Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 879 Seeking the Skin of a Tiger

A bronze bowl appeared in front of Ye Lin and Xiao Bai, covering them tightly!

"Namo Amitabha... Namo Amitabha..."

Instantly, it seemed that thousands of monks were chanting the Buddha's name.

In the void, two sword energies that were moving towards each other first met. No sound could be heard, and the space was shaking wildly, and colorful space turbulence appeared around.

The Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes spent a long time to stimulate the sword energy of killing immortals, but it was still better than the sword energy of destruction stimulated by Xiao Bai. After offsetting the power of the sword energy of destruction, the space turbulence was cut in half.

With a "bang".

The sword energy of killing immortals slashed fiercely on the bronze bowl, and a long copper scratch appeared on the back of the bronze bowl. Through this scratch, it can be fully inferred how terrible the power of the sword energy of killing immortals is.

Even though he was attacked by the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes, Ye Lin was not angry, but smiled kindly, as if he had expected such a thing to happen.

The Nine-headed Demon King saw that the Immortal-killing Sword Qi of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal could kill Ye Lin with one sword, but he was completely blocked by him. He was horrified and his nine heads shrank, and he actually shrank directly behind the Divine Eye Sword Immortal.

The Divine Eye Sword Immortal, who was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, stared at Ye Lin, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he regained his composure in the blink of an eye. He slowly stood up, and the killing sword was blocked by Ye Lin without any panic.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, your strength is indeed very strong, but it's a pity that now my Divine Eye has been opened, and the Immortal-killing Sword Qi of that strength just now can be stimulated eight times. Your bowl, if you resist a few more times, it will be broken. Without the bowl, killing you is like killing chickens and dogs."

Ye Lin smiled.

"I thought you would attack the guards on the third floor, but I didn't expect the guards on the second floor to be unable to hold back. To be honest, I don't think it's a good time now. The guards on the third floor have the great perfection of the transformation of the spirit, and they are even more powerful. If you use this trick to force me to hold the guards and then attack from behind, it will be obviously more difficult for me to deal with it. Your success rate is many times higher."

It is true.

Ye Lin never intended to trust the Nine-headed Demon King and the Divine Eye Sword Immortal from the beginning. These two people sought to cooperate with him and told him a lot of information he didn't know, but never proposed to sign the Heart Demon Blood Oath to reach an alliance.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the Heart Demon Blood Oath is the basic guarantee for the cooperation of cultivators. Even though Ye Lin and Feng Jiutian are so familiar with each other, they still signed the blood oath before entering the Star River Secret Realm.

It can be seen that these two guys don't intend to trust him.

They have always been in a relationship of mutual use. When either party feels that the other party has no value, the cooperation ends.

Ye Lin originally planned to get more useful information from these two people, so he forbeared and didn't take action. Instead, the Divine Eye Sword Immortal and the Nine-headed Demon King attacked him first.

The cooperation between the two sides is completely seeking the skin of a tiger.

The Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes responded calmly.

"The reason why we choose to act at this time is that the guards on the third floor are too powerful. If you take the initiative to attack us when facing a strong enemy, and we fall into your conspiracy, the consequences may be unbearable for us!"

"So instead of letting you take the initiative, it is better for us to act first and kill you with one blow. As long as we get the treasure on you, our strength will definitely be greatly improved, and we will be more confident in facing the guards on the third floor!"

"Now, most of your strength is fighting against the guards. Even if you still have some trump cards, you can't be the opponent of the two of us. Ye Lin, die!"

As soon as the voice fell, another dazzling silver-white sword energy condensed in front of the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes. With a "swish", it tore through the space and chopped towards Ye Lin with rolling space turbulence.

Ye Lin laughed.


Ye Lin obviously did not intend to avoid the terrifying power of the Immortal Killing Sword Qi, and he could not avoid it. Even if Xiao Lan flew at full speed, it could not be faster than the speed of the Immortal Killing Sword Qi that tore through the space.

The only way to deal with the sword energy of the Immortal Killer is to resist and offset all its power.


Xiaobai, who was standing in front of Ye Lin, once again swung out a sword energy of destruction to offset the power of the sword energy of the Immortal Killer. The remaining 20% ​​or 30% of the power of the sword energy of the Immortal Killer once again slashed on the bowl that was blocking Ye Lin, and the bronze bowl once again left a deep sword mark.

The Divine Eye Sword Immortal seemed to have won.

"Let's see how many swords your bowl can take!"

Although Ye Lin's top-grade Taoist artifact Daci Vajra Bowl has amazing defensive capabilities, the power of the sword energy of the Immortal Killer is even greater. Even the top-grade Taoist artifacts are difficult to resist. If nothing unexpected happens, this bowl will be scrapped after resisting three or five swords.

Another sword energy of the Immortal Killer followed closely and slashed fiercely.

Ye Lin smiled and snapped his fingers casually, and saw rows and rows of late-stage butt bugs neatly arranged in front of him. The butts of the first row of butt bugs have begun to spit out purple-blue dazzling light.


Purple-blue shock waves submerged the Immortal-killing Sword Qi. Sensing the danger, the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal and the Nine-headed Demon Lord flashed and fled before the shock waves arrived.

The terrifying power of the Immortal-killing Sword Qi was annihilated in the farts of the butt bugs.

Sensing that the situation was not good, the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal frowned slightly.

"Let's do it together. I didn't expect that in just over 20 years, the spiritual insects raised by this person have become much stronger. The current Ye Lin is completely different from the Ye Lin that the Evil Dragon True Lord faced before!"

Although the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes and the Nine-headed Demon Lord did not see the scene of Ye Lin killing the True Lord of Evil Dragon with their own eyes, they could also know the general process from the intelligence, and also knew that Ye Lin had raised many strange and bizarre spiritual insects, which caused a lot of trouble to the True Lord of Evil Dragon.

But the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes never took the spiritual insects raised by Ye Lin to heart. With the powerful spiritual perception of a cultivator in the God Transformation Stage, even with his eyes closed, he could easily avoid these purple-blue shock waves that released the power of destruction. As for the Fiery Demon Scorpion raised by Ye Lin, it could devour the True Fire of the Yuanshen, so it was even less scary.

He was good at swordsmanship, but not at true fire. He even never thought that burning the origin of the Yuanshen to release true fire was such a brilliant method.

But the actual situation was very different from what he imagined.

He never expected that those fart bugs, which were only the size of a fingernail, would make him feel frightened at the moment of farting, and the sword energy of killing immortals that he spent a long time to condense was easily broken by a few fart bugs.

Because of this, he had to seek the Nine-headed Demon King to join forces.

Upon hearing this, the Nine-headed Demon King opened his nine mouths and pointed them at the direction where Ye Lin was.

"This time, fellow Daoist Shenmu, please feel free to release your sword energy. I will kill those disgusting bugs!"

As he said this, he laughed loudly.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, you don't think I have the strength I just had!"

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