Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 934: The Land of Inheritance


Ye Lin's thousands of out-of-body spirit insects and thousands of puppets came into close combat, and the sound of spells exploding and Taoist weapons bombarding came one after another. The entire ancient ruins began to tremble slightly, and many weathered buildings began to collapse and disintegrate.

Black Dragon Zhenren saw that his puppet army was actually at a disadvantage in the moment of the confrontation. In just a breath, dozens of weaker out-of-body puppets were shattered to pieces, leaving only the puppet cores trembling on the ground. He was shocked again.

The number of spirit insects and puppets was equal. Although the overall cultivation of spirit insects was higher, there were no spirit insects of incarnation. In the puppet army, there were several puppets equivalent to the early stage of incarnation. Moreover, the refining method of these puppets was extraordinary. Their bodies were tougher and stronger than those of cultivators at the same level.

Logically speaking, the two sides should be evenly matched, and it is impossible for them to show signs of defeat as soon as they fought.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Black Dragon Immortal had no time to analyze the many reasons why the puppet army was defeated by the spirit insect army. His heart sank, and he became more and more eager to capture Ye Lin. The speed of the sitting Black Dragon was increased by another three points.

The eyes of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal looking at the Black Dragon Immortal were extremely sharp.

Since Ye Lin and his party returned to the Wan Guo Continent from the Galaxy Secret Realm, his presence has not been very strong. The main reason is that Xiaobai, Senior Sister, and even Xiaoqiang, Qin Jiner and others have greatly increased their strength, and the growth rate is getting faster and faster, stealing the limelight from the Divine Eye Sword Immortal.

As a sword immortal in the God Transformation Stage and a genius in the Spirit World, the Divine Eye Sword Immortal has a bit of arrogance in his heart and has always wanted to improve his status, but every time he encounters an enemy, before he can brew the sword energy of killing immortals, the enemy has been killed, and he really has no chance to show his strength.

Having just learned about the ancient ruins, the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes predicted that there would be a battle today. If the enemy was really a cultivator in the late stage of the Spiritualization Realm, his strength should be strong, which was just right for him to go all out and make contributions. Therefore, he sat cross-legged early to brew the Sword Qi of Immortal Killing.

Now, the Sword Qi of Immortal Killing was finally brewed in time.

The Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes shouted softly.


A sharp silver-white sword energy with a width of dozens of feet instantly condensed in front of him, and cut through the air towards the escape light transformed by the black dragon.

The Black Dragon Real Person sensed the terrifying power contained in the Sword Qi of Immortal Killing, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Damn it, could this group of human cultivators not be from the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations? The strength of the insect cultivator is terrifying, but the Sword Immortal's is also extraordinary!"

The Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes could pose a fatal threat to the guards in the late stage of the Spiritualization Realm in the Star River Secret Realm decades ago. Now the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes has practiced the sword art for more than 20 years, and his strength is even greater.

The black dragon roared wildly, opened its fangs and spit out dark sword qi condensed from demonic energy. At the moment of crossing, the silver-white sword qi easily cut through the dark sword qi, but the dark sword qi seemed endless. It was easy to break through one, but after breaking through dozens of sword qi, the sword qi of the Immortal Slayer lost its power and dissipated into the void.

Black Dragon Master laughed proudly.

"Human boy, although your sword qi is powerful, my black dragon puppet can store a huge amount of demonic energy in its belly, and can condense thousands of sword qi in one breath, but I'm afraid you can't condense many sword qi."

The Divine Eye Sword Immortal, who originally wanted to show off, was furious, and swished!

The sword qi of destruction and the sword qi of killing immortals were slashed out at the same time, but they were still blocked by the black sword qi spit out by the black dragon, and could not touch the black dragon master at all. Instead, the dark sword qi came straight to kill Feng Shenzhou.

The black dragon master was more and more proud. This black dragon puppet was his masterpiece after tens of thousands of years of hard work. As for the other puppets, they were just experimental products used by successive inheritors to practice.

"I am just lacking the core materials for refining puppets. It's just right to catch you one by one and refine all of you into my puppets!"

Before he finished speaking, he slapped the black dragon's forehead with one hand, and the majestic demonic energy, vitality, and even the soul origin from the palm of the black dragon master was continuously injected into the black dragon's body.

The black dragon's breath suddenly increased, and the black sword qi spewed out increased several times in a short time.

The Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes slashed out several more sword energies of Immortal Killing and Destruction, but he was unable to stop the attack of the Black Dragon Immortal. His face became very ugly. He was about to spit out a mouthful of his original blood essence to condense into a blood sword, but was stopped by Ye Lin.

Then Ye Lin said in a voice transmission.

"Fellow Daoist of Divine Eyes, don't be impulsive. This Black Dragon Immortal is extraordinary. I'm afraid he has inherited the legacy of a certain puppet master. He is far from being comparable to an ordinary late-stage cultivator of the God of Transformation. In the future, when the great catastrophe of the Heavenly Demon comes, Daoist will have many opportunities to display his strength and hone his sword intent. This moment is not bad."

Ye Lin said it more tactfully. He also saw that the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes wanted to show off a little, but his strength was not good enough, so he was shown off by the Black Dragon Immortal. He became the stepping stone of the Black Dragon Immortal. No one could bear this anger.

With Ye Lin's voice transmission, the Divine Eye Sword Immortal calmed down instantly, and he couldn't help but sweat. He was indeed blinded by anger just now. If he spit out that mouthful of essence and blood, it would cost him another 5,000 years of life.

Today is different from the past. As an incarnation cultivator, living in the mortal world for a year is equivalent to living in the spiritual world for decades. The life span is consumed very quickly, which is an extremely precious resource.

"Forget it, this demon is very powerful, I can't beat him, today I will join hands with you fellow Taoists to kill the demon!"

After the words of the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes, the others smiled. The Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes had been with them for such a long time, so they were friends anyway. The Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes had just said that he would kill the Black Dragon Immortal alone, and the others suddenly intervened, which inevitably hurt the self-esteem of the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes.

Of course, it was also because Ye Lin was sure of victory, and he was still arrogant in front of the Black Dragon Immortal. If he really faced a powerful enemy with terrifying magical powers, for the safety of Ye Lin and himself, the others would not care about the face of the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes.

As soon as the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes finished speaking, Xiaoqiang, Xiaobai, Senior Sister, Qin Jiner and other Sword Immortals took a step forward and came to the front of the Wind God Boat. The Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes also followed, facing dozens of black sword qi that broke through the air. Everyone held high-grade Taoist weapons and shouted in unison.


The movements were neat and accurate.


A series of powerful sword qi of destruction slashed across the sky, and the sword qi condensed by dozens of demonic qi turned into nothingness in an instant. A series of sword qi of destruction slashed towards the Demon Dragon Immortal whose face changed completely.

Demon Dragon Immortal felt frightened at this time, and secretly shouted that something was wrong.

He thought that only Ye Lin and the two early stage of transformation of the spirit were worthy of his attention, and the rest were chickens and dogs, and he could capture them with a wave of his hand, but unexpectedly, the strength of the other great perfection of the out-of-body cultivators was not much different from that of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal, especially Xiaobai and Senior Sister. The sword qi of destruction slashed by these two people was even more terrifying than the sword qi of destruction of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal!

"This group of people is too abnormal, we can't fight them, run!"

The black dragon swung its tail, and while avoiding the sword qi, it was about to flee into the chaotic void, but unexpectedly, the sword qi of destruction could turn around and chase after it.

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