Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 872 Black Scorpion Temple

Ye Lin had previously released his spiritual sense to scan the surrounding area, but he did not find anything unusual underground for two reasons.

First, Ye Lin was on a safe island, and his spiritual sense was suppressed by a ban. Second, the temple also had a ban to prevent spiritual sense from spying.

With Ye Lin's order, Xiao Lan carried Ye Lin down from a high altitude and plunged into the endless yellow sand.

After being wrapped in the yellow sand, the naked eye's vision had completely disappeared, but the spiritual sense could see everything around.

Just like diving, Xiao Lan carried Ye Lin and his party and fell rapidly in the desert.

Soon after, Ye Lin's spiritual sense sensed that there was a huge temple covered with yellow sand at the end of the desert. This temple turned out to be a scorpion, and the surrounding area was densely packed with black scorpions.

When the scorpions saw outsiders approaching, they screamed crazily and began to attack Ye Lin frantically, but any scorpion within a hundred feet of Ye Lin died instantly.

Boom boom!

The gate of the temple opened with a bang, and two black and gold scorpions crawled out of the gate.

One of the scorpions shouted angrily.

"How dare you trespass into my Black Scorpion Temple? Eat them!"

The cultivation of these two black and gold scorpions has reached the state of great perfection of the out-of-body state, and they can speak human language.

As soon as the voice fell, the two black and gold scorpions grew to a hundred feet tall. Each black and gold scorpion had three tails with poisonous stingers, and they stabbed at Ye Lin and his party at the same time.

Wherever the poisonous needles went, all the gravel melted into a pool of pus, which was obviously a highly poisonous thing.

Ye Lin stood on Xiao Lan's back, his expression unchanged, without any panic.

"Xiao Qiang and Xiao Bai, you kill these two guys, I can deal with the attacks of other scorpions."

Xiao Qiang and Xiao Bai appeared in front of him the next moment.

"I understand."

Even though Xiao Qiang and Xiao Bai could only exert 20% of their strength, it was no problem to deal with two ordinary out-of-body great perfection monsters.

Ye Lin made a hand gesture, and two golden dragons instantly condensed around his body. A series of dragon roars were heard, and many weaker scorpions trembled in fear and completely lost their fighting power.

Ding Ding Dang Dang!

The scorpion spikes that suddenly attacked from all around were easily blocked by the golden dragons, and it was difficult for them to get close to Ye Lin.

Xiao Qiang held a sword, while Xiao Bai held a sword with one hand. With a flash, he met the six black and gold spikes that stabbed at him. Only a series of ding-dong collisions were heard. In a breath, the two dark gold scorpions fought with Xiao Bai and Xiao Qiang dozens of times.

The strength of outsiders like Ye Lin was suppressed by the ban, but these native local monsters could exert their full strength. Therefore, no matter how powerful Xiao Qiang and Xiao Bai were, they could not compare with the black and gold scorpion monsters.

But the black and gold scorpion monster only had a tyrannical magic power, no top-grade Taoist weapons, and no heaven-level skills. Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai used top-grade Taoist weapons to attack fiercely.

Under the joint attack of the two, the six scorpion tails retreated step by step.

Xiaobai said: "Xiaoqiang, you are responsible for defense, I will attack!"

Xiaoqiang nodded, and waved the sword with both hands faster, and a wide knife and sword energy was released, repelling the sharp spikes attacking from all directions.

Xiaobai took a deep breath with a jade-white flying sword in her hand, and her beautiful eyes slowly closed. After a few breaths, she suddenly opened her eyes, and her momentum suddenly became extremely sharp, and she slashed with a sword.

I saw a terrifying half-moon-shaped sword energy that was thousands of feet wide whistling out. Wherever the sword energy passed, the surrounding space actually spread with dense cracks.

It was the sword energy of destruction that was released by the middle-grade sword technique of the heaven-level "Sword Art of Destruction".

The sword energy flashed away.


The six scorpion tails that had no time to dodge were split in two by the sword energy.

"Not good, hurry back to the temple, outside the temple, we are no match!"

One of the dark gold scorpions exclaimed.

Xiaobai obviously would not give them another chance, and shouted softly.

"Cut again!"


Another crescent-shaped wide sword energy slashed towards one of the black and gold scorpions. The scorpion sensed something was wrong, shrank its body and fled in the desert at lightning speed, but still could not escape the slash. After the sword energy passed, the black and gold scorpion's body was split in two, and even the Nascent Soul seemed to be slashed by this sword.

The other black and gold scorpion was frightened by this scene, but was blocked by Xiaoqiang, who was well prepared, holding a sword. The two fought again. Under Xiaoqiang's fierce attack, this scorpion was no match at all. One moment, the big claws were chopped off by Xiaoqiang, and the next moment, the legs were chopped off.

After fighting for less than ten breaths, only the scorpion's body was left, and it had completely lost the power to fight back. A golden light suddenly flew out from the scorpion's forehead and flew towards the temple gate in the scorpion's mouth at a high speed.

But the moment it flew out, it crashed into a layer of translucent net, which quickly contracted and entangled the black and gold scorpion's Yuanying layer by layer.

Ye Lin grabbed the scorpion's Yuanying, who could no longer move, in his hand.

"Great Immortal, spare my life, Great Immortal, spare my life..."

The black and gold scorpion kept struggling for mercy.

Ye Lin ignored it and pointed at the center of the scorpion's Yuanying's eyebrows, starting a new round of soul search.

With his current soul strength, even a soul search of a cultivator in the God Transformation Stage would be extremely easy. A mere cultivator in the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body Stage could read all his memories in the blink of an eye.

After a while, Ye Lin opened his eyes. He got a lot of useful and important information from the memory of this black-gold scorpion.

First, the eternal existence of natural disasters in the outer space will not weaken or dissipate according to time.

Second, there are hundreds of similar "temples" in this desert. The temples will continue to produce majestic spiritual energy, and the surrounding demon cultivators are attracted by the spiritual energy and gather together.

Third, there is a warehouse at the core of each temple. The warehouse stores the treasures that the demon cultivators have saved for generations. In other words, these large groups of demon beasts are threats and opportunities for outsiders.

Ye Lin said: "Let's go and see what the scorpions have stored in the warehouse. Maybe they can find a map of the core area."

After killing two black-gold scorpions, the other scorpions were leaderless. Except for a few scorpions that rushed up to die, the rest of the scorpions fled in all directions. Now there is no scorpion around the Scorpion Temple.

Xiao Lan carried Ye Lin and his party and soon flew into the Black Scorpion Temple. In the core area of ​​the temple, they found a warehouse. The door of the warehouse was sealed with a ban. The level of these bans was obviously not high. Xiao Shu just waved his hand and the ban disappeared.

As the door of the warehouse opened, Ye Lin saw a pile of immortal stones, natural treasures, and various miscellaneous treasures. Many of them were Taoist tools that were so rotten that they would break at the touch.

"Master, there are more than 8,000 immortal stones alone. I didn't expect these scorpions to be so rich!"

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