Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 956: The Devil Returns

A cunning look flashed in the eyes of the five-color enchantress.

"What if I told you in advance that you turned around and ran away? Now you and I are both turtles in this person's urn, grasshoppers in the same boat. There is no need to talk nonsense anymore, and we can quickly join forces to defeat the enemy. We only need to capture the chosen one. Son, success in harvesting this world is indispensable for your benefit!”

Demon Lord Snake was plotted by the Five-Colored Enchantress and almost died. Seeing the Five-Colored Enchantress looking confident and confident, the Three Corpse Gods jumped with anger and were extremely angry. However, there were no more ways to get out of danger, so they had to resort to snakes. With a flick of his tail, he flew towards the five-color enchantress.

Ye Lin naturally couldn't give the two a chance to meet, so he immediately gave the order.

"Team Buttbug, blast away Phoenix Divine Blessing's shield for me!"

"As you command!"

Just as the formation flags were flying, a butt bug that was only the size of a fingernail appeared around the Claw of the Ancestral Dragon. The direction its butt was pointing towards was the Phoenix Divine Blessing Shield in the Claw of the Ancestral Dragon.

In fact, Ye Lin had many ways to break through the Phoenix Divine Blessing Shield, but he still didn't do it. He was waiting for the five-color enchantress to ask for help from the Demon Dragon Demon Lord in desperation and trick the Demon Dragon Demon Lord into the formation!


Two purple-blue rays of light lit up at the same time, and the area with a radius of thousands of miles was illuminated in purple-blue. The light covered the golden color of the Ancestral Dragon's Claw and the fiery red of the flame shield.

The purple-blue shock wave hit the flame shield in the Ancestral Dragon's Claw in the blink of an eye. Only a phoenix scream was heard, and the flame shield shined brightly, and it actually withstood the full force of the two Dzogchen Dzogchen Butt Bugs. hit.

However, the brilliance of the flame shield quickly dimmed the next moment.

Only a "bang" sound was heard. Under the grasp of the ancestral dragon's claws, the flame shield could no longer bear it and exploded loudly, and the five-color enchantress screamed in surprise.

"not good!"

In desperation, she took a step forward and disappeared, trying to teleport again to avoid the ancestral dragon's claws crushing her body into powder.

Even though she knew that the surrounding space was controlled by the Ancient Void Inversion Formation, at this time, she had no other choice.

As expected, the five-color enchantress did not leave the palm of the Ancestral Dragon's Claw after the teleportation.

Hearing the five-color enchantress's shrill scream, Miaoman's body, which could turn all living beings upside down, was crushed by the golden dragon's claws and exploded, turning into powder.

A ray of light hurriedly flew out from the claws of the ancestral dragon. It was the soul of the five-color enchantress. Her soul was wrapped in the five-color glow. Her figure was looming and her appearance was perfect, just like a fairy descended from the earth.

It's a pity that Ye Lin is not a person who shows mercy to his enemies. With a wave of his sleeves, a large net is thrown down towards the five-color enchantress. It is the dragnet that has been laid out long ago.

The spirit of the five-color enchantress was so frightened that her pretty face turned pale. She flew away and tried to escape from the coverage of the big net. Unfortunately, the big net shrank at an extremely fast speed. Since she could no longer teleport, no matter how fast she was, she could not escape in time. .

The five-color enchantress made a final struggle with her jade hands.

"The true fire of Yuanshen, burn it for me!"


The spirit of the five-color enchantress ignited a blazing flame, and the high temperature made the surrounding space seem to be melting. Balls of true fire of the spirit rose into the sky to burn up the dragnet and the earth.

At this moment, another formation flag appeared from the void, and a monk wearing a fiery red robe appeared. It was Xiaohong, the flaming scorpion who had been ambushing around for a long time.

The monk transformed by Xiao Hong smiled, made a hand gesture, and opened his mouth.

"The True Fire of Yuanshen, bring it to you!"

The true soul fire that soared into the sky seemed to be affected by a suction force, and rushed towards Xiao Hong's mouth. In just one or two breaths, the true fire of the soul released by the five-color enchantress was actually swallowed. All was gone, and even the true fire of the soul was sucked away.

The five-color enchantress was horrified, but she still refused to give up and ignited her soul again, but the result was still the same, she was swallowed whole by Xiao Hong.

The Five-Colored Enchantress ran out of tricks for a while and was all cracked by Ye Lin. Even the top-notch Taoist weapon Phoenix Divine Blessing had cracks after being bombarded by the butt bugs. It could no longer be repaired and used in a short period of time, and she suddenly fell into despair.

Seeing that the dragnet was about to fall, the five-color enchantress knelt down towards Ye Lin with a "pop" sound.

"Senior, have mercy on me, have mercy on me. I am willing to surrender to you and serve you all my life. I just ask you to be merciful and not to kill me!"

Ye Lin remained expressionless, and the dragnet instantly wrapped up the Five-Colored Enchantress tightly, and the Five-Colored Enchantress's spirit quickly shrank to the size of a walnut.

Ye Lin grabbed it with his big hand and caught the bound spirit of the five-color enchantress in his hand.

The five-color enchantress was still struggling, saying words of begging for mercy.

Ye Lin grabbed the Phoenix Divine Blessing Jade Pendant that revolved around the five-color enchantress Yuanshen. He heard the phoenix roaring, and a terrifying heat came from Ye Lin's hand, which made Ye Lin's palms crackle.

Ye Lin snorted coldly and squeezed the five-color enchantress's soul with a squeeze of his palm.

"Hurry up and cut off the soul connection between you and Phoenix Divine Blessing. If not, today will be the day of your death!"

The five-color enchantress was so frightened that she quickly cut off her soul connection with Phoenix Divine Blessing.

"My lord, please spare my life. Whatever my lord says will be whatever you say. I only ask for my life to be spared..."

Ye Lin smiled.

"Your Excellency is very aware. Now I will give you a chance to ask your companions to submit to Ye Mou, and Ye Mou will consider giving you a way out."

The demon is the natural enemy of all races and is cunning and cruel in nature. Under normal circumstances, Ye Lin would not give him a chance, but the current situation is urgent.

Ye Lin has not forgotten that after these two groups of demons, there are at least hundreds of billions of demons who are about to arrive. Even if there are no two god-forming Dzogchen demons as commanders, the number of hundreds of billions of demons is still mind-numbing. , if the army of spiritual insects and the coalition of demon demons were to fight head-on, Ye Lin's side would definitely suffer huge damage.

Just talking about the demon alliance, Ye Lin estimated that there would be tens of millions to 100 million casualties at least.

And if he accepts the surrender of the Five-Colored Enchantress, subdues the two commanders of the Demonic Snake Lord, completely controls them, and then allows the two of them to return to the army of demons to lead hundreds of billions of demons, then the life and death of hundreds of billions of demons will be Isn’t it within Ye Lin’s thoughts?

Ye Lin was able to easily resolve the first wave of demon catastrophe and win sixty years of breathing space.

The five-color enchantress was overjoyed when she heard this, and her thoughts were filled with thoughts.

"It's right that this chosen one is so naive. After all, it's easy for us to deal with it, but it's not easy to deal with the hundreds of billions of demons. As long as they control the two of us, the hundreds of billions of demons will be nothing but fish on the board. As long as they control the two of us. If he doesn't kill me, if he practices double cultivation with me once in the future, or leaves a mark on my soul space rashly, I can follow the connection and slowly take this son away. By then, all his opportunities and treasures will be gone. It will be mine!"

As everyone knows, not long ago, there was a demon named Demon Dragon who had the same idea as her.

The five-color enchantress quickly said: "Wait a moment, my lord, I am going to persuade this person to surrender. With the master's supreme magical power and countless spiritual insects ambushing me, and I am aware of him and moving him with emotion and reason, the Demonic Snake True Lord will surely Will surrender obediently."

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