Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 890: Strong Alliance

After swallowing Ye Lin's blood of the Insect King, the Nine-headed Demon King at the side was determined. With a "boom", purple-blue Yuanshen True Fire appeared all over his body.

The Nine-headed Demon King was surprised to find that after swallowing the blood of the Insect King, the Yuanshen True Fire burned the Yuanshen and consumed the origin at a much lower speed. In the past, he would consume decades of life for every breath, but now it only consumes a few years, which surprised him greatly.

The Yuanshen True Fire he released was also very different from the Yuanshen True Fire in the past. Now, as long as you look at the Yuanshen True Fire and feel the heat of the True Fire, your soul will tremble.

After awakening the ancient bloodline, the Yuanshen True Fire released by the Nine-headed Demon King can actually burn the soul directly!

It's just a pity that this puppet guard has no soul, and the Nine-headed Demon King's magical powers are completely unsuitable for use, but this still makes him very surprised.

The Nine-headed Demon King moved his mind, and the nine top-grade Taoist instruments also ignited a raging flame with a "boom". As long as his top-grade Taoist instruments touched the puppet guards, he could ignite them with the Yuanshen True Fire.

Seeing that Ye Lin and others had consumed their lifespans and used their trump cards, the Divine Eye Sword Immortal had to grit his teeth and spit out a mouthful of origin blood with a puff.

Then he pinched his hands together, and the origin blood quickly condensed into an origin blood sword.

His face was a little pale. This origin blood sword would consume his full 5,000 years of lifespan. Even as a Divine Transformation cultivator, he could not bear it. He looked at Ye Lin.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, how many origin blood swords do you need?"

After all, he was now Ye Lin's master and obeyed Ye Lin's command. He had to use as many origin blood swords as Ye Lin asked him to use. Moreover, this was his first battle after he surrendered to Ye Lin. In order to have a better life in the future and for Ye Lin to fulfill his promise in 500 years, he naturally had to hurry up and perform.

Ye Lin felt a little pain when he saw the blood sword of origin. Although they used their trump cards and consumed some lifespan, it was only a few hundred years. This God Eye Sword Immortal was a ruthless person, and he consumed five thousand years at once.

It was easy to make up for a few hundred years of lifespan, but five thousand years was a bit difficult.

Fortunately, the God Eye Sword Immortal was also a genius in the spiritual world. He was quite confident that he would reach a higher level in the future, so he was not stingy with his lifespan, but Ye Lin still didn't want him to consume too much.

"One is enough."

The God Eye Sword Immortal slowly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. If Ye Lin wanted him to consume his lifespan to condense more blood swords, he would have to obey. Fortunately, Ye Lin didn't do that.

As for Xiao Lan, after he swallowed the essence of the insect emperor, he also used secret methods, but he didn't consume his lifespan, but only consumed his vitality. He was rarely responsible for attacking, so he didn't practice many secret methods that consumed his lifespan. What he had to do now was to be flexible enough to ensure Ye Lin's safety.

Above the sky, the golden armored guard standing with a sword raised his eyebrows, and his face changed from the original disdain to a little solemn.

"This is much more interesting. Let's see how strong you are after all your trump cards are revealed."

As he spoke, the golden armored guard took another step forward, and the space was broken like a mirror, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

When he reappeared, the golden armored guard had come within ten feet of Ye Lin, and he casually swung his sword, and the destructive sword energy shattered the space and chopped it, trying to tear Ye Lin in half.

The eighty-five identical Xiaobai reacted extremely fast. At the moment the golden armored guard appeared, their eyes were extremely sharp, and they all slashed in the direction of the golden armored guard.

More than eighty destructive sword energies were released, and the surrounding space became chaotic, and the spatial turbulence surged out like a tsunami.

Only a "bang" was heard.

The destructive sword energy of the golden armored guard was submerged by more than eighty destructive sword energies released by Xiaobai. After the collision, there were still more than ten destructive sword energies left to chop towards the golden armored guard.

The face of the golden armor guard changed slightly.

It was obvious that Xiaobai, who had swallowed the essence of the insect emperor, summoned the five elements dragon ball, and performed the secret method of the five elements clone, was many times stronger than before.

The golden armor guard flashed and teleported again, and the sword of destruction cut into the air.

At this moment, Xiaoqiang and Xiaoqi looked at each other, took a step forward, and the speed was extremely fast. There were twisted space cracks around them, and the space turbulence could be vaguely seen.

This was to break the space with the power of the flesh, which meant that their flesh had reached the limit of the mortal world!

The moment the golden armor guard appeared, Xiaoqiang and Xiaoqi had arrived the next moment. Xiaoqi, who was full of strong muscles, did not use any Taoist tools. After the demon god body was added, his fist was the strongest top-grade Taoist tool.


Two sandbag-sized fists slammed towards the golden armor guard!

At the same time, the sword in Xiaoqiang's hand shone brightly, and the sword and sword energy tore through the void and chopped towards the golden armor guard.

The golden armor guard reacted faster, and a blast of destructive sword energy was slashed out the moment he appeared.

Xiaoqiang's sword energy and sword energy first intersected with the destructive sword energy. The destructive sword energy spurred by the golden armor guard was obviously more powerful, and it instantly disintegrated Xiaoqiang's sword energy and sword energy, but it also greatly reduced its power.

With a bang, Xiaoqiang's two punches directly exploded the sword energy that was greatly reduced in power, and the remaining power also hit the chest of the golden armor guard.

The golden armor guard groaned and flew out like a cannonball.

At this time, the divine sword immortal shouted softly.


The sword energy of the immortal killer and the blood sword of origin came out together, slashing straight towards the golden armor guard.

The golden armor guard also realized that something was wrong. He slashed the golden sword in his hand and disappeared again. When he reappeared, he was already thousands of feet away. The sword energy of the Immortal Killer and the blood sword of the origin both missed.

Before the golden armor guard could stand firm, nine high-grade Taoist instruments burning with blazing true fire came roaring.

The golden armor guard swung his sword backhand. With a swish, the terrifying sword energy of destruction split one of the high-grade Taoist instruments in two. At the same time, his figure disappeared from the spot again.

In a breath, Ye Lin's side had fought with the golden armor guard for dozens of rounds. The skills and magical powers were dazzling, but the golden armor guard could always rely on infinite teleportation to avoid fatal attacks. From beginning to end, he was never hit by Ye Lin's attacks. Instead, the high-grade Taoist instruments of the Nine-headed Demon King were constantly split in half by the golden armor guard.

The Nine-Headed Demon King lost his life-defining weapon, and his face turned pale and his soul was damaged. If it weren't for the immortal dragon ball and the blood of the insect king, he would have lost his ability to fight.

Unlike before, after Ye Lin played all his cards, the situation changed. Before, the golden armor guards had full control of the initiative, and Ye Lin's side could only passively defend. But now, Ye Lin's side attacked fiercely, and each move was terrifyingly powerful. The golden armor guards dared not take it head-on, and could only keep dodging, which was already in a passive situation.

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