Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 912 Ten Thousand Dragon Immortal Soldiers Formation

Ye Lin had just fled to Kyoto in Wanlongxian for a moment, and was chased by a series of escaping lights. However, in the blink of an eye, he was thrown thousands of miles away by Xiaolan, and another intercepting escaping light appeared in front of him.

someone shouted.

"May I ask which senior came to Kyoto of the Ten Thousand Dragons Immortal Dynasty?"

Ye Lin ignored him at all. With a wave of his sleeves, the majestic magic power stirred up a strong wind. More than a dozen monks in the out-of-body stage were swept away by the strong wind and could no longer control their bodies. Among them, there were three monks in the late-stage out-of-body stage. But under Ye Lin With a wave of her sleeves, Xiao Lan didn't have the strength to resist at all, and with a "swipe" sound, she left the dozen or so people behind.

Ye Lin naturally had nothing to say to these generals guarding the city. Now that the situation was urgent, how could Ye Lin be willing to waste any time?

Not long after, Xiao Lan flew Ye Lin and his party to the sky above the Wanlong Immortal Palace.

This is the first time Ye Lin has come to this Wanlong Immortal Dynasty, and it is also the first time he has seen the palace of the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty. He can see that the palace covers an area of ​​thousands of miles, and the walls guarding the palace are as high as thousands of feet. There are magnificent and tall buildings everywhere in the palace. Many buildings are carved with real dragons, which are lifelike and seem to come alive at any time.

At this moment, a thick purple light shield covered the entire palace. Tens of millions of Imperial Guards stood neatly within the purple light shield, and the murderous aura dispersed all the clouds in the sky.

Obviously, due to the intrusion of an unknown person named Ye Lin, the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty urgently opened the formation to protect the palace and mobilized tens of millions of soldiers. As long as there was the slightest mistake, these tens of millions of soldiers would besiege.

Facing this formation, Ye Lin showed no fear and kept a calm expression, while Situ Yu's expression only changed slightly. Tang Xiaodie and Jiang Waner, both of whom had low cultivation levels, had their pretty faces pale and their delicate bodies trembling.

This is not because they are timid, but the murderous aura exuded by these tens of millions of elite soldiers is too terrifying. Even the full aura of the out-of-body Dzogchen monks is far less than that. The two disciples can form pills In the Nascent Soul stage, he persisted in standing without any mental breakdown. He was already gifted.

Ye Lin glanced at the two of them, nodded secretly, and did not exude any momentum to help them resist the murderous aura from the sky.

As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and cultivation depends on the individual. If they have a mental breakdown today, it can only be said that they are destined to have this calamity. Ye Lin can also restore their souls, but from now on, their cultivation potential will be exhausted. We can only wait until the life force dries up and turns into loess.

Ye Lin brought them here with the intention of testing and tempering their Taoist heart and will.

Situ Yu was a little worried.

"Husband, something is not right. We have only arrived in the capital of the Ten Thousand Dragons Immortal Dynasty for a short time, and these tens of millions of soldiers are all ready and forming a battle formation. They have obviously been prepared for a long time. They may ambush us."

The senior sister on the side held Situ Yu's hand and shook her head slightly.

"It doesn't matter."

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding environment changed drastically. The size of the 10 million soldiers on the ground skyrocketed, growing to thousands in height. All the real dragon statues in the palace of the Ten Thousand Dragons Immortal Dynasty came to life. Wow. With a roar, thousands of soldiers flew into the sky, surrounding Ye Lin and his party on three levels inside and three outside.

Ho ho ho!

The roars of real dragons soared into the sky, and the terrifying dragon pressure seemed to crush people into powder.

The delicate bodies of Tang Xiaodie and Jiang Waner, who were already pale, were trembling more and more violently. Their silver teeth were clenching. They seemed to be weighed down by mountains. It was already extremely difficult to face the murderous aura released by tens of millions of soldiers. Now they have to face the pressure of tens of thousands of real dragons, which is extremely dangerous. As long as they relax their will in the slightest, they will be crushed into pulp.

someone shouted.

"I thought it was some old guy who rashly came to the capital of our Wanlong Immortal Dynasty. It turned out to be Lord Ye Lin Ye. It was a bit reckless for Lord Ye Lin to act like this."

A flash of light flashed, and a white-haired, rickety old man appeared in front of Ye Lin. He was Ye Lin's old acquaintance, the out-of-body Dzogchen ancestor of the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty, Master Du Long.

Master Du Long took the lead and slightly clasped his fists at Ye Lin, with an expression on his face that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

This Poisonous Dragon Master had already exhausted his longevity, but the Royal Family of the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty spent a lot of money on him and swallowed a lot of star marrow so that he could continue to live.

In the past, Du Long Zhenren was the senior who achieved the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body Experience, but now Ye Lin is also the Great Perfection monk who achieved the Out-of-Body Experience, so the two of them are on an equal footing.

Ye Lin also clasped his fists slightly.

"It turns out that it's fellow Taoist Poison Dragon. He broke in rashly because the catastrophe of the devil is about to come. The matter is urgent. You should go and inform me and ask your ancestor to come to see me and discuss important matters in person."

Master Du Long laughed loudly.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, is it possible that you haven't figured out the situation yet? Now that you are in the formation of my Ten Thousand Dragons Immortal Armament, even if you are an immortal cultivator, you still have to shed a layer of skin. What qualifications do you have to let the ancestor of my royal family, the Transformation God, take the initiative to see you?" You? Fellow Taoist, you think too highly of yourself!"

Before Master Poison Dragon finished speaking, the figure of a purple true dragon had appeared. This purple true dragon was wrapped in poisonous mist, exuding a foul smell. The monks who were out of body would turn into a pool of blood when they smell it. .

The senior sister pointed at the two disciples, and a magic shield enveloped them.

Ye Lin intended to test the two of them, but he did not let them die. He knew very well what they should bear and what they could not bear.

Ye Lin smiled kindly.

"So, your Wanlong Immortal Dynasty is planning to kill Ye here with the help of the formation and several Transformation Stage cultivators, and then have someone absorb Ye's luck and become the new person to be stricken?"

"You three Transformation Stage immortals, stop hiding your head and showing your tail. It's fine that you don't dare to ascend to the spirit world after achieving Transformation Stage, but now you don't even dare to see me, a cultivator of Out-of-Body Great Perfection. I'm afraid you will laugh your teeth off."

As soon as Ye Lin finished speaking, three rays of light flashed, and an old Taoist with white hair and a childlike face, a white-haired old woman, and a tall and handsome middle-aged man with a horn on his head appeared a thousand feet in front of Ye Lin. The surrounding real dragons and soldiers retreated one after another, with an extremely respectful look.

These three people are all Transformation Stage cultivators, and the old Taoist with white hair and a childlike face released the terrifying aura of the middle stage of Transformation Stage.

Fortunately, the senior sister had anticipated this and used a magic shield to block the aura of the three incarnations. Otherwise, Ye Lin's two disciples would not be able to bear it today.

At this time, they had gradually adapted to the murderous aura and the pressure of the dragon clan. Although their pretty faces were pale, they were out of danger. Both of them widened their beautiful eyes and looked at the three incarnations with curiosity.

In the continent of the Ten Thousand Nations, incarnations only exist in legends and rarely appear in the world. I didn't expect to see three of them today.

The three incarnation ancestors were extremely ugly because Ye Lin had hit their sore spots and their whereabouts were discovered by one of Ye Lin's descendants. When they looked at Ye Lin, their eyes were cold. The old Taoist with white hair and a childlike face sneered.

"Ye Lin, the intelligence said that you are extremely arrogant and dared to challenge the spirit world's divine genius. I didn't quite believe it at first, but after seeing it today, I found that it is true."

"Now, the great catastrophe of the demons is about to come, and those who are capable will take the place of the catastrophe. If you die under our joint siege, it means that you are not qualified to lead the creatures of the entire Wan Guo Continent. If you have boundless magical powers and defeat us, we will naturally bow down and be at your disposal!"

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