Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 856 The Real and Fake Ye Lin

The entrance to the Winter Palace.

There were more than a thousand monks watching the battle. At this time, they all stared dumbly at the projection of the duel space on the sky. The whole place was silent, and you could hear a needle drop.

In the projection, Ye Lin has sealed the purple spirit dragon in the transformation stage, and finally it was included in the mysterious ring in Ye Lin's hand. As for the thunder and fire double star dragon beads that turned into fire dragons and electric dragons, they were also quickly sealed and taken by Ye Lin. take away.

The disappearance of the behemoth made the entire duel space very empty, frighteningly empty!

Someone asked in disbelief in a weak voice: "Is the powerful man who came from the spirit world just gone? Is there any back-up plan?"

More people raised doubts.

"I never believe that a monk in the out-of-body stage can kill a monk who transforms into a god. Even if Ye Lin defeats True Lord Evil Dragon, I can accept it. But the soul comes and goes without a trace. How could it be swallowed by that white snake like this? ?”

"I think this may be an illusion. Ye Lin has arranged some illusion array to cover the entire duel area. Now Ye Lin and True Lord Evil Dragon are fighting fiercely in the illusion."

"If Ye Lin is an out-of-body monk from the spiritual world, there is still a slight possibility of killing a powerful person who transforms into a god. But Ye Lin is just a third-class out-of-body monk from the mortal world. This is impossible, impossible!"

Some people also raised objections.

"Are you all blind? Ye Lin released thousands of spiritual insects at once. Although we can only see the projection and cannot sense the breath of those spiritual insects, from the breath of those spiritual insects and the Evil Dragon True Monarch Judging from the fighting situation, the strength must not be weak, at least they have the strength of the mid- to late-stage out-of-body cultivators. I think it is still possible for thousands of mid-to-late stage out-of-body cultivators to join forces and kill a god-transformation cultivator. "

"Does Ye Lin need to use fantasy to deceive us? What's the benefit to him of deceiving us? Could it be that if he deceives us, he can really win if he wins?"

"That's right, you monks from other worlds don't know the terror of Lord Ye at all. In our continent of nations, it's not surprising for Lord Ye to accomplish any feat. He is the creator of miracles. Lord Ye will definitely win. !”

For a while, the doubting party and the affirmative party were quarreling at the gate of the imperial palace. If it weren't for the prohibition of the safety island that prevented them from fighting, they might have been fighting in chaos by now.

Did Ye Lin win or not?

Was True Lord Evil Dragon killed, or did he have some backup plans?

At this moment no one is sure.

Just when there was chaos, a figure appeared at the gate of the Winter Palace.

It was Ye Lin who was wearing the blue Taoist robe of Taixuan Sect!

The quarrel came to an abrupt end, and everyone's eyes focused on Ye Lin. Some looked frightened, some looked admiring, and some looked gloomy.

At this time, Ye Lin's expression still didn't change much. He just glanced at all the monks at the door, and then slightly cupped his hands.

"Is there anyone else who wants to challenge Ye? We can take this opportunity to come together. If not, the gate of the imperial palace will be closed."

A questioning party pointed at Ye Lin and asked respectfully.

"You...are you really Ye Lin?"

Ye Lin looked puzzled.

"Is it possible that someone else is pretending to be Ye?"

The man burst out laughing.

"I understand, I understand. The real Ye Lin has been killed. The current Ye Lin must have been controlled by True Lord Evil Dragon. The True Lord wants to hide the truth and control Ye Lin. , everything he got, his Taoist companions, all his opportunities, and all the mutant spiritual insects have already belonged to the True Lord."

someone asked.

"Then where did the real Lord Evil Dragon go?"

The man chuckled.

"Of course we are still in the duel space. If we come out together, wouldn't we be cheating? Isn't there anyone who doesn't know that the duel space is actually a random extraterrestrial starry sky, and you can fly back soon. No, I have to leave. I have exposed my true nature. Your back-up plan may lead to anger."

Ye Lin gave the monk a helpless look and gave him a three-word evaluation.


After saying that, he waved his sleeves and the gate of the imperial palace slowly closed.

Does Ye Lin need to prove that he is Ye Lin in front of these irrelevant cats and dogs? There is no need. No matter how these lunatics question him, it will have no effect on him. Instead, it will increase his mystery and make other monks fearful.

Seeing Ye Lin, he immediately closed the door. The monks watching the battle started arguing fiercely again. Now, the topic of their quarrel changed from whether Ye Lin killed the Evil Dragon Lord to whether Ye Lin was still the original Ye Lin.

Many people said categorically that this must be a plan planned by True Lord Evil Dragon a long time ago. The illusion of Ye Lin killing him just now was also arranged by True Lord Evil Dragon. The purpose was to seize everything from him by controlling Ye Lin.

The argument of this group of people is that no matter what method Ye Lin relies on in the late stage of leaving the body, it is impossible to truly kill the Evil Dragon True Lord from the spirit world. Even if the Evil Dragon True Lord cannot be defeated, he can still escape easily, but The projection showed that True Lord Evil Dragon had been beheaded, which was unreasonable.

Some people also think that Ye Lin really killed True Lord Evil Dragon. The reason is that Ye Lin obviously possessed a treasure and summoned thousands of powerful spirit insects. Thousands of monks in the out-of-body stage besieged a monk in the transformation stage and killed him. Its successful execution seems reasonable.

Because Ye Lin didn't explain more to them, and because they couldn't fight and reason with each other on the safe island, the two sides quarreled for more than half an hour and then dispersed.

At this moment, the most confused people should be Long Tianyang and the beautiful woman who were holding the thigh of the Evil Dragon True Lord, as well as the dozens of Wanlong Xianchao monks who came with the Evil Dragon True Lord.

Seeing that the quarrelers had dispersed, they looked at each other, looking at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

The beautiful female monk's face was obviously a little unhappy, and he asked Long Tianyang beside him.

"Daoyou Tianyang, what should we do? Do you think the True Lord is still alive, or..."

Long Tianyang's body trembled a little, but he still maintained some rationality, and he analyzed.

"Of course he is still alive. I know Ye Lin best. Although this boy has a treasure and is very powerful, he can never beat the True Lord. Once the True Lord's Yuanshen True Fire appears, even the cultivators in the late stage of the transformation of the spirit will have to retreat. Ye Lin can't resist the Yuanshen True Fire!"

The beautiful female monk nodded gently.

"That's true. The Yuanshen True Fire can burn everything. Whether Ye Lin has 10,000 or 100,000 spirit insects, they are meaningless in front of the Yuanshen True Fire, so let's wait for the return of the True Lord."

Long Tianyang looked towards the Imperial Palace again.

"Do you think this Ye Lin is real or fake?"

The beautiful female cultivator was obviously a little unsure.

"It should be, maybe it's fake. Anyway, if it's a fake Ye Lin, he will definitely contact us in the future. We just need to wait for the good news from the True Lord."

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