Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 948 Must win!

Wang Changsheng was a playboy, and he deceived many beautiful fairies, but he finally fell into the hands of a fierce fairy who was fatter than him.

Ye Lin could only sigh that Wang Changsheng's experience was fate.

Everyone sat down, and the three talked about some interesting things when they practiced in Taixuanmen in previous years. For example, Ye Lin obtained the magic skill "Lust Heart Sutra" when he was on a mission. The three of them discussed and started practicing to speed up the progress of practice.

When talking about this, the three of them all laughed at each other.

After practicing, Ye Lin was barely normal, but he had a reaction when he saw a beautiful girl on the road because of the sequelae of the magic skill.

Wang Changsheng couldn't control his desire, so he just let it go. Hua Lingshi found many beautiful girls to play in the cave. At that time, for a long time, he lost interest in beautiful fairies and was even a little scared.

The funniest one was Song Lingtian. He barely controlled his desire, but even if he saw a wild dog passing by the door, he thought the wild dog was beautiful.

At first, the three of them were still talking and laughing, but as they talked, Song Lingtian's smile became a little forced. He should have thought of his Taoist partner.

Wang Changsheng also smiled awkwardly. His Taoist partner, the fierce woman fairy, seemed to be unaware of this matter. In the past, Wang Changsheng confessed to her about his romantic affairs in recent years, and did not mention anything about the place of cultivation. After the fierce woman fairy knew about this, one of her hands had already pinched Wang Changsheng's waist fiercely.

Wang Changsheng grimaced in pain, but Ye Lin turned a blind eye to it.

He thought that it was a great thing for him to have such a person to manage Wang Changsheng, and Wang Changsheng would have a glimmer of hope to achieve the transformation of the gods in the future.

After eating and drinking well, Ye Lin gave away three high-grade Taoist instruments.

He gave Song Lingtian a high-grade Taoist instrument flying sword. As soon as the flying sword was taken out, it flew up by itself and rang happily around Song Lingtian. It can be said that it was destined to be together.

In addition, Ye Lin also gave Song Lingtian the "Infatuation Sword Dao". If it comes to infatuation, Ye Lin believes that even the God Eye Sword Immortal cannot catch up with Song Lingtian. Song Lingtian practices so hard, and his biggest wish is to become an immortal, revive his Taoist partner, or find the reincarnation of his Taoist partner.

Therefore, it is very suitable for Song Lingtian to practice "Infatuation Sword Dao", and his future achievements are limitless.

In addition, Song Lingtian also introduced the deeds of the God Eye Sword Immortal. The God Eye Sword Immortal currently lives in Ye Lin's mansion to practice and rarely shows up. After hearing this, Song Lingtian was really very interested and said he wanted to visit him.

With this relationship with Ye Lin, Song Lingtian will definitely be able to learn many sword techniques from the God Eye Sword Immortal to improve his strength.

Song Lingtian did not say much to express his gratitude, but just kept it in his heart silently.

He had been alone for most of his life, and had never directly accepted the cultivation resources given by Ye Lin. This time, with the great catastrophe of the demons approaching, he knew that he could no longer refuse the high-grade Taoist flying sword given by Ye Lin.

Even a powerful cultivator in the Spiritualization Stage would most likely die in this battle, let alone a sword immortal like him who had just entered the early stage of the Out-of-Body State.

He must keep his life and fulfill his wish to see his Taoist partner again.

Ye Lin gave the Great Compassion Vajra Bowl to Wang Changsheng. This Great Compassion Vajra Bowl was specially used to save his life and could resist the attacks of cultivators in the Spiritualization Stage. Ye Lin could use it in the past, but now that his "Nine Dragons Mysterious Art" has been perfected and he has been blessed with the Ancestral Dragon, the protective ability of the Ancestral Dragon alone exceeds that of the Great Compassion Vajra Bowl, so he can no longer use it.

In addition, he also gave many ancient books of the spirit world summarized by Xiao Fu. Ye Lin knew that Wang Changsheng had obtained the inheritance of a certain spiritual world talisman master, and relying on these ancient words could just strengthen Wang Changsheng's strength.

Ye Lin rarely uses talismans, and even the main research object of the small talisman is not on talismans. The main reason is that Ye Lin's spiritual insect ability is outstanding, so he can no longer use it, but cultivators like Wang Changsheng can naturally use it, and can even use talismans to defeat the strong with the weak.

Ye Lin also gave the fierce woman fairy a top-grade Taoist axe. This axe is extremely sharp and weighs a lot of kilograms. It is most suitable for such a strong physical cultivator.

The fierce woman fairy smiled from ear to ear and gladly accepted Ye Lin's gift.

In addition, Ye Lin also gave Ao Lingshuang the heavenly-level middle-grade skill "The Divine Ape Moving Mountains" that he got from the Imperial Palace. The fierce woman fairy was extremely excited and even said that if she didn't already have a man, she would definitely give herself to Ye Lin... Ye Lin took the senior sister and fled quickly, not staying for a moment.

The senior sister also knew that the fierce woman fairy was carefree. She didn't care about making a vulgar joke. Instead, she saw Ye Lin in embarrassment and laughed.

Ye Lin patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really scary."

The two smiled and returned to the courtyard where they lived.

Ye Lin did not persuade Song Lingtian and Wang Changsheng to retreat to the rear. The relationship between these two people and him was not relatives, but friends. They also learned the "Hidden Dragon Art" taught by Ye Lin and had the ability to hide their breath and change their appearance. It was not difficult to conceal their identities in the coalition.

It would be useless to persuade them.

Song Lingtian's main purpose of joining the army was to hone his sword intentions, and secondly to fight against the demons. He must take advantage of this war to gain opportunities and accumulate capital for breaking through the transformation of the gods.

If Wang Changsheng retreated to the rear and did not get enough training, he would probably have no possibility of breaking through the transformation of the gods in this life. He needed opportunities, luck, resources, and background, and these things could all be obtained in the great catastrophe of the demons.

They all had reasons to participate in the war and put life and death aside.

The next day, one billion demon-slaying coalition troops lined up on the sea in neat rows wearing armor.

At a glance, the formation of soldiers was endless.

In the sky, millions of warships floated quietly and orderly, and the flags of the warships were like clouds, covering the entire sky.

The entire demon-slaying coalition was waiting for the inspection.

Then a green light fell from the sky and landed at the forefront of the coalition team.

Then Ye Lin, wearing the Taoist robe of Taixuan Sect, and Situ Miao, the Demon King, wearing armor, stood on Xiao Lan's head and appeared.

Situ Miao raised his hand.

One billion soldiers raised their arms and shouted in unison.

"We must win! We must win! We must win!"

The sound was like a hundred thousand thunders exploding on the Demon Sea. The majestic sound waves lowered the sea level of the Demon Sea by thousands of feet, and all the clouds on the sky instantly dissipated.

The burning fighting spirit and boundless killing intent could be sensed even by cultivators a hundred million miles away.

This voice seemed to have an inexplicable and powerful appeal.

All the sentient beings in the entire Wan Guo Continent began to raise their arms and shout.

"We will win! We will win!"

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