Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 905 The Coolest Elder Sun

Elder Sun has a high status in Ye Lin's heart. As long as he is caught, Ye Lin will definitely throw a rat into a trap, so he can only obey and hand over the treasure.

As for Ye Lin's Taoist companion Situ Yu, he is naturally very important in Ye Lin's heart. However, Situ Yu has been staying behind closed doors for the past six years and has been staying in the capital of the Great Qin Dynasty. The Zhou family has no chance.

Only Elder Sun has always liked to travel far and wide, looking for strange spiritual insects all over the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent.

But the Zhou family, when they first decided to attack Elder Sun, thought that they would be safe if they took action. After all, according to the information about Elder Sun, Elder Sun's cultivation level was no more than the Nascent Soul stage.

As a result, during the many arrests, Elder Sun's cultivation level was getting higher and higher, from the late stage of Nascent Soul to the middle stage of out-of-body experience. Only then did the Zhou family understand that Elder Sun was hiding his strength. During the arrest process, the Zhou family also killed and injured many monks.

The major forces supporting the Zhou family were extremely dissatisfied and scolded the ancestor of the Zhou family, Du Yanluo. Seeing that the Gate of the Galaxy was about to close and Ye Lin was about to return, the Zhou family spent a lot of money this time and sent out nine people. The monk in the late stage of Qiao wants to capture Elder Sun in one fell swoop.

Seeing that the nine late-stage monks who had used the secret method were less than ten miles away from Elder Sun, Elder Sun did not panic. He smiled, and with a flash of inspiration in his hand, hundreds of buzzing butt bugs appeared in front of Elder Sun.

Not only Ye Lin likes to raise this butt bug, Elder Sun also gained a lot of breeding essence from Ye Lin.

"That boy Ye Lin's farts are like thunder, and his power is amazing. As that boy's master, I can't lose my face. This time I must disgust these annoying guys."

He saw Elder Sun stopping and holding the white flag high.

"Oh, I can't fight anymore, I surrender..."

The nine people who were about to seize the opportunity to use Taoist weapons to attack Elder Sun were all slightly startled, with surprise on their faces.

But he saw Elder Sun making a face again.

"Hey, I lied to you, fool!"

Puff puff……

Hundreds of butt bugs began to fart crazily, and thick purple smoke spewed out from their buttocks. Before the smoke spread, the nine monks in the late stage of leaving the body smelled a stench so strong that it made them doubt their life.

The monks of the Zhou family were used to seeing strong winds and waves, but even so, all of them still looked pale.

"It stinks so damn much. Did these ass bugs eat shit?"

Facing the stinky purple gas, one of the monks waved his sleeves and robes, and dozens of spiritual insects shot out and rushed into the purple gas. After a while, they all flew back, and they all turned purple and vomited. , one of the spiritual insects has reached the out-of-body stage, but it still keeps vomiting.

The monk who released the spiritual insects said solemnly: "It's okay that these gases are nothing but smelly. Let's open the magic shield and get through."

As he spoke, the nine monks gritted their teeth and rushed towards Elder Sun. They rushed into the spreading purple gas with their breaths. When they rushed into it, everyone found that the stench was more than ten times stronger. The strange thing was that a small amount of these stinky gases could penetrate. It passed through the mana shield and was contaminated on them, and it seemed difficult to remove.

"Do it! Success or failure depends on this!"

Boo hoo hoo…

A series of sharp rays of light flashed, and the nine Zhou family monks sacrificed their Taoist weapons one after another and threw them towards Elder Sun. Elder Sun made a "pop" sound.

"Set off a big, exciting firework!"

Then the fart bug in the center made a "boom" sound, farting and released a purple lightning, and the purple mist was instantly ignited by the purple lightning.


There was an earth-shaking loud noise, and for a moment the earth collapsed. It was like a purple sun rising from the ground, illuminating thousands of miles around. An entire mountain thousands of feet high turned into powder under the shining purple sun.

At this time, Elder Sun had already retreated far away.

After the explosion, the nine monks of the Zhou family who were in the late stage of leaving the body were covered in purple and black, their robes were in tatters, and their auras were extremely weak. Their bodies were on the verge of collapse. The most outrageous thing was that they felt that the stench had invaded their bodies and blood. It will take years to refine and remove it.

It was obvious that they had fallen into a trap. The farts raised by Elder Sun seemed to only have a foul smell and did not contain any great power. However, under the stimulation of purple lightning, an incredibly violent reaction occurred.

When raising spiritual insects, Ye Lin always likes to take advantage of the spiritual insects' own advantages. For example, if a certain spiritual insect mutates, Ye Lin will continue to cultivate it to strengthen the mutation ability of the spiritual insect.

Elder Sun prefers to study the coordination and changes between spiritual insects. He will analyze the various substances released by various spiritual insects, and then mix the substances to turn decay into magic.

The monks of the Zhou family were angry and aggrieved to the extreme. The low-grade Taoist artifact they finally obtained was now in dilapidated condition. This loss was hard for them to accept for a while.

Just when they were thinking about consuming more Yuan Ying's origin and launching more powerful secret techniques, they suddenly felt a powerful spiritual consciousness sweep across everyone's faces, and a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

"The ancestor has arrived!"

"If the ancestor takes action, he will definitely be able to capture this disgusting old man with his own hands!"

"After you catch him, you must make sure that this person wants to live but not die!"

To the east, a red insect cloud was seen flying away in the direction of Elder Sun very quickly. Among the insect cloud were the ancestor of the Zhou family, Du Yan Luo, and the Zhou family's genius, Zhou Liyun.

Du Yanluo laughed coldly.

"Fortunately, I was more cautious. In order to prevent any accidents during this arrest, I followed here personally!"

Elder Sun was not flustered when he saw the arrival of the Out-of-Body Heavenly Ranking cultivator.

"Fellow Daoist Poison Yama, you may have admired me because you saw the fireworks I just set off were too cool. Also, your Zhou family has been controlling insects for tens of thousands of years, but the so-called unique skills are all the same old tricks. It really makes the insect-controlling cultivators lose face."

Poison Yama was so angry that his face turned blue.

"When I capture you, I will definitely pull out your Nascent Soul and burn it with the Nine Nether Poison Fire for nine days and nine nights. By then, I want to see if you still have the prestige you have now!"

Elder Sun snapped his fingers, and another butt bug crawled out of his sleeve. This butt bug actually released the aura of the late Out-of-Body stage!

The butt bug's wings vibrated, and its body grew rapidly. Elder Sun stood on the butt bug's head and turned back to show contempt for Poison Yama.

"Before my disciple left, he had already calculated that various forces would be unfavorable to me, so he left behind a spirit insect specifically for escape, which can be used when encountering a cultivator who has reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body... Otherwise, why do you think I would wander around the world?"

"What you calculated, Ye Lin had already calculated, and what you didn't calculate, he had also calculated. It's a monkey game, fun, hehe!"

The butt bug gushed out a purple-blue light, carrying Elder Sun and disappeared from the spot with a "whoosh", quickly pulling away from the Poison Yama. Even though Poison Yama consumed his lifespan to perform secret techniques, he couldn't get close at all.

Elder Sun stood on the top of the butt bug and looked up at the sky.

"That kid will be back soon, I wonder if he will drop his jaw when he sees how cool I am now, hehe!"

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