Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 952 Phoenix Jade Pendant

But it is said that the protective formation of this first line of defense is composed of nine ancient defensive formations, and each of these ancient defensive formations is composed of nine protective formations. In other words, the first line of defense is composed of nine ancient defensive formations. There are a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one types of formations in the defensive line of defense.

The method of arranging this formation is called Jiujiu Tianyan method, which Xiaoshu understood in the ancient ring space.

Generally speaking, a master of the Formation Dao cannot understand the Nine-Nine Heavenly Formation Formation when faced with it. Even a Grandmaster of the Formation Dao needs a long time of research before he can figure out the way.

This is also the result of more than a year of busy work by Xiaoshu and the Formation Spirit Insect Team. If a mere God-Transformation Dzogchen cultivator can easily break through, then the first line of defense and even Demon City will not have to defend it. After all, The army of demons all start at least tens of billions, and they are besieging them together, and their power is immeasurable.

In order to set up this formation, Ye Lin also spent a lot of resources, spending hundreds of thousands of immortal stones alone. Xiao Shu expected that the formation could hold out for several hours in the face of a 100 billion celestial demon siege.

The Five-Color Enchantress obviously did not expect that the protective formation of the indigenous army was so strong. After hearing Ye Lin's words, her beautiful eyes shone with cold light and she gave Ye Lin a sneer.

"Okay, okay, I like you, a strong-willed person like you. I hope you can be so calm and composed in the future!"

As she spoke, she cast her gaze on a skinny Taoist.

This skinny Taoist is one of his subordinates in the God Transformation Stage, and his cultivation level is only in the middle stage of God Transformation. Because he killed a Formation Master in other worlds, he has made many meritorious deeds, and is highly regarded by the Five-Color Enchantress.

"Have you seen any clues, where is the easiest way to break the formation?"

I saw the skinny old Taoist frowning slightly and using magic formulas in his hands, and the formation flags roared out. The formation flags rose in the wind, and were soon distributed throughout the first line of defense. Each formation flag shone with light, and seemed to have a mysterious meaning. connect.

The skinny old Taoist changed the position of the formation flag again and again, pinching the magic formula faster and faster, and frowning deeper and deeper.

After more than ten breaths, the five-color enchantress was obviously a little impatient and asked urgently.

"Is there any result?"

The skinny old Taoist looked embarrassed.

"Well, it may take some time for me to find the formation eye... As long as I find the core formation eye and concentrate my strength on the attack, I will be able to easily break the formation and capture the Chosen One."

The five-color enchantress asked again.

"How long will it take to find the formation eye?"

The skinny old Taoist hesitated for a while.

"This, this, maybe, probably, possible, it will take a few days."

The five-color enchantress was furious when she heard this. Without warning, she stretched out a huge claw from the sky and pinched the skinny old Taoist in her hand, just like a giant pinching a small ant.

"What use do I need from you, a formation master? According to the human race, the day lily will be cold in a few days!"

Boom, a sound!

The old Taoist's physical body was crushed to pieces, and his soul escaped and knelt down, kowtowing continuously.

"Spare your life, my lord, please spare your life!"

The five-color enchantress snorted coldly and immediately gave the order.

"Everyone takes action together and spends their lifespan to use secret techniques to attack the formation. We must rush to blast away the protective formation before Lord Demon Snake arrives. Otherwise, we will die!"

All the demons were shocked when they heard this.

"As you command!"

At this moment, the chosen one whom the Five-color Enchantress coveted actually flew out of the protection of the formation on the Butt Bug Xiaolan, getting closer and closer to the Five-Color Enchantress.

The Five-Colored Enchantress was also slightly startled, scratching her head for a moment.

"Is this person deliberately seeking death? This is very good, I will help you!"

The five-color enchantress flashed and teleported through the air. The next moment she appeared behind Ye Lin. Her jade-white palm instantly stretched out and grabbed Ye Lin's head. He wanted to penetrate Ye Lin's head in one fell swoop. Take Ye Lin's Nascent Soul lightly.

Unexpectedly, the situation around her suddenly changed at the next moment, and her claw actually penetrated Ye Lin's head. She caught nothing, and Ye Lin's whole body seemed like an illusion.

The five-color enchantress was shocked.

"What's going on? Could it be an illusion or an illusory formation? With my powerful consciousness, how could I be caught in an illusion?"

Ye Lin, whose head had been penetrated, slowly turned his head and smiled strangely at the five-color enchantress.

"At first, I thought you had some back-up. One person carrying dozens of gods-transformation demons dared to challenge our billion-dollar coalition. But now it seems that you don't."

"In this case, your Excellency, please suffer death!"

Suddenly, streaks of sharp sword light appeared in the sky. Each sword light cut through the space easily, carrying countless spatial turbulences and slashing towards the five-color enchantress.

The pretty face of the five-color enchantress suddenly turned pale, and she exclaimed.

"Impossible, when did these sword immortals walk out of the formation!"

She only felt that her soul was trembling, and her spiritual sense was warning wildly. Once she was hit by these sword energies, even her soul would not be able to escape!

The five-color enchantress was horrified. She subconsciously took a step forward and teleported through the air again. She wanted to avoid the sword energy by teleporting, but unexpectedly, it was better not to teleport. After teleporting, she found that the sword energy had already appeared in the air. In front of him.

This is someone using a large formation to control the surrounding space. It is the rumored ancient void upside down formation!

The five-color enchantress bit her silver teeth, and a delicate phoenix-shaped jade pendant on her chest shone brightly. In an instant, a huge flame shield enveloped the five-color enchantress.

Only a series of bangs were heard.

The sharp sword energy slashed fiercely on the flame shield, sparks flew everywhere, and layers of flame ripples were stirred up around. The flame shield was not broken by the destructive sword energy attacks of Xiaobai, Senior Sister, Qin Jiner, Shenmu Sword Immortal and others.

You know, the full force attack of so many powerful sword immortals is enough to easily cut all the top-grade Taoist instruments. Even the great perfection cultivators of the transformation of the spirit will be easily cut into several pieces, but this flame shield easily resisted it.

Not far away, Ye Lin was slightly surprised.

"It's a top-grade Taoist instrument!"

Five-color Fairy was also surprised and angry.

"What's going on? How can there be such a powerful sword immortal in this mere third-class mortal world, and so many of them appear at once!"

"Where are those trash? Why don't they come to protect you!"

Five-color Fairy concentrated her mind and sensed, but found that all his companions had disappeared inexplicably. He was now alone surrounded by a group of sword immortals and the Chosen Son.

Five-color Fairy's heart sank.

"Not only is there an extremely sophisticated illusion array here, but there is also a void inversion array. How is this possible? This void inversion array is not something that even a great array master can easily comprehend. The great array master who is supported by the Three-Headed Saint has obtained the array diagram for three thousand years and has not yet comprehended it."

"Fortunately, the Three-Headed Saint still has some conscience and gave me the top-grade Taoist artifact, the Phoenix Divine Blessing Jade Pendant!"

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