Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 896: The Immortal Senior Sister

When Ye Lin heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face again.

The current ancient ring space needs to support hundreds of millions of spiritual insects to survive, and it also needs to accommodate several large factories, plus thousands of large warehouses, spiritual grass plantations... It can be said to be extremely crowded, and the spiritual insects have built buildings. It's more than thirty stories high.

Moreover, Ye Lin's breakthrough to the divine transformation stage is still far away, which means that the next expansion of the ancient ring space will have to wait until the year of the monkey. If the ancient ring space cannot be expanded, the total number of spiritual insects of Ye Lin cannot be increased.

Although he now has hundreds of millions of spiritual insects and consumes massive resources every day, Ye Lin is now very rich. In the ancient ring space, there is no shortage of spiritual energy, five element essences, spiritual stones and immortal essence stones. He can definitely raise more Spiritual insects, billions, even tens of billions.

Because of this, this Jianmu Seed is of extraordinary significance and extremely important to him.

Ye Lin couldn't help but sigh.

"No wonder Master Baiyi said that Jianmu seeds can achieve mutual success with Gujie. Didn't Senior Sister say that Jianmu has other functions?"

The senior sister nodded.

"In the final analysis, Jianmu is still a kind of spiritual wood. Once it grows, it contains a large amount of wood essence. Therefore, this material can be used as medicine and is the main medicinal material for refining many precious elixirs in the spiritual world."

"In addition, Jianmu is extremely tough, even better than high-grade Taoist tools. Therefore, Jianmu is naturally the main material for refining high-quality treasures. It is said that many treasures are made of Jianmu as the main material. It is made by refining. As long as you have building wood, you will not lack the main materials to refine treasures in the future. "

The so-called treasure is a treasure that is one level higher than Taoist weapons. Now, except for ancient rings, Ye Lin doesn't even have top-grade Taoist weapons, let alone treasures. Above the treasures, there are legendary immortal weapons.

Ye Lin's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard that Jianmu could make elixirs and weapons.

He currently has a large amount of weapon refining materials in the ancient ring warehouse. What he lacks most is the main material for refining high-grade Taoist tools. If Jianmu can be cultivated, wouldn't it mean that the main materials are inexhaustible?

Anyway, building wood can repair itself. If you are short of materials, just go up and cut a branch.

There is hope even for refining the best Taoist tools in the future.

The senior sister continued.

"In addition, Jianmu can also be refined and become your second soul. Of course, this can only be done when your husband reaches the stage of becoming a god. By then, your husband will have Jianmu as your second soul. The mana will never be exhausted, and the power of the wood magical power will increase tenfold and a hundredfold. Even if the original soul is killed, the husband's will can still survive by relying on the second soul, which can be said to have an extra life. "

Ye Lin was immediately elated and wanted to kiss Jianmu Seed hard.

He didn't expect that this thing would be so useful. Even if it gave him specific information about the talisman's edict from the immortal world, he would not exchange it for Jianmu.

This Jianmu was simply the biggest opportunity he got after recognizing his master in Gujie. It was countless times greater than the "Infatuated Swordsmanship" obtained by Shenmu Sword Immortal. It seems that Baiyi Zhenren's answer to his question about Tao Xin, compared with The answer of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal was even more satisfactory.

Ye Lin seemed to remember something again.

"Is it possible for the real man in white clothes to leave some means on the building wood to take away my body or the ancient ring? This is what worries me the most. He gave me such a great opportunity so easily. , it will inevitably make my husband doubtful."

The senior sister said in a deep voice: "It's not impossible. Jianmu is a sacred tree. With our current cultivation level, it's really difficult to find out the secrets!"

Ye Lin suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

The treasure was placed in front of him, but he didn't dare to use it, just like a person who has been hungry for a long time and finds a plate of food that is full of color, flavor and flavor, but is not sure whether there is deadly poison in the food.

And the probability of containing deadly poison is very high.

Ye Lin stood up and stood spinning, his brows furrowed into the character "Chuan".

"What should we do..."

The senior sister burst out laughing, her branches quivering with laughter.

This was the first time she saw Ye Lin so anxious and confused.

The senior sister said softly.

"Husband, don't panic. Next, I will use a secret method. This secret method may consume some life span. I will use my spiritual consciousness to completely penetrate this Jianmu seed and see if the white-clothed master has any means left."

Ye Lin asked quickly.

"How much does it cost?"

The senior sister suddenly hesitated a little.

"I'm not sure about this. It's probably more than 10,000 years ago. After all, this is the seed of Jianmu. It is also considered the most precious treasure among the treasures in the spiritual world. Countless top experts want to snatch it, and our cultivators It’s too humble for now.”

Ye Lin immediately objected.

"No, Senior Sister has not yet broken through the Divine Transformation Stage, and her total lifespan is more than 10,000 years. Even if she breaks through the Divine Transformation Stage, she will not be able to do it. I... can't bear to do it. I still have to do this. Senior Sister only needs to teach me the secret method. That’s it.”

"If not, we won't need to cultivate Jianmu for the time being. We will consider this matter after the transformation stage."

This is the truth for Ye Lin. It is ten times more uncomfortable to consume senior sister's life span than to consume his life span. No matter when, Ye Lin hopes that it is him who gets hurt, not senior sister.

The senior sister's pretty face was slightly red, and she was moved in her heart, but she still shook her head seriously.

"My husband cannot use this secret method. Although my soul is powerful, it is not at a sufficient level. Forcibly using it may cause the soul to collapse."

Ye Lin suddenly became anxious.

"Then that's even worse, let's just drop this matter!"

The senior sister continued to explain softly.

"My soul is different from yours. Don't forget, I am not an ordinary monk. My soul is not in danger of collapse. Besides, who told you that my lifespan is only more than 10,000 years."

"This is a big mistake. My source of vitality is almost endless. If not, you can feel it carefully."

After saying that, the senior sister stood still like a sculpture, and a flash of inspiration flashed on her forehead, and a very cute, pink and jade-carved Nascent Soul, the size of a fist, was revealed. It was the senior sister's Nascent Soul.

Senior sister Yuanying jumped and landed on Ye Lin's palm. Ye Lin used his powerful spiritual consciousness to begin to sense the source of vitality contained in senior sister Yuanying.

It's not that Ye Lin can't trust his senior sister, he's afraid that his senior sister will force him to spend more than 10,000 years of life in order to let him have Jianmu.

Ye Lin looked horrified at this reaction.

"Senior Sister's source of vitality is countless times more powerful than my immortal dragon. It has a lifespan of 10 million years or more? How is this possible!"

The senior sister said in a sweet voice.

"Now believe it, this seems to be a method left behind by my previous life, a trump card for me. In other words, this senior sister can unlimitedly use the secret magic power that consumes life span."

Ye Lin was envious.

The immortality he had always pursued, senior sister actually achieved it first.

Of course, Senior Sister's unlimited use of secret magic powers that consume life span is only based on theory. Although his source of vitality is endless, his vitality and spirit always have an upper limit.

The senior sister's Yuanying figure flashed and returned to her physical body.

"Then I will start to use secret techniques, amplify my consciousness, and search for Jianmu seeds."

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