Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 868 Great Compassion Vajra Bowl

If the source is damaged, you will not only lose your lifespan, but more importantly, you will also lose your strength. It is extremely difficult to make up for it, and this undead dragon ball can quickly repair the damage to the source, which means that using the secret technique of burning the source will A lot less worries.

Ye Lin picked up the small jade-white sword again, still looking puzzled.

I saw two words engraved on the jade white sword: White Fang

This must be the name of this jade-white flying sword.

Ye Lin said.

"This sword is indeed a good sword. It's extremely sharp. But I can't explain why it's so good."

He knew a little bit about swordsmanship, but it was only compared to ordinary swordsmanship monks. Compared to Qin Jin'er and his senior sister, he knew nothing about it. His swordsmanship was weak, and his ability to identify good swords was naturally poor.

Qin Jin'er took the White Fang Flying Sword and closed her eyes tightly. She saw the White Fang Flying Sword start to buzz and tremble. She obviously wanted to control the flying sword without recognizing its owner.

This is one of the abilities of the Sword Immortal.

A powerful sword fairy can recognize good flying swords with keen eyes, and a good flying sword will surrender to the powerful sword fairy. This is just like letting a flying sword take the initiative to recognize its master on Jiufeng Sword Mountain.

A moment later, White Fang's flying sword made a "swish" sound and turned into a white cold light soaring into the sky, flying around Qin Jin'er twice before landing in his jade hand.

Qin Jin'er opened her eyes and saw that his eyes were full of exhaustion. Ao Lingshuang and her senior sister beside her quickly supported her figure.

Qin Jin'er smiled bitterly.

"It's still too much... With my current level of swordsmanship, I still can't make this guy take the initiative to recognize his master. I just controlled him forcefully, which took a lot of effort."

Ao Lingshuang directly placed the Immortal Dragon Ball on Qin Jin'er's forehead and rolled it.

A magical scene appeared.

All Qin Jin'er's fatigue disappeared, her energy recovered by five or six points, and she was no longer as weak as before.

Ao Lingshuang said: "The Immortal Dragon Ball can also quickly restore the loss of mind."

Although this immortal dragon ball has not yet been refined and recognized as its owner, it can still exert some effect.

Ye Lin was a little surprised.

"So, with this Immortal Dragon Ball in hand, wouldn't it mean that you won't have to sleep for the rest of your life?"

Ao Lingshuang nodded.

"That's the theory."

With that said, Ao Lingshuang handed the Immortal Dragon Ball back to Ye Lin, and Ye Lin handed her the Thunder and Fire Double Star Dragon Ball of the Purple Spirit Dragon. Now the Purple Spirit Dragon is in a state of no Dragon Ball, and its combat power has dropped sharply. The Dragon Ball can just make up for the Purple Spirit Dragon. From now on, the Purple Spirit Dragon can slowly transform into an immortal true dragon.

For dragon monks, the body of the dragon is not the core origin. The dragon beads are the essence of their whole body. Therefore, in theory, as long as the dragon beads are replaced, the five elements attributes of the dragon itself can be changed.

Of course, this process will be long and does not happen overnight.

Ye Lin turned his attention back to the jade-white White Fang flying sword. This flying sword did not recognize Qin Jin'er as its master, so the identification was not completed.

The senior sister smiled.

"Let me try it."

With that said, the senior sister took the White Fang Flying Sword handed over by Qin Jin'er, but she didn't expect that just as she held it in her hand, the White Fang Flying Sword emitted a white light, humming and trembling, and the flying swords surrounded her without the need for the senior sister to control it with her thoughts. Dance with joy.

This scene made Qin Jin'er on the side very embarrassed.

"It turns out...Senior Sister's swordsmanship is so horrifyingly exaggerated!"

The senior sister smiled helplessly, stretched out her jade hand, and the White Fang Flying Sword fell obediently into her hand.

"Sister Jin'er, there is no need to belittle oneself. Most of my swordsmanship comes from vague and ancient memories. These memories may be the result of a thousand, ten thousand, or even longer years of accumulation. Sister Jin'er's practice is not good. By more than a hundred years, it has become very powerful.”

Qin Jin'er felt a little better now. It wasn't that she was jealous of her senior sister, but it was just a little hard to accept for a while and she was a little doubtful about life.

After all, it was just that Xiaobai's swordsmanship talent far exceeded hers, and now a senior sister appeared to crush her. This was a huge blow to people's self-confidence.

The senior sister said again.

"This White Fang Flying Sword doesn't have any fancy magical powers. It's just extremely sharp. It's best at breaking armor and shields, and can cut off other high-grade Taoist weapons!"

As she said that, the senior sister pointed at the flying sword in her hand, and everyone felt a creepy sharpness, as if a sharp knife was about to pierce the center of the eyebrow at any time.

Ye Lin smiled.

"Since this flying sword is most willing to recognize senior sister as its master, let senior sister be the one to use it."

The senior sister did not accept it readily this time, but shook her head slightly.

"My husband also needs to join forces with the Divine Eye Sword Immortal and the Nine-Headed Demon Lord to enter the Secret Palace of the Galaxy. I don't have the secret palace token, so I'm afraid I won't be able to help. Giving Xiaobai the use of this flying sword can greatly enhance my husband's combat capabilities. "

Ye Lin thought for a moment and couldn't refute the senior sister, so he could only nod in agreement.

"All right."

With Xiao Bai's swordsmanship, it is not a big problem for the White Fang Flying Sword to take the initiative to recognize its master. Even if it cannot take the initiative to recognize its master, it can be refined little by little so that the flying sword weapon spirit is forced to recognize its master.

Ye Lin finally turned his attention to the third top Taoist tool, the bronze alms bowl.

He picked up the alms bowl and immediately heard the chanting of countless monks. In an instant, his heart became extremely peaceful and peaceful, as if he had listened to the lectures of eminent Buddhist monks for ten days and nights.

If Ye Lin knew a little about swordsmanship, he knew nothing about Buddhism. Buddhism was not prosperous in the Continent of Ten Thousand Kingdoms.

The elder sister took the bowl and thought for a moment, saying, "This is the Great Compassion Vajra Bowl. It has a very strong protective ability. It can not only resist the attacks of the inner demon, but also resist the attacks of various high-grade Taoist tools."

"If the White Fang Flying Sword is the sharpest spear among the high-grade Taoist tools, then the Great Compassion Vajra Bowl is the shield with the strongest defensive ability. I know you want to ask whether the spear or the shield is more powerful. This depends on the cultivation and various magical powers released. It is impossible to evaluate without considering these factors."

Ye Lin was delighted when he heard this.

"A life-saving item? That is indeed a good thing."

This time he did not plan to give it away. After all, the challenge he was going to face next was very dangerous. Even if he gave it to them, they might not have the opportunity to use it.

Ye Lin put the three top-grade Taoist tools back into the jade box, and then put them into the ancient ring space, and gave them to Xiaoqi to study first. When his consciousness arrived at the ancient ring space, Ye Lin also went to Xiaobai's retreat room to visit Xiaobai who had been retreating for more than a month.

Xiao Bai's aura of great perfection in the Out-of-body Realm became more and more stable, and his momentum became more and more terrifying, as if he was about to digest the soul of the Evil Dragon Master.

Without disturbing Xiao Bai's serious practice, Ye Lin came to Xiao Qi's refining factory again. Xiao Qi led a group of refining masters and spirit insects who were working overtime day and night to repair the decayed high-grade Taoist instruments.

Seeing Ye Lin coming with three top-grade Taoist instruments, Xiao Qi was overjoyed.

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