Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 930: Treasure Book of Weapon Refining

Just when the Skeleton Taoist was getting carried away, he saw Xiaobai and Senior Sister, two stunning swordsmen, slashing out with their swords.


Two destructive sword auras tore through the void and sank into the sea.

In the sea, the sword aura flashed, and then a shrill scream was heard.

"Ah, this is impossible, you can't lock on to my breath!"

The Skeleton Taoist thought that his breath had merged with the boundless sea, so he dared to be so arrogant, but he didn't expect that Ye Lin's side was too abnormal. Ye Lin's soul was comparable to that of a Return to Void Stage master. The Skeleton Taoist's breath was naturally nowhere to hide, and Ye Lin sensed it, so he could let Xiaobai sense it.

As for Senior Sister, she could also sense it easily.


The soul attack of the Nine-headed Demon King turned into countless flying needles that accurately pierced into a huge translucent black cloud in the sea. The shape of the black cloud changed wildly, and screams came out of its mouth.

This black cloud was the Skeleton Taoist's soul. His demonic body had been killed by two sword energies, and his soul was also seriously injured by the two destructive sword energies. It was directly broken into three pieces and lost the ability to teleport, so it was accurately hit by the soul attack of the Nine-headed Demon King.

The Nine-headed Demon King plunged into the water, and his nine heads surrounded the black cloud, constantly squeaking.

The three-piece Skeleton Taoist's soul rolled in the sea in pain, and it seemed that his body and soul were about to be destroyed.

Ao Lingshuang appeared on the sea surface in a flash, and took out a seal bead in her jade hand, and absorbed the Skeleton Taoist's soul trapped by the Nine-headed Demon King into the seal bead. At the same time, she waved her hand, and a water-blue bead flew up, which was the Skeleton Taoist's Dinghaizhu.

The Skeleton Taoist couldn't have imagined that he had just refined the Dinghai Pearl and thought he could show his skills in the next great catastrophe of the demons, make merit, and get the reward from the Great Commander of the Demons, so that he could ascend to the spiritual world. However, he didn't expect to meet Ye Lin and his group as soon as he flew out of the sea eye.

Originally, he didn't take Ye Lin and his group seriously. After all, there were only two early stage cultivators of the Spiritualization Realm in this group, which theoretically did not pose a fatal threat to him. Then he was killed by two sword cultivators who had reached the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body Realm like cutting melons and vegetables.

"Fairy, spare my life, fairy, spare my life, I am willing to be your demon slave... Aren't you curious about where my Dinghai Pearl came from? I'll tell you everything, please spare my life..."

Ao Lingshuang's eyes were cold, and he completely ignored the Skeleton Taoist's words of begging for mercy, and flew directly to Ye Lin.

"Husband, please help me perform the soul-searching method."

Ye Lin nodded.

Ao Lingshuang handed over the Dinghai Pearl. After all, the Skeleton Taoist was killed by Xiaobai and Senior Sister, and his soul was trapped by the Nine-headed Demon King, so it was not her trophy.

Ye Lin said, "Since the Dinghai Pearl is a treasure of your dragon clan, you can deal with it yourself."

Ao Lingshuang was overjoyed.

"Then thank you, my husband."

Ye Lin sat cross-legged, pinched the seal with his hands, and began to perform the soul-searching technique on the Skeleton Taoist. After about an hour, Ye Lin slowly opened his eyes, and Ao Lingshuang asked hurriedly.

"My husband, where did the method of refining the Dinghai Pearl of this demon come from?"

Ye Lin also showed a touch of excitement: "You don't have to worry. The Taoist Skeleton said that your father was his demon slave and was deceiving you. The demon is best at deceiving, so it's normal. As for the source of the Dinghai Pearl's refining method, it has nothing to do with your Dragon Palace. It comes from a jade tablet obtained by the Taoist Skeleton from the space vortex."

"The jade tablet records the treasure book of refining instruments that is very precious even in the spirit world. The book records the refining methods of hundreds of high-grade Taoist instruments and the refining methods of three top-grade Taoist instruments!"

Ye Lin continued: "The treasure book of refining instruments is now in the Taoist instrument space of Dinghai Pearl. You refine Dinghai Pearl first."

Ao Lingshuang heard the words and sat cross-legged at the bow of the flying boat and began to refine Dinghai Pearl.

Everyone was delighted.

Senior sister said: "As my husband said, this demon has given us a great opportunity."

Xiao Bai said: "If Xiao Qi heard this news, he would be so happy. He has been refining high-grade Taoist tools very easily. He has been looking for ways to refine top-grade Taoist tools. Unfortunately, we have never seen any top-grade Taoist tools and have no clue."

Now, Ye Lin has Jianmu, and the main materials for refining top-grade Taoist tools are not scarce, but he has no way to refine them. This skeleton demon is really a real treasure boy.

After a while, Ao Lingshuang opened his eyes, and the Dinghai Pearl glowed with blue light. It was obviously completely refined by Ao Lingshuang. Ao Lingshuang moved his mind and found the treasure book of refining stored in the Taoist tool space. A flash of light flashed in his hand, and an ancient jade card appeared.

"My husband, can you see if it is this thing?"

Ye Lin nodded repeatedly after a sweep of his consciousness.

"This weapon refining book records the methods of refining three kinds of top-grade Taoist weapons, namely the Wind God Boat, the Bright Moon Sword, and the Star-Slashing Knife."

Qin Jin'er widened her beautiful eyes and opened her mouth slightly.

"Is it the real Wind God Boat?"

Ye Lin nodded. Qin Jin'er's Wind God Boat was given by the ancestors of the upper realm, but it was just a product of the Wind God Boat, not the real thing, and its power was much weaker. But even so, it still had a restraining effect against space storms. If a real Wind God Boat was refined, wouldn't it be possible to ignore space turbulence?

As for the Bright Moon Sword and the Star-Slashing Knife, they were two extremely powerful weapons, and they were famous in the spirit world. Ye Lin had read the memory of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal, so he naturally had some understanding of this.

Ye Lin said: "If we can refine the top-quality Wind Shenzhou before ascending, the certainty of our collective ascension plan will be greatly increased. And if we can refine the Bright Moon Sword and the Star-cutting Sword during the great calamity of the demon, our chances of winning the calamity will also increase." Greatly increased self-esteem.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaoqi appeared in front of Ye Lin.

Ye Lin handed over the jade token. Xiaoqi's face was flushed with excitement and his hands were trembling slightly. When his consciousness was revealed, Xiaoqi's brows wrinkled slightly. After a long time, Xiaoqi reported.

"Master, the refining methods of these three top-grade Taoist tools are too complex and profound, and the refining conditions are extremely harsh. I am afraid that even a small tool will not be successfully refined within a hundred years."

Ye Lin nodded.

"I have already expected it. If the best Taoist tools are so easy to refine, it is impossible for us to have never seen them from beginning to end. As far as I know, even for the strong people in the return stage of the spiritual world, most of them It is also a top-quality Taoist weapon that is difficult to possess. You just need to do your best and we will try our best to create refining conditions for you.”

Xiaoqi asked: "Master, which top-quality Taoist weapon should you refine first?"

Ye Lin thought for a moment and finally decided: "Refining the Bright Moon Sword first. Our side has the majority of sword immortals, and sword immortals are extremely good at killing. Refining the Bright Moon Sword will increase our strength the most, and can directly increase our ability to fight against the devil." The odds of winning the catastrophe.”

"As for the Wind Divine Boat, it is naturally crucial, but that should be considered before ascending. We must first survive the catastrophe of the demon before we can have the possibility of ascending."

Xiaoqi heard the words and took the order, returned to the ancient ring space and began to study the refining method.

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