Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 893 Mysterious Wooden Ball

At this moment, Ye Lin was still in shock.

The real person in white clothes said that Ye Lin had the cause and effect related to the edict of attracting the immortal world, which should refer to the cause and effect of the ancestor Xunlong. Ye Lin was almost taken away by the ancestor Xunlong, but fortunately his soul was strong enough, and the ancestor Xunlong Zu failed to seize the body, and Ye Lin took hold of the remaining memory in the remnant soul.

The memory shows that Ancestor Xunlong has crucial information about the edict to guide the immortal world. Unfortunately, he has died in the spiritual world. Ye Lin plans to look for clues about Ancestor Xunlong after ascending to the spiritual world. Use this to find an opportunity to obtain the talisman of the Immortal Realm.

In addition, Baiyi Zhenren also revealed the origin of Ye Lin Gujie.

"It turns out that the ancient ring passed down from my family comes from the immortal world and is a valuable treasure in the immortal world. So, the ancient ring should be an incredible immortal weapon? No wonder the magical power is so terrifying. It's a pity that the ancient ring has experienced the disaster of the family being destroyed. It was most likely damaged in the war, so it was ruined.”

"So, my ancient clan, the Ye family, was a big family in the fairy world a long time ago? How terrible would it be to destroy the Ye family?"

Just thinking about it made Ye Lin feel frightened.

But these are things he will face in the future, a long, long time later. Currently, Ye Lin's primary goal is to survive the catastrophe of the demon, become a god, and ascend to the spiritual world.

"What is that round, dry wood?"

In a daze, it seemed like hundreds of years had passed, and it seemed like a moment.

When Ye Lin opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in an ancient teleportation array in the outer hall. Beside him, there were also a somewhat confused Xiaoqiang, Xiaobai, Xiaolan, and the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

Only the Divine Eye Sword Immortal disappeared.

Ye Lin quickly lowered his head, and sure enough, he found a wooden bead in his hand.

Xiaobai was very puzzled.

"Husband, didn't we enter the inner hall? How come we came to the ancient teleportation array in the outer hall?"

Xiaoqiang patted his forehead.

"I was in a trance just now, and I came here all of a sudden. Did you say that the inner hall contains a great opportunity to ascend to immortality?"

The nine-headed demon king asked in confusion.

"Where did the Divine Eye Sword Immortal go? Could it be that he was left in the inner hall to receive the inheritance and was not transported out? The Divine Eye Sword Immortal's luck must be a little better. Even the master did not receive the inheritance, but he did."

Everyone focused their attention on Ye Lin, who was quite calm and just said lightly.

"This kind of thing has its own destiny. If you don't envy it, let's wait here for a while. I believe that fellow Taoist Shenmu will teleport here soon."

Although Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang and the others entered the inner hall together with Ye Lin, their identities can only be regarded as Ye Lin's spiritual insects, not as separate individuals. Therefore, only Ye Lin and the Divine Eye Sword Immortal can obtain the great power in the inner hall. Opportunity.

Otherwise, if Ye Lin releases hundreds of millions of spiritual insects, the entire inner palace may not have enough opportunities.

Ye Lin put the round wooden bead in his hand and observed it carefully. He felt that the wooden ball had no characteristics, it was just an ordinary wooden bead.

Ye Lin was a little confused.

"It's quite heavy. It's the size of a walnut and weighs hundreds of thousands of kilograms. But no matter how you feel it, you can't feel anything strange. Master Baiyi said that these wooden beads can achieve mutual success with the ancient ring. In this way, This wooden bead is probably not a simple treasure, what is it?"

For the sake of safety, Ye Lin did not dare to put the wooden beads into the ancient ring space easily. He did not forget that this was the territory of the real man in white clothes, and the real man in white clothes also knew that the ancient ring was a valuable treasure in the fairy world, so it was inevitable that he would not be tempted by it.

If this wooden bead contains the powerful means of the real person in white clothes, and the ownership of the ancient ring is taken away as soon as it is put into it, Ye Lin will have no place to cry.

If you lose the ancient ring, you basically lose everything.

"It stands to reason that the remnant soul can only execute the will of the main body, just like the remnant soul of the Xunlong Ancestor, but I don't know what the specific will of the white-clothed master's body left to the remnant soul is. It may just be pure He gave the opportunity to the younger generation of monks and formed a good relationship with the younger generation of monks in order to repay him in the immortal world in the future. It may also be the same as the Xunlong Patriarch. Once the body dies in the immortal world, he will seize the body of others. In this way, Rebirth."

Ye Lin was really afraid of well ropes after being bitten by a snake for ten years. He was almost tricked by Xunlong Ancestor. Now he had to be extremely cautious. He didn't understand what the wooden beads were and whether they were left behind. hand, he would not put it into the ancient ring.

Ye Lin waved his hand.

Xiao Dan, Xiao Shu, Xiao Fu, and Xiao Qi appeared in front of Ye Lin.

"Meet the master."

Ye Lin waved his hands and couldn't help but complain.

"Is it possible that we have to bow to each other ten thousand times if we meet each other ten thousand times? We are all old acquaintances, so we can avoid these vain people."

Xiao Dan asked.

"I wonder why the master called us here?"

Ye Lin stretched out his hand and pointed at the wooden beads with the other hand.

"I obtained this in the inner temple. It should be my chance. You should investigate and study it to see if you can identify what it is. Try to be careful when exploring, so as not to damage it."

As he said that, Ye Lin handed the wooden beads to Xiao Dan. Although the wooden beads weighed hundreds of thousands of kilograms, Xiao Dan was an out-of-body Dzogchen monk. His magic power could lift a mountain, so it was easy to pick up the wooden beads.

After hearing the words, the four people all nodded in agreement and focused their eyes on the wooden beads.

Xiao Dan smelled it carefully, and then started to knead the magic formula with his hands, and fired a series of magic powers at the wooden beads. The wooden beads trembled slightly, and Xiao Dan frowned slightly. Finally, he shook his head and handed the wooden beads to Xiao Dan. device.

Xiao Dan said: "I vaguely feel that there is an extremely weak vitality hidden in this bead... but that vitality gives me an extremely vague and ethereal feeling, so I speculate that this object should be some kind of spiritual object. Seeds or eggs, but I don’t know what they are.”

Xiaoqi held the wooden bead in his hand and kneaded it with one hand. His eyes burst out with light, as if he could penetrate the structure of the object and see extremely small details.

After a moment, he shook his head and handed the wooden beads to Xiao Fu.

Xiaoqi said very puzzledly: "The real stone is strange. My pupil technique can see the structure of the Taoist instrument and easily grasp the internal structure, but it cannot penetrate the bead. But with intuition, Xiaoqi can be sure. This object is very suitable for refining Taoist tools, and can even be used as the main material for refining top-grade Taoist tools. It is possible that the toughness of this thing now exceeds that of top-grade Taoist tools!"

When Ye Lin heard this, he was shocked. He already had many high-grade Taoist tools, but he didn't even have a top-grade Taoist tool. Let alone owning one, he had never seen one before. The top-grade Taoist tools were so precious. Just imagine.

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