Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 924: The Sacred Tree Collapses

The celestial demons in the Spiritualization Stage, led by Nine Nether Demon Ancestor, saw this scene, and more than 300,000 spiritual insects in the Out-of-Body Stage appeared in front of them, and their scalps tingled.

Especially Nine Nether Demon Ancestor, he knew best how powerful Ye Lin's spiritual insects were. He had concealed his breath before and tried to sneak into the Demon City, but he, a dignified celestial demon in the middle stage of the Spiritualization Stage, never expected that he would be discovered in advance by a spiritual insect in the Out-of-Body Stage.

In a rage, Nine Nether Demon Ancestor no longer hid, and planned to take advantage of Ye Lin's absence to attack the Demon City alone, break through the city defense formation, kill into the Demon City base camp, and capture the Demon King and his wife who were currently commanding the army.

When Ye Lin returned, he would definitely chase him desperately when he saw that his father-in-law and mother-in-law had been captured. In this way, he could easily lead Ye Lin into the Zhoutian Demon Luo formation that had been arranged in advance and trap and kill him.

Unexpectedly, the five spirit insects jointly opened the city defense formation, which made him, a mid-stage spirit transformation cultivator, unable to attack for a long time. He was extremely frustrated that he could not break through the formation and enter the Demon City within a few days.

But this was not the most frustrating thing.

The most frustrating thing was that Ao Lingshuang brought two dragon ancestors to join the battlefield together. Jiuyou Demon Ancestor was beaten back step by step. During the battle, he was injured many times. These injuries were not left by the dragon cultivators in the spirit transformation period, but by the two spirit insects that chased him!

Jiuyou Demon Ancestor even thought that each of these five spirit insects was more difficult to deal with than the early stage spirit transformation cultivators. They were all mutants, and their mutant abilities were extremely powerful.

At that time, he was so embarrassed and suffered a loss when he only encountered five spirit insects. Now, he has to face 300,000!

When Ye Lin released so many spirit insects, Jiuyou Demon Ancestor almost didn't believe his eyes, let alone his spiritual perception, and shouted in his heart that it was impossible.

"No one can have so many resources. Even if all the natural materials and treasures of the entire Wan Guo Continent are fed to the spirit insects, it is far from enough. This must be Ye Lin's illusion... Quickly join forces, operate the formation, and break the illusion!"

The ten spirit-transforming demons at the center of the formation waved their formation flags together, their eyes bursting with purple-black light, relying on the perception of more than 3 billion demons, but in front of them, more than 300,000 spirit insects in the out-of-body stage were not missing...

Only then did I understand that this was not an illusion at all.

This is real!

He remembered that there had been rumors that Ye Lin had obtained a great opportunity in the Galaxy Secret Realm. It must be that the resources he obtained in the Galaxy Secret Realm raised so many spirit insects in the out-of-body stage.

The Nine Nether Demon Ancestor was shocked for a while and couldn't help but mutter to himself in fear.

"The people who are destined to the calamity this time may not be easy to bully!"

According to the ancient books of the demon clan, in the previous demon calamities, a considerable number of major forces were destroyed by the original demons in the Demon Sea before the demon army arrived.

It was precisely because of this that the Nine Nether Demon Ancestor wanted to follow suit, but he had no idea that Ye Lin was not an ordinary person who was destined to be calamity. He was much more abnormal than the people who were destined to be calamity recorded in ancient books.

For a time, the army of demons fell into panic and chaos. Some of the weaker foundation-building demons had already begun to collapse and flee in all directions, shouting as they fled.

"Don't kill me, I'm just here to make up the numbers!"

As the army of demons fell into chaos and their morale was shaken, the power of the Zhoutian Demon Luo formation was also affected. The surrounding barrier began to ripple, and some light appeared in the barrier that was as dark as ink and could blind the perception of the spirit of the transformation period.

Although the Nine Nether Demon Ancestor was horrified, he had not lost his mind. He knew that if this continued, it would definitely be bad, so he calmed down and shouted.

"Don't panic. I have confirmed that these more than 300,000 spirit insects are illusions. All warriors, guard the center of the formation for me. Anyone who escapes will be killed without mercy!"

For a moment, the screams of 10,000 demons were heard, but the escaping demons were directly wiped out by the power of the Zhoutian Demon Luo formation.

"Listen to my command, reverse the formation together, condense the demon energy, and form the real body of the Great Demon Luo. With the power of the Great Demon Luo, you can definitely crush these insects easily!"

The so-called Demon Luo is a mutant demon in the demon clan. It is a monster that everyone in the demon clan talks about. It usually devours demons for food. It is naturally powerful and a hundred times more brutal and bloodthirsty than ordinary demons. It is said that many demon tribes in the outer space were swallowed up by the Great Demon Luo.

As expected, after the Nine Nether Demon Ancestor roared, the formation stabilized instantly. The God Transformation Stage and Out-of-Body Stage Heavenly Demons at the center of the formation waved the formation flags in their hands, and at the same time, they pinched their fingers with one hand, and the majestic demonic energy rolled out.

In fact, many God Transformation Stage Heavenly Demons were skeptical of the Nine Nether Demon Ancestor's conclusion that the 300,000 spirit insects were all illusions, but now they had to go all out. If the army continued to collapse, the formation would also collapse. By then, they would be scattered and Ye Lin's 300,000 spirit insects would easily kill them.

The boundless demonic energy once again dyed the sky black, and the rolling demonic energy in the sky quickly gathered, and soon formed a demon wolf that was ten thousand feet tall. The demon wolf had scarlet eyes and a ferocious face, and the surrounding space was distorted and cracked.

The demon wolf raised its head and roared.

Its body changed, and it became a demon tiger with black wings... After a moment, it turned into a demon crow, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a human figure.

The Great Demon Luo of the Heavenly Demon Clan is also an invisible body. He can become whatever he wants, and the frequency of change is getting faster and faster. He can change three or four times in the blink of an eye, which is dazzling and feels extremely weird.

An extremely evil and brutal aura emanates from the Great Demon Luo.

"Hehe, so many delicious blood food!"

The big demon laughed very sharply, and rushed towards Ye Lin with rolling demonic energy. The big demon not only likes to eat demons, but also likes to eat flesh and blood creatures, so Ye Lin and his party became the first target of the big demon's attack.

Ye Lin looked up at the sky, his expression was slightly surprised, and he whispered softly.

"The breath of this big demon is not much different from the great perfection guard of the incarnation of the spirit that I met in the Galaxy Secret Hall. No wonder these demons want to lead me into the formation when they know that I have easily defeated the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty."

Before Ye Lin finished speaking, the wings of the big demon shook, and the space was torn apart. The next moment, the big demon appeared above Ye Lin's head, opened his fangs and huge mouth, and wanted to swallow all of Ye Lin and his party.

This is... teleportation!

However, Ye Lin and Xiao Lan turned around and instantly aimed their butts at the ten-thousand-foot-tall demon Luo. The mouth of the demon Luo was like an abyss, and no one knew where it led to. When Xiao Lan and Ye Lin were about to be swallowed by the bottomless abyss, a purple-blue glow shone in the mouth of the demon Luo.

With a loud "boom", a terrifying purple-blue shock wave separated the yin and yang, shattered the dark sky, tore the body of the demon Luo, shattered the space, and destroyed the space turbulence!

The terrifying monster condensed by the demonic energy released by more than 3 billion demons froze in place, and then shattered into wisps of demonic energy and dissipated!

Ye Lin called Xiao Lan's fart now the fart of the God Tree Collapse!

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