Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 965 Five Hundred Billion Demons

After a while, the six-armed Shura Buddha frowned slightly.

"There seems to be something wrong."

If the Five-Colored Enchantress and the Demon Snake Lord were still in the Heaven of Desire, the Six-Armed Shura Buddha would still be able to deduce some important information. However, now that they are in different worlds from the Six-Armed Shura Buddha, it would be difficult to deduce the specific information. To make matters worse, Six-Armed Shura Buddha only felt that the situation between the two of them was not good, but he could not figure out how bad it was specifically.

The other demons in the transformation stage showed doubts and surprise when they heard this.

"What kind of accidents can happen in this mere third-class mortal world?"

"Not to mention the strength of the five-color enchantress, the Demon Snake Lord has been to other worlds many times to harvest. He is a senior cultivator of the Great Perfection of Gods. He has rich experience. He can perform the "Demon Cloud Movement" to perfection. How could he fall into this trap? In a mere third-class mortal realm?”

"That five-colored enchantress has been the favorite concubine of the Holy Lord for nearly ten thousand years. If something goes wrong, the Holy Lord will be furious. By then... Lord Buddha, you will probably be angered."

"What should we do? Why don't we report it directly to the Holy Lord?"

The six-armed Shura Buddha pondered for a moment, then snorted coldly.

"This matter should not be made public. The Holy Lord is currently in seclusion to strive for the Great Perfection of Returning to the Void. You must not disturb the Holy Lord with this trivial matter. Moreover, according to Buddha's calculation, although the situation of the Five Color Enchantress and the Demon Snake Lord is not good, they will not be able to return to the void in a short time. There will be a life threat, we just need to take advantage of this short period of time to rescue the five-color enchantress. "

"You are all monks of the Great Perfection of God Transformation. It must not be difficult to go to the third-level mortal world to save people. But if it is not possible, the Buddha can cut off the origin and create clones to go there in person."

"Everyone, listen!"

All the demons in the transformation stage bowed in unison.

Six-armed Shura Buddha said: "You, the ten leaders of the Great Perfection of God Transformation, along with six hundred generals of the God Transformation stage and 500 billion heavenly demon soldiers, will immediately enter the Gate of Blood Food to completely harvest this third-class mortal world and rescue the five-color monsters at the same time. Ji, no matter which leader succeeds in rescuing the Five-color Enchantress, I will reward you greatly."

"Got the order!"

All the monks in the transformation stage bowed to the six-armed Shura Buddha.

The huge body of the six-armed Shura Buddha moved slowly, and all the demons could finally clearly sense the call from the Blood Food Gate. All the demons became extremely excited at this moment, like a group of hungry wolves seeing food.

The ten gods-incarnating Dzogchen leaders carrying hundreds of billions of heavenly demons were like a tide. Amidst the excited roars and neighs of the heavenly demons, they submerged into the huge blood-eating gate.

The six-armed Shura Buddha looked at the figures of many heavenly demons rushing to enter the Blood Food Gate. He chanted the Buddha's name and began to deduce good or bad luck again, but the result was blurry and no useful information could be obtained.

Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent.

Ye Lin and his party have long since left the core area of ​​the Demonic Sea, and are now at the junction of the core area and the peripheral area of ​​the Demonic Sea, where they will not be infected or affected by the Blood Food Gate.

But Ye Lin, because he had nothing to do in the past sixty years, for the sake of safety, he became a scout himself. However, he was a strange scout. Other scouts went to dangerous areas to investigate the enemy's situation at regular intervals. Ye Lin A huge palace was built directly in the dangerous area, and he could relax and have fun in the palace every day.

At this time, Ye Lin was standing on top of Xiaolan's head, looking up at the sky, frowning slightly. The originally blood-red Blood Food Gate had been dyed into a strange ink black by strips of light black silk threads.

"It seems there are more enemies than expected."

With Ye Lin's current level of cultivation, he can roughly estimate the number of demons based on the number of black threads.

Ao Lingshuang's jade fist was clenched tightly and crackling.

"After a period of training and growth, the Demon Alliance Army is ready to fight against all enemies. Our strength is countless times more powerful than it was sixty years ago. Sixty years ago, we were able to survive the catastrophe. This time will be no exception.”

Ye Lin nodded.

"The second wave of demon catastrophe is about to come, let's return to the first line of defense."

"As ordered." Xiao Lan responded.

Before he could finish his words, Little Blue Fart used all his power to carry Ye Lin and his party towards Mo Lincheng at lightning speed.

Not long after Ye Lin and his party left, dazzling rays of light escaped from the Blood Food Gate, and powerful auras exploded. The seawater in the core area of ​​​​the entire Heavenly Demon Sea dropped hundreds of feet due to the terrifying aura. For a time, a huge depression formed in the core area of ​​Tianmohai, but the surrounding water could not flow in.

The first batch of demons to escape from the Gate of Blood Food are naturally the most powerful demons who are the leaders of the Ten Great Perfection Gods.

"I finally came to this third-level mortal world."

"We have to complete the task beautifully this time. Otherwise, we cannot bear the blame of Six-Armed Shura Buddha."

"What are you waiting for? Let's spread out first and blend into this world to find out information about the Five Color Enchantress and the Demonic Snake Lord."

"Absolutely not. We still don't know what happened to the Five-Colored Enchantress and Demonic Snake Lord. They are trapped in a mere third-class mortal world. If we are spread out, and the strength of the indigenous Chosen Sons is too strong, we will definitely be destroyed. After defeating them one by one, they fell into the same situation as the Five-Colored Enchantress and the Demonic Snake Lord. I suggest that you wait until the army of heavenly demons has completely arrived, assemble the army, and crush this third-class mortal world in one fell swoop."

"Old Demon of Tianshan, are you too cautious? Saving people is like putting out fires. That Five-Colored Enchantress is the concubine of the Holy King. If she is besieged by the indigenous chosen son, our army will crush her. If the enemy is angry, let the Five-Colored Enchantress With both body and soul destroyed, how should we explain to the Six-Armed Shura Buddha and the Holy Lord?"

"What Wusheng Sword Immortal said is absolutely right. I agree to infiltrate the indigenous cultivation world first and find out the relevant information. If we are afraid of being defeated one by one, we can form a group of five. No matter how strong the chosen son is, he can't reach the stage of transformation. There is no danger in a group of five."

"That's wrong..."

For a while, the ten great perfection demon leaders quarreled fiercely. It turned out that the six-armed Shura Buddha did not designate anyone as the leader because of the emergency. The ten great perfection demons of transformation were at the same level of cultivation, and there was no one who was particularly strong. Naturally, no one would submit to anyone.

After arguing for about half an hour, the ten demon leaders finally came up with a result that everyone was satisfied with.

The five demon leaders who wanted to make merit and rescue the five-color demon girl formed a team to infiltrate the cultivation world of the Wan Guo Continent, quickly find out the specific location of the five-color demon girl and her experience sixty years ago, and rescue her.

The remaining five Heavenly Demon leaders were relatively cautious and were unwilling to leave the influence of the Blood-Food Gate and venture into the outside world. They wanted to wait for the Heavenly Demon army to leave the Blood-Food Gate and then gather their troops to fight head-on with the indigenous monks of the Ten Thousand Nations Continent.

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