from my Guixu bowl."

All his strange eyes stopped attacking the claws of the ancestor dragon, and thousands of Buddha lights shot directly at Ye Lin. At the same time, he threw out a golden bowl, which grew rapidly and released a terrifying suction force. The surrounding space began to distort, causing Xiao Lan's flying speed to drop sharply.

The Yinsha Ghost Emperor laughed twice, and all the dead air surrounding his thin body dissipated. In an instant, there were gusts of cold winds in a radius of thousands of miles, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and green ghost fires ignited on the seabed.

"Taste the power of this evil ghost domain!"

Then he saw groups of translucent ghosts of sea monsters condensing. In the mud on the seabed, there were also countless strange things struggling and rolling. Not long after, a group of strange skeletons crawled out of the mud. They and the endless ghosts rushed towards Ye Lin like a tide.

The strange appearances did not stop there. Endless fantasies arose in the coverage area of ​​the evil ghost domain. There were girls who brought disaster to the country and the people with half-undressed clothes, and there were huge oil pans frying souls wailing in pain...

The Immortal Sword of No Life was not willing to lag behind. He patted the blood-red scabbard behind him, and "swoosh" two blood-colored flying swords flew out of the scabbard one after another. Together with the largest blood-colored small sword he had already sent out, there were three in total, each of which was a top-grade Taoist weapon. The three blood-red flying swords turned into three blood lights and slashed towards Xiao Lan.

The Immortal Sword of No Life said: "Quickly surrender, and you can avoid suffering. Although your incarnation of the Ancestral Dragon is powerful, you are just a cultivator with a great perfection in the out-of-body state. The mana in your body is limited and you are far from being able to exert the power of the Ancestral Dragon. If I am not wrong, you can only use the Ancestral Dragon to launch one more attack before your mana is exhausted!"

Ye Lin, who was besieged, did not speak, but just laughed and said to himself.

"Come on, just in time to test the combat power of my two puppets!"

As he spoke, a flash of light appeared beside Ye Lin, and it was Xiao Kui who was controlling the two puppets.

When the two puppets were refined, their spiritual consciousness was not completely wiped out. Ye Lin also had the ability to control the two puppets to attack, but he was not a puppeteer after all. Xiao Kui could control the two puppets to exert their strongest power.


"Yes, sir." Xiao Kui, the Five-Colored Demon Princess Puppet, and the Demon Snake True Lord Puppet answered in unison.

Xiao Kui's figure flashed and appeared on the huge snake head of the Demon Snake True Lord. The Demon Snake True Lord's body suddenly released monstrous demonic and demonic energy. These demonic and demonic energy condensed into an elliptical shield that wrapped Xiao Kui in it, and then with a flick of his tail, he actually broke through the void and drilled out from behind the golden bowl.

The naked Buddha's heart sank, and he secretly cried out that it was not good. He changed the spell in his hand and shouted loudly.

"How can this teleportation be so far? Take it back!"

The Demon Snake Master laughed strangely.

"Too late!"

The Demon Snake Master opened his huge mouth with fangs and bit down on the golden bowl like lightning. The bowl was about to be taken back, but the Demon Snake Master was faster than lightning. With a "click", the Demon Snake Master bit the golden bowl.

Then a scene that frightened the five people happened. The Demon Snake Master did not use any magic, but chewed the golden bowl like chewing food, and swallowed it into his stomach with a gulp!

The naked Buddha's life weapon was destroyed, and he spit out a mouthful of golden blood with a puff, and his face was extremely horrified.

"This is a top-grade weapon that is good at defense. It is extremely tough. It once took the full-strength attack of a cultivator in the early stage of returning to the void without being completely damaged. It was actually swallowed by this puppet. This means that the puppet's body is infinitely powerful and even tougher than a top-grade weapon. It has reached the level of a top-grade weapon. How is this possible!"

The other four people all showed a look of horror.

At this moment, the Five-Colored Fairy chuckled.

"You bunch of ants, why don't you surrender to my master as soon as possible? You are asking for trouble."

As she spoke, the five-colored glow shone, and the Five-Colored Fairy took a light step, also breaking through the air and teleporting. She was seen waving her long sleeves, and the five-colored glow swept out like waves.

The three fastest blood-colored sword qi "puff puff" chopped at the five-colored glow. The three blood-colored flying swords were like mud cows entering the sea. After piercing for hundreds of feet, they could not go in at all.

At this moment, two fiery red fox tails rushed into the five-colored glow with rolling flames. Although the five-colored glow was powerful, it could not withstand the full force of the two great perfection monks. It was instantly shattered and dissipated. The three blood-colored flying swords turned into blood light again and chopped at the body of the Five-Colored Fairy.

The Five-Colored Demon Lady snorted coldly and flicked her jade fingers. Only three "ding ding ding" metal sounds were heard, and the three extremely sharp top-grade Taoist flying swords were actually flicked back by the Five-Colored Demon Lady's fingers.

Two fiery red fox tails entangled with her, and the Five-Colored Demon Lady showed an intoxicating smile at the corner of her mouth. She grabbed the fox tails with her two jade hands, and the flames immediately swept over her body. The Five-Colored Demon Lady didn't care at all and tugged fiercely. The fiery red fox demon only felt a terrifying force coming, and his body involuntarily flew towards the Five-Colored Demon Lady.

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