Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 854: Unable to admit defeat

Indeed, as True Lord Evil Dragon expected, the Underworld Immortal-Destroying Pearl was unable to cause fatal harm to him. He was temporarily suppressed after taking a few poisonous elixirs.

But Ye Lin has long known that the Huangquan Immortal-Destroying Pearls can pose a fatal threat to the God-Transformation monks. It is almost impossible to completely kill a God-Transformation monk with just three. Besides, this Evil Dragon True Monarch is not an ordinary God-Transformation monk.

Therefore, Ye Lin's goal is just to let True Lord Evil Dragon be infected by the demon's will body and poison!

He just wants to weaken True Lord Evil Dragon!

Sure enough, because True Lord Evil Dragon had to spend a lot of mana to suppress the poison that was brewing in his body, and also spent his spiritual will to suppress the devil's will body, his strength suddenly plummeted.

The power of the true fire of the soul burning in Ye Lin and others plummeted.

At this time, True Lord Evil Dragon also realized that he had fallen into Ye Lin's trick, and his face was extremely ferocious. He dodged the three butt bugs who sneaked up on him, and began to move away from Ye Lin at high speed, snorting coldly in his mouth.

He kept pointing at Ye Lin.

Lines of dragon-shaped flames condensed from the true fire of the soul roared out.

"Hmph, so what if my strength is weakened, sooner or later you will be burned to the core by my true soul fire!"


The fire dragon, whose whole body was burning with the true fire of the soul, rushed towards Ye Lin.

True Lord Evil Dragon's idea is very clear. Now he only needs to stay away from Ye Lin and let the fire dragon and purple spirit dragon attack Ye Lin. As long as Ye Lin cannot extinguish the true fire of the soul, he will win sooner or later.

Ye Lin chuckled and clapped his hands.

I saw red scorpions appearing from all around. They were the flaming scorpions that had been hidden for a long time.

True Lord Evil Dragon couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat when he saw these red scorpions. He learned from the intelligence that the Nascent Soul True Fire released by Young Master Li Huo was perfectly restrained by these scorpions. It was precisely because of this that Young Master Li Huo was defeated by Ye. Lin killed easily.

"Impossible. The Nascent Soul True Fire and the Yuan Shen True Fire are two different concepts. Their power is innate. These scorpions in the middle stage of being out of the body can be considered to be gifted if they can swallow the Yuanying True Fire. They want to devour my soul. It’s so hot, it’s just an idiot’s dream!”

Before he finished speaking, he saw those flaming scorpions opening their mouths wide, and streams of true soul fire were sucked into the flaming scorpions' mouths. After inhaling the true primordial fire, the surface of the flaming scorpion's body also ignited. There were blazing flames, but strangely, these flames did not cause harm to the Flame Scorpion.

Immediately, all the ignited monks on Ye Lin's side had their true soul energy sucked away by the flaming scorpions. Seeing this, Ye Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the group of flaming scorpions headed by Xiao Hong greatly improved their strength after devouring the Nascent Soul True Fire. In addition, the strength of the Evil Dragon True Monarch was weakened, so they successfully swallowed up the Nascent Soul True Fire. ”

True Lord Evil Dragon was stunned when he saw this scene. He felt that the true fire of his soul was fake, and was simply restrained by a group of insects in the middle of the body.

After the flaming scorpions devoured the true fire of the soul on Ye Lin and others, they flew towards the fire dragon and the purple spirit dragon, and started to devour the true fire of the soul outside their bodies from a thousand feet away.

Strips of crimson soul true fire were sucked into the mouths of the flaming scorpions.

Naturally, the fire dragon and the purple spirit dragon would not be willing to let the true fire of the soul be sucked away like this. They rushed towards the flaming scorpion with their teeth and claws, but they were blocked by the spirit insects ambushing around, and the golden-backed man-eating ants held Sharp spears were thrown out, and there were also snow silkworms that spun silk from their mouths and stuck to the fire dragon and purple spirit dragon...

Very far away, True Lord Evil Dragon couldn't help but look desperate when he saw this scene.

Even his trump card, Yuanshen Zhenhuo, which was at the bottom of the box, was cracked by Ye Lin!

Ye Lin has so many methods, they are endless and endless. No matter what kind of magical power he uses, Ye Lin has a way to restrain it.

Not long after, the electric dragon, purple spirit dragon, and fire dragon were covered with various silk threads, including the threads of Thousand Silk Spiders, the silk threads of snow silkworms, and the flame threads spit out by the flaming scorpions, and then thousands of spirit insects began to chant. He cast spells on them one after another.

This is obviously an attempt to seal them completely.

With a thought, True Lord Evil Dragon completely extinguished the true fire of the soul that was burning in his body. He understood that now his true fire of the soul has lost its threatening nature to Ye Lin. If it continues to burn, the origin of his soul will only become more and more powerful. few.

"Ye Lin, I admit that you are very strong, stronger than me. At this time, I have nothing to do, but it doesn't matter. You can't kill me in this duel space!"

"I recognize..."

At this moment, True Lord Evil Dragon had no more means to use, and he was unwilling to die in Ye Lin's hands.

It was at the critical moment of life and death that he realized that even if he violated Xuan Zhi Youxuan's heart demon blood oath, it would be ten thousand times better to be threatened by the inner demon at any time from now on than to die like this.

Just when True Lord Evil Dragon was about to break the blood oath of the inner demon and say "admit defeat", he suddenly paused, and there was a look of struggle in his eyes.

The method Ye Lin planted in his body finally took effect!

The devil's will body will never admit defeat!

Although the Evil Dragon True Monarch is a powerful god-forming monk and will not be easily taken over by the Demon God's Will Body, nor will he be easily disturbed by the Demon God's Will Body, this does not mean that he is immune to the contamination of the Demon God's Will Body!

As long as he hesitates and pauses for a breath, Ye Lin can already do a lot of things!

Just like!

Xiaolan, the most powerful butt bug, has now pointed his butt at True Lord Evil Dragon!

At this moment, the will of the demon god in the body of the evil dragon master and his own will are fighting for control of the body. He is struggling and confused. Even if his spiritual sense is frantically warning him, he has no time to react!


The blue shock wave shines in the vast outer space!

The evil dragon master has dodged the collapse fart hundreds of times, but this time, he can't dodge it!

His head and body were instantly submerged by the dazzling blue shock wave. At this moment, he was completely vaporized by Xiao Lan's fart with all his strength!

A huge hole also appeared in the huge soul behind the evil dragon master. The phantoms around the hole were squirming frantically, trying to make up for it, but it was difficult to do so.

The collapse fart of the fart bug can even shatter and destroy space. Even if the soul is between illusion and reality, the collapse fart can still cause fatal damage.

The body of the evil dragon master disappeared completely. His soul showed a look of horror and opened his mouth wide, "I admit it!" When he said this, he hesitated again.

Maybe if he were given another thousandth of a breath of time, he would be able to suppress and defeat the demon god's will, take back control of his soul, and say the three words "I surrender" completely, but unfortunately, Ye Lin would not give him another chance.

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