Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 847 Adding duel rules

Behind Evil Dragon True Monarch and his party were hundreds of monks who came to inquire for information or watch the fun, and many of them showed expressions of gloating about their misfortune.

In their view, the three imperial palaces on the three safe islands should all be inhabited by powerful gods. Ye Lin's behavior of seizing the imperial palace while the Evil Dragon True Monarch was out was tantamount to opportunism, which made them extremely unhappy. balance.

Why can Ye Lin, who has not even achieved the Great Consummation of out-of-body experience, live in the most spacious, luxurious, and most opportunistic imperial palace? And they can only live in ordinary houses.

Many people began to whisper.

"I bet Ye Lin will give up the imperial palace sovereignty order soon!"

"Is there any need to gamble? Is it possible that Ye Lin still wants to go to the duel space with True Lord Evil Dragon to compete? True Lord Evil Dragon is the second best player on the Galaxy List, and this is just an estimate of his strength. The real strength may be better than that of God The Sword Immortal is stronger!"

"Should Ye Lin really kneel down and beg for mercy? That would be too embarrassing."

"I heard that Ye Lin's Taoist companion, Fairy Qingyao, is being hunted by True Lord Evil Dragon. She must have been caught."

Ye Lin completely ignored Long Tianyang and fixed his gaze on True Lord Evil Dragon. True Lord Evil Dragon also looked at him, frowning slightly and his face was very gloomy, but he was not in a hurry to challenge Ye Lin immediately and entered the duel space together. Instead he asked unhurriedly.

"Are you Ye Lin?"

Ye Lin showed a kind smile.

"Exactly, I wonder if the True Lord still wants to challenge me. If not, the Imperial Palace will be closed."

True Lord Evil Dragon was not angry and responded calmly.

"Of course I want to challenge you, but I think the challenge rules in the duel space are a bit boring. How about adding some rules?"

Ye Lin asked curiously.

"I wonder what rules Zhenjun wants to add?"

True Lord Evil Dragon stretched out a finger.

"Just add one thing, you can't admit defeat in the duel space."

Ye Lin smiled.

"Zhenjun is joking. You are a real and powerful person who transforms into gods. Your cultivation level can crush out-of-body monks. You are not allowed to admit defeat in a duel. The advantage is too great and the purpose is too obvious. Ye is not stupid. You agree to do all kinds of harm to yourself. And isn’t a clause that benefits no one the same as courting death?”

True Lord Evil Dragon smiled coldly.

"Don't refuse in a hurry. I heard that you have a lot of high-grade Taoist tools. Even the number of high-grade Taoist tools in my hand cannot compare with yours. You are fully capable of fighting against the cultivator of the Transformation God. If you agree to this rule, I will I can promise that I will only use two high-grade Taoist tools from beginning to end!”

Ye Lin fell into deep thought after hearing this, and seemed to be weighing the risks.

After a moment, he asked again.

"How should we constrain our commitment?"

True Lord Evil Dragon smiled.

"Of course it is a blood oath of inner demons. Those who violate it will be attacked by inner demons for the rest of their lives and will eventually die."

Ye Lin said again.

"I think the True Lord still has a huge advantage in using two high-grade Taoist tools. Maybe the True Lord only has three or four high-grade Taoist tools, and the chance of winning is still pitifully small. If the True Lord agrees to only use one high-grade Taoist tool in battle, Ye I then agreed to a life-or-death battle with the True Lord."

This time, True Lord Evil Dragon fell silent.

Ye Lin smiled.

"Why, is it possible that Zhenjun is not confident in defeating Ye? In that case, we will duel according to the original rules. If we lose, we can just admit defeat. There is not much risk for everyone."

Ye Lin made it clear that this was a method of provoking generals. Everyone could see through it, but it was difficult to resolve. If Lord Evil Dragon really rejected Ye Lin's proposal, it would mean that he was weak.

For an incarnation monk to give in in front of a monk in the out-of-body stage, this would definitely destroy his majesty more than Ye Lin taking away his imperial palace while he was away.

True Lord Evil Dragon snorted coldly.

"Okay, I promise, we will sign the blood oath of the inner demon immediately!"

Ye Lin's face became solemn after hearing this. He waved his hand, took out a pen and paper and began to write the blood oath of the inner demon.

The first rule of the inner demon's blood oath is that both sides cannot admit defeat in a duel.

Article 2 of the Blood Oath of the Inner Demon states that True Lord Evil Dragon can only use one high-grade Taoist weapon in a duel.

Those who violate the oath will surely die in the soul-devouring heart demon!

Ye Lin dripped blood happily, and so did True Lord Evil Dragon. When the two of them dripped blood, they both felt a hint of binding force, which meant that the blood oath of the inner demon took effect on both of them.

True Lord Evil Dragon finally showed an evil smile.

"I admire Ye Dao's friendly spirit!"

As he spoke, he took out a challenge order, and the sovereignty order on Ye Lin's body also appeared. The two figures disappeared instantly and appeared in the vast starry sky.

As time passed, more and more monks came to watch after hearing the news. In less than a cup of tea, the number of people increased from one hundred to two or three hundred.

Long Tianyang suddenly beamed when he saw Ye Lin signing the inner demon oath not to admit defeat and entering the duel space with True Lord Evil Dragon.

"What a good Ye Lin, there really is a way to heaven. If you don't go through hell, you can't find a way. You can come by yourself! I really think that the gap between the monks in the out-of-body stage and the gods can be made up by a few high-grade Taoist tools. How ignorant is this!"

Long Tianyang's confidence increased after he completely refined the high-grade Taoist artifact pagoda in his hand, so he approached True Lord Evil Dragon, who was quite optimistic about him, to spar with him. During the battle, True Lord Evil Dragon defeated him easily with only three fingers. Not a single high-grade Taoist artifact was used from beginning to end.

This also made Long Tianyang truly realize the terror of the existence of transformed gods.

When the soul of a powerful spirit-transformer appears and releases its coercion, it is a luxury for the monks in the out-of-body stage to smoothly mobilize their magic power. It is a complete crushing of life levels!

Except Long Tianyang, most of the cultivators watching the battle shook their heads, thinking that Ye Lin was ignorant and fearless, and was fooled by the Evil Dragon True Lord. The price of being fooled was either to violate the blood oath of the inner demon, and to have difficulty in future cultivation and be invaded by the inner demon at all times, or to die in the duel space.

"Ye Lin died because he was born in an unknown third-class small mortal world. His vision was too low. I'm afraid he has never seen any god-transforming cultivator in his life, so he can't really feel how powerful the existence of the god-transforming cultivator is."

"It's a pity that Ye Lin has so many high-quality Taoist instruments. Now they will all belong to the Evil Dragon True Lord."

"Not only those Taoist instruments, Ye Lin also has many Taoist companions and concubines. Each of them is extremely talented. I'm afraid the Evil Dragon True Lord will capture them one by one and make them his furnace concubines."

"Ye Lin deserves it. He is looking for death. Seizing the imperial palace is a bold mistake. Now he has made a mistake and fell into the trap of the Evil Dragon True Lord. Such a stupid person does not deserve sympathy."

Ao Lingshuang clenched her jade fists and looked at Qin Jin'er beside her with some concern. She didn't spend much time with Ye Lin, and she didn't know Ye Lin as well as Qin Jin'er. At this time, she heard that the surrounding cultivators were all pessimistic about Ye Lin, and she couldn't help but panic.

Qin Jin'er smiled at her, took her hand and whispered.

"My husband is so happy right now... I'm afraid he's almost dying. The rules proposed by True Lord Xielong are exactly what he wants!"

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