Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 859: Reuniting with Senior Sister

Ye Lin suddenly frowned slightly and asked doubtfully.

"Galaxy Secret Palace? What is that place?"

Ao Lingshuang and Qin Jin'er looked at each other with confusion, and they seemed not to know.

Nowadays, Ye Lin's intelligence network is quite complete and the intelligence he has collected is quite rich. Moreover, he also has a complete map of the outer areas of the Galaxy Secret Realm.

Ye Lin had read that map countless times and knew it by heart.

Even so, he had never heard of the Galaxy Secret Palace.

Qin Jin'er guessed: "Husband, this thing may have been brought in from the spirit world."

Ye Lin asked: "Why do you say this? Since there is the word 'Galaxy', it is very likely that this token is closely related to the secret realm of Galaxy, and it should not come from the spiritual world."

Qin Jin'er said: "Of course, it came from the Galaxy Secret Realm, but it was brought to the spirit world by the previous explorer of the Galaxy Secret Realm, and now it has been brought back. The reason for this speculation is because my husband has opened so many things in Xingyue Pavilion. Various tokens have been obtained from the treasure chest, but there is no such token. This means that this token was produced in the core area of ​​the Galaxy Secret Realm, and the core area has not yet been opened, even if the evil dragon Zhenjun has powerful methods. It is impossible to obtain treasures from the core area in advance, so Jin'er made this guess."

Ye Lin's eyes lit up.

"It seems very reasonable. It seems that this token corresponds to a certain chance point in the core area. Since someone took it out and was specially brought in by Evil Dragon True Lord, it can be seen that this chance point is extremely important. When the core area is opened, we will You can go there and explore, you might get unimaginable opportunities.”

Qin Jin'er and Ao Lingshuang both nodded.

Ye Lin then put the token into a wooden box, and then put the wooden box into the ancient ring space. He planned to let Xiao Fu study the token first to see if there was anything fishy about it.

Ye Lin waved his hand again, and a series of jade slips fell in front of him. These were all heaven-level skills collected by True Lord Evil Dragon. Among them, there were low-level skills, fifty-three spells, and mid-level skills. Three methods.

Nowadays, Ye Lin and others have not yet reached the Great Perfection in practicing the middle-grade Tian-level skills, so there is no need to pay attention to the low-level Tian-level skills. The three of them have set their sights on the three opportunities that record the middle-level skills of the Heaven-level. They are "The Secret Technique of Transforming Dragons", "Secret Technique, Yuanshen True Fire Technique", and "Nine Heavens Crazy Thunder Technique".

Ye Lin's spiritual consciousness invaded the three jade slips, and he quickly understood the general information of these three secret books. He introduced them to Qin Jin'er and Ao Lingshuang.

"The Evil Dragon True Monarch used "The Magic Dragon Transformation Technique" in the battle with me. His thunder and fire double star dragon ball turned into an electric dragon and a fire dragon at the beginning. This is the ability of this technique. Practice this technique After getting started, as long as you have enough mana, you can enlighten other things and turn them into real dragons for a short time. The strength of the real dragon depends on the strength of the caster and the power of the thing that turns into a dragon. After cultivating to the Great Perfection, all things will be transformed into real dragons. The transformable dragon is extremely powerful, and the evil dragon master is just getting started."

""Secret Technique, True Fire of the Soul" I don't need to introduce it. I believe you all understand that this kind of secret technique that consumes energy should not be used if you can't use it."

"The "Nine Heavens Crazy Thunder Technique", after practice, can condense the Nine Heavens Crazy Thunder to destroy the heaven and the earth. The Evil Dragon True Monarch's Crazy Thunder Dragon Ball was smelted using this technique. To practice this technique, you need to swallow a large amount of essence. A treasure of heaven and earth with the power of pure thunder.”

Qin Jin'er shook her head in disappointment.

"These exercises have no appeal to me."

Ao Lingshuang said: "The "Miraculous Dragon Transformation Technique" is good for me. Now I am good at close combat but not good at long-range attacks. If I practice this method, I can turn the weapon into a real dragon to attack the enemy. However, if I practice "The Divine Ape" The "Mountain Moving Technique" is more important. After I hit the bottleneck with "The Divine Ape Moving Mountain Technique", I can try the "Zhongmiao Dragon Transformation Technique".

Ye Lin nodded, and then handed the jade slip recording the "Zhongmiao Dragon Transformation Technique" to Ao Lingshuang.

"You can take it and make a copy."

Ao Lingshuang nodded repeatedly.

"Thank you, husband."

Ye Lin then looked at the hill-like treasures of heaven and earth on the square. With a wave of his hand, all the treasures turned into a spiritual light and disappeared into the ancient ring space.

The remaining items are no longer worthy of his attention, so they can be handed over to the spirit insects who are responsible for identifying and classifying treasures, and then placed in different warehouses.

At this moment, Ye Lin was suddenly stunned, and then stood up suddenly with a look of surprise on his face.

Qin Jin'er and Ao Lingshuang also noticed Ye Lin's abnormality and asked in unison.

"What's wrong, husband?"

Ye Lin clenched his fists and laughed loudly, his breathing a little short.

"It's Senior Sister's breath! Senior Sister is finally back!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Lin summoned Xiaolan, turned over and stood on top of Xiaolan's head. Xiaolan flapped his wings and galloped towards the ancient teleportation array on the Winter Safety Island.

Qin Jin'er and Ao Lingshuang watched Ye Lin go away and looked at each other. Qin Jin'er looked happy, while Ao Lingshuang was a little nervous.

As we all know, the Taoists who have the best relationship with Ye Lin are Fairy Qingyao and Xiaobai. The oldest among them should be Fairy Qingyao. As a new entrant, Ao Lingshuang is naturally a little uneasy when facing the return of her eldest sister. , if Fairy Qingyao doesn't give her a good look, it will be difficult for her to get along with Ye Lin in the future.

Qin Jin'er also saw Ao Lingshuang's worry and chuckled.

"Senior sister is very nice. You don't need to worry. Besides, in our family, it doesn't matter how big or small we are. We just need to respect each other and live in harmony."

Ao Lingshuang nodded slightly, but still a little worried.

Wearing a long cyan dress, with a graceful figure and beautiful appearance, Fairy Qingyao was standing on the edge of the ice field where one igloo after another had been built. She looked at the sky with a charming smile on her lips.

Ye Lin felt her, and she naturally felt Ye Lin.

I saw a blue figure in the sky quickly enlarged. It was Xiao Lan who was flapping his wings and making a buzzing sound. I saw a hand stretching out from Xiao Lan's head. Fairy Qingyao jumped lightly and was caught by that hand. He pulled them to Xiaolan's head and hugged each other tightly. Their bodies wished they could merge together at this moment and never be separated.

After a hug, the longing in Fairy Qingyao's heart finally subsided a little. She blushed slightly and touched Ye Lin's head. When she saw that Ye Lin was still holding her tightly and refused to let go, she said softly.

"Okay, okay, you are almost a hundred years old... Tell me now, how did you cope with the return of True Lord Evil Dragon?"

Ye Lin still didn't let go and replied casually.


Fairy Qingyao opened her mouth slightly, seeming a little surprised.

"Is your husband so powerful? Tell me how you killed True Lord Evil Dragon. This man is quite powerful. Although I have a way to kill him, it requires consuming some of the essence of the Nascent Soul."

Ye Lin chuckled.

"We can talk about these little things later."

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