Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 907: Wang Changsheng's Lucky

The fat man coughed dryly, his voice rising a little higher.

"In fact, Brother Ye has raised a total of 33.33 million spiritual insects. The strength of each spiritual insect is synchronized with his own body. Each spiritual insect is equivalent to one more life for him. Even in the spirit world Even the mighty ones will tremble when they see him!"

Many beauties were shocked beyond measure.

Just when the fat man was about to get closer to the girls in the brothel, a big hand suddenly grabbed his ear. The fat man screamed in pain, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Daughter-in-law... you, why are you here?"

I saw a fat woman who was eight feet tall, well-built, and weighed at least three or four hundred pounds, staring coldly at the fat man with a half-smile. I heard a boom, and the fat man was kicked away, and he was thrown to the ground with a chirp from the tenth floor. On the ground, he didn't dare to resist at all, let alone fight back.

The fat man suddenly broke into sweat and defended.

"My wife is wronged. Fatty, I swear to God, I never came to visit the brothel on purpose. I have a great mission. I am promoting Brother Ye's invincible image and establishing his invincible majesty..."

The fat woman was already riding on the fat man in a flash, and her fists as big as sandbags were mercilessly hitting the fat man's face... The fat man was beaten until he screamed, and the scene was too horrible to watch.

It’s not that Fatty is afraid of his wife and doesn’t dare to fight back, but that his wife is an out-of-body Dzogchen monk, or she was released from the seal by chance. He, a mere early-stage out-of-body monk, will only be punished if he fights back. The beating was even worse.

After the fat woman finished breathing, she stood up, shook her fat body, picked up the fat man like a chicken, and said in a deep voice.

"Husband, I sense that the world here is about to undergo drastic changes. I am afraid that with your cultivation and strength, you will not survive for more than half a year. When you die, I will be able to find a second wife."

The fat man quickly promised that he would work hard to practice and strive to become a god with his wife as soon as possible. But deep down in his heart, he was extremely desperate. Why was he so reluctant to offend this female tyrannosaurus in the first place...

"Brother Ye, Brother Ye, when will you come back to help me subdue this female tyrannosaurus, your brother is really living like a year..."

The fat woman flashed and came to the bedroom after a few breaths. She threw the fat man on the bed. He saw that the woman's face was slightly red and she was a little shy.

"Husband, I am here to help you practice."

Soon the fat woman's triumphant laughter and the fat man's terrified screams could be heard in the room.

This fat man is naturally Wang Changsheng who joined the Taixuan Sect with Ye Lin.

But he said that Wang Changsheng's cultivation qualifications were really average, but he was very lucky. He practiced cultivation all the way to the early stage of out-of-body experience, all thanks to various chance encounters. His fat wife was obtained by a great chance, and it was precisely because of having a fat wife. With help, his cultivation ability improved by leaps and bounds, and he survived the out-of-body catastrophe in just a few years.

The cultivation paths of Wang Changsheng and Song Lingtian are very different. For example, when Ye Lin presented him with treasures, elixirs, and various cultivation resources, he would accept them all without hesitation, while Song Lingtian would always shake his head and push them away.

Da Qin Immortal Dynasty, Kyoto, in Jinling Palace.

Situ Yu is sitting cross-legged in the practice room, practicing hard.

After Ye Lin left, Situ Yu seemed to be a different person. The liveliness and innocence when she was a girl had all converged to the deepest part of her heart. She became taciturn, didn't like to smile much, and rarely showed up.

Situ Yu was originally a woman who disliked boring practice, but for more than five years, she practiced in addition to practice.

Dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the door.

Situ Yu woke up from practice, and the door of the practice room opened by itself, and he saw a beautiful girl in a long skirt walking into the room with a smile.

The girl bowed to Situ Yu casually but respectfully.

"I've met the master's wife."

This woman is Ye Lin's eldest disciple Tang Xiaodie.

At this time, Tang Xiaodie has fully grown into a peerless beauty who has conquered the country. She has a graceful figure, clear and smart eyes, black hair reaching her waist, and an outstanding temperament. She is only in her twenties and has already achieved the advanced level of pill formation. I am afraid that I will soon enter the Nascent Soul stage.

Tang Xiaodie walked very close to Situ Yu and gently squeezed her shoulders.

Situ Yu showed a rare smile.

"What's the matter with Xiaodie coming here today?"

Tang Xiaodie shook his head.

"I haven't seen my wife for a while, and I miss her so much that I came to take a look. It's spring outside now, and the flowers in the garden are blooming and beautiful. Let's go out for a walk together."

Situ Yu smiled and shook his head.

"I won't go. You can let your junior sister Wan'er play with you. Junior sister still has to practice."

Tang Xiaodie suddenly looked worried.

"Master, Xiaodie is a junior and shouldn't have talked about this matter, but I am really worried about Master's condition, so... I have to say that Master has been practicing hard for five years behind closed doors since Master left. With the changes before It's too big, and Xiaodie is afraid that Master Niang will go crazy or breed inner demons. "

Situ Yu chuckled and smiled, finally regaining some of his former temperament.

"You are thinking too much... I just want to become more powerful. Not only can I help your master a lot, but at least I won't hold him back. Don't look at me. I'm usually very casual, but once I get serious, I'm very serious. . You see, my brother has never worried about this."

"Even when my husband was still by my side, I would occasionally work hard. My cultivation talent is not bad."

Hearing that Situ Yu had started to play nonsense literature, Tang Xiaodie breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling relieved and in a good mood.

"It's good that you're fine. Anyway, Master's retreat has lasted for a whole year. Let's go out and rest for a day..."

Tang Xiaodie said without hesitation, pulling Situ Yu out of the door.

In order to reassure everyone, Situ Yu had to give in and followed Tang Xiaodie obediently. Not far away, the second disciple Jiang Wan'er, who had a more tactful personality, was waiting. When she saw Situ Yu walk out of the practice room, a smile appeared on her pretty face.

The three peerless beauties enjoyed flowers and drank tea, flew kites, and played along the way. The atmosphere was harmonious.

After a sumptuous dinner, night gradually fell. When Situ Yu was about to go back and continue to practice hard, she suddenly felt a sense of touch and looked up at the sky.

Tang Xiaodie asked nervously.

"Master's wife, what's wrong?"

Then Situ Yu's pretty face showed ecstasy.

"It's my husband's breath, it's my husband, my husband is back!"

Situ Yu waved his long sleeves, and the majestic magic power swept Tang Xiaodie and Jiang Wan'er into a light blue light and flew into the sky. Just as they were about to reach the height of the outer space, Situ Yu saw Xiao Lan rushing over. Ye Lin was standing on Xiao Lan's head, smiling at her.

Situ Yu landed on Xiao Lan's head and hugged her man tightly. Tang Xiaodie and Jiang Wan'er blushed and hugged their master together.

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