Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 841 The Devil Never Gives Up

When Master Lihuo saw that the flaming demon scorpion released by Ye Lin actually devoured his Nascent Soul True Fire without any damage, Master Lihuo was immediately horrified.

"This is impossible. This is just a spirit insect in the middle stage of the Out-of-Body State. It is impossible for it to fight against my Nascent Soul True Fire!"

The Nascent Soul True Fire burns the Nascent Soul's essence, which is extremely costly and powerful, and is extremely difficult to extinguish. Even when facing a Divine Transformation cultivator, Master Lihuo has the confidence to use the Nascent Soul True Fire to fight against one or two.

"Burn this insect to ashes!"

Master Lihuo naturally did not believe that Xiaohong had the ability to devour all his Nascent Soul True Fire. He immediately made up his mind and controlled two Lihuo dragon balls, one large and one small, to carry the blazing Nascent Soul True Fire and blasted towards Xiaohong.

However, Xiaoqiang blocked Xiaohong at this time.

"I will resist these two dragon balls, and you will fight against the Nascent Soul True Fire."

Xiaohong nodded.

"No problem."

Xiao Hong's frontal combat ability is not weak, and she has some confidence in fighting against ordinary out-of-body great perfection cultivators alone, but this Lihuo Gongzi is a master in the top 20 of the Galaxy List, and he has already performed a secret technique, which has greatly increased the strength of the burning Yuanying. He will definitely lose alone, and it is just right to cooperate with Xiaoqiang.

Xiaoqiang held a sword in his left hand and a knife in his right hand. There was also a huge Sanjiu flying sword in front of him. He rushed up to meet the two dragon balls shooting at him. There was only a series of clanging sounds. The two dragon balls clashed with Xiaoqiang again. Xiaoqiang's body was like full of fuel. The flames ignited as soon as they touched him, and he turned into a fire man again.

Xiaohong hid behind Xiaoqiang, opened his mouth, and a large amount of deep red flames were sucked into his mouth, and the power of the Lihuo Dragon Ball suddenly plummeted.

At the same time when Xiaoqiang was fighting with the two Lihuo Dragon Balls, the Yuanying Fire Dragons released by Lihuo Gongzi also came not far in front of Ye Lin. No matter what means the three cultivators condensed by Tongxuan Whisk used to attack, they had little effect.

This Yuanying Fire Dragon could even ignite spells, and soon burned the three cultivators condensed by Tongxuan Whisk into firemen. The flames spread rapidly along the silk thread of the whisk, and it seemed that Ye Lin would soon be ignited.

In the distance, Lihuo Gongzi sneered.

"Your Fiery Scorpion does restrain my Yuanying True Fire, but so what, it can take care of this side but not the other side, and you will definitely lose in the end."

Ye Lin just smiled slightly.

"Really? Who told you that I only have one Fiery Scorpion?"

He just flicked his finger, and three red streams of light flashed in front of him... Three more Fiery Scorpions appeared, all of them had the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Out-of-Body Realm.

The three flaming scorpions also awakened the ancient bloodline that was connected to Xiaohong. Although the purity of their bloodline was not as high as Xiaohong's, it was not a big problem for three of them to fight Xiaohong alone.

The three flaming scorpions climbed onto the silver silk thread of Tongxuan whisk, opened their mouths, and boom, boom, boom... a large amount of Nascent Soul True Fire was sucked into their mouths...

Young Master Lihuo in the distance widened his eyes, obviously a little furious.

"Damn it, that damn Long Tianyang didn't tell me at all that Ye Lin actually raised so many spirit insects that specifically restrained the magical power of fire!"

What he didn't know was that even Long Tianyang, who was also from the Wan Guo Continent, didn't know that the flaming scorpions raised by Ye Lin were so difficult to deal with.

The three flaming scorpions quickly climbed onto the heads of the three Tongxuan puppets along the silk thread of Tongxuan whisk, and Ye Lin was less than a thousand feet away from Young Master Lihuo and his fire dragon.

With the Fiery Scorpion devouring the Nascent Soul True Fire, Ye Lin's Tongxuan Whisk finally had the conditions to attack. Before, all their spells were burned clean by the Nascent Soul True Fire, and the attack was difficult to work.

Swish, swish, swish!

Tentacles made of rocks slapped towards Lihuo Gongzi, ice-blue spikes shot out like a rainstorm, and thunder and lightning snakes pounced on him like a tsunami.

When Lihuo Gongzi saw this scene, his face suddenly turned pale. He could only grit his teeth and burn more Nascent Soul Origin, making the Nascent Soul True Fire on his body and the Nascent Soul True Fire carried by the two Lihuo Dragon Balls burn more vigorously, trying to resist the offensive of Ye Lin and Xiaoqiang.

Unexpectedly, the more Nascent Soul True Fire he released, the more the four Fiery Scorpions devoured, and without the Nascent Soul True Fire, their strength naturally plummeted, making it difficult to resist the attacks from the three Tongxuan puppets.

The Yuanying True Fire of Master Lihuo was perfectly restrained by the Fiery Demon Scorpion and could not hinder Ye Lin at all. The Fire Dragon under Master Lihuo also roared continuously, waving its claws and tail, and began to resist the attacks of the Tongxuan Puppet and the Ten Directions Ghost King Rosary.

As Master Lihuo's Yuanying origin became less and less, his strength became weaker and weaker. At first, he could still fight with Ye Lin slightly, but he was soon suppressed by Ye Lin in all aspects.

No matter how much Yuanying True Fire he stimulated, it lost its effect.

Master Lihuo's face was extremely ugly, and there was a look of despair on his face.

"Ye Lin and his spirit insects have such powerful magic power. They are not the middle stage of the Out-of-Body Realm. They are clearly the hidden Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body Realm!"

"No, if we continue to fight, I will either be killed by Ye Lin or my Nascent Soul essence will be consumed by the Nascent Soul True Fire. Then I will definitely die."

"It is good to hold the thigh of the Evil Lord, but you have to hold it alive!"

At this point, Master Lihuo showed a bitter smile and was about to say the three words "I surrender", but he didn't expect that as soon as he opened his mouth, he saw a dark blue light shooting towards him. The moment the dark blue light touched the Nascent Soul True Fire, it exploded, and then something like blood-red smoke spread out.

The diffusion speed seemed slow, but it also seemed fast. In the blink of an eye, Master Lihuo was wrapped in red smoke. Part of the red smoke flowed into Master Lihuo's body, and part of it flowed into the huge fire dragon head under him.

This is a modified Demon God Immortal Destroying Pearl. Although its power has plummeted, its speed is much faster than before. It can release the Demon God's spiritual body as quickly as possible to pollute the enemy's mind.

Master Lihuo's eyes suddenly became a little confused.

"I admit defeat..."

"I admit defeat..."

"Why should I admit defeat? This is impossible. I am the descendant of the great Demon God. The Demon God never admits defeat. Kill, kill, kill everything, devour everything. Killing is glorious. Long live the ancestors!"

"No, no, I am the most outstanding genius of the Wanhai Xian Dynasty. I am not some shitty Demon God. Get out of my body. I want to admit defeat...! No, why should I admit defeat? The Demon God is eternal and immortal. No one in this world can defeat us forever!"

The eyes of Master Lihuo turned red. Ye Lin could vaguely see that his limbs were very uncoordinated. His eyes were sometimes clear and sometimes blurred and blood red. This showed that Master Lihuo's will was trying to struggle to regain control of his body.

Unfortunately, he had no chance.

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