Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 839: Fire Dragon Ball

After the monk in the dragon robe released his natal fire dragon, he originally thought that Ye Lin would show a fearful expression, and at the worst, his face would become more solemn, but unexpectedly, Ye Lin's expression did not change, which made his heart sink.

He stood on top of the fire dragon's head, made a secret with one hand, opened his mouth, and spit out a fiery red bead from his mouth. The movements of the fire dragon were almost synchronized, and he also opened his mouth and spit out a huge flame. bead.

Both are fire dragon beads, and both are very rare high-grade Taoist tools!

"These two Lihuo Dragon Balls were refined by me at countless costs. I don't believe you can resist them!"



The two Lihuo Dragon Balls, one large and one small, turned into two flame rays, which flashed away and shot towards Ye Lin.

The dragon-robed monk sensed that the situation seemed a little bad, and no longer planned to talk nonsense to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and two figures immediately appeared in front of him.

One of them is Xiaoqiang with blazing eyes and carrying a Sanjiu Sword Box, and the other is Xiaoshu, who is dressed as a scholar and has a graceful figure and is dressed in white.

Xiaoqiang grinned.

"Master, leave these two dragon balls to me!"

A formation flag appeared in Xiao Shu's hand. He waved the formation flag and the figure completely disappeared from the place. Even though the dragon-robed monk's perception was extremely sharp, he still could not pinpoint Xiao Shu's specific location.

In this battle, Ye Lin does not intend to let Xiaobai fight unless necessary. It will not do him any good to expose his full strength in front of everyone. In his opinion, Xiaoqiang and Xiaoshu can already achieve their goals by fighting.

The distance is thousands of feet away and you can reach it in an instant!

Two Lihuo Dragon Balls were wrapped in red real fire and smashed towards Ye Lin.

Xiaoqiang in front of Ye Lin smiled and took a step forward. A flash of light flashed between his hands. The next moment he was holding a sword. The sword in his left hand was red, and the surrounding space seemed to be dyed red. The sword in his right hand was Ice blue, as if it were made of black ice, and a terrifying cold air spread out.

It was the two high-grade Taoist weapons that Ye Lin obtained from Xingyue Pavilion, the "Red Rainbow Sword" and the "Ice Soul Sword"!

At the same time as these two weapons appeared, the sword box behind Xiaoqiang fired out twenty-seven middle-grade Taoist flying swords. With a thought from Xiaoqiang, the flying swords formed a thirty-nine sword formation, and they gathered into one. An extremely wide silver sword.

It has been almost half a year since Xiaoqiang obtained the Sanjiu Sword Box. After the transformation of small weapons and small talismans, the current Sanjiu Sword Box is completely different from the previous Sanjiu Sword Box. The power of the Sanjiu Sword Formation has been greatly improved. promote.

When Xiao Qiang first obtained the Sanjiu Sword Box, the power of the Sanjiu Sword Array was not as powerful as the ordinary high-grade Taoist flying sword, but now it has exceeded the power of the ordinary high-grade Taoist flying sword!

The Sanjiu Flying Sword turned into a sword light and collided with the big Lihuo Dragon Ball. Only a loud "bang" was heard. The flying sword and the dragon ball were each knocked back hundreds of feet, and the other Lihuo Dragon Ball was knocked back. He was intercepted by Xiaoqiang who rushed forward. The "Red Rainbow Sword" in Xiaoqiang's hand continued to release extremely sharp bloody sword energy, while the "Ice Soul Sword" released ice-blue sword energy.

The sword energy and sword energy kept slashing at the Lihuo Dragon Pearl, and actually slashed the Lihuo Dragon Pearl back and forth, making it difficult to move forward.

Both the "Red Rainbow Sword" and the "Icy Soul Sword" are high-grade Taoist weapons that have been corrupted by time, and their power has been greatly damaged. Now their power has been restored, but even so, two decayed high-grade Taoist weapons flying swords are not as good as one. The flying sword, a high-grade Taoist weapon, is still strong but not weak.


In the starry sky, swords, swords, shadows and flame explosions continued one after another.

Xiaoqiang stood with the two Lihuo Dragon Balls, and there was a faint tendency to suppress the two dragon balls. Although the two dragon balls were extremely tough and would not be damaged no matter how they were chopped, they could not get closer to Xiaoqiang and could not threaten Xiaoqiang at all. With Xiaoqiang's safety in mind, he can no longer pose a threat to Ye Lin.

In the distance, the dragon-robed monk standing on the head of the fire dragon couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this scene. He thought that Ye Lin was extremely powerful, but he didn't expect that it was so terrifying!

Ye Lin actually suppressed his two Lihuo Dragon Balls by just releasing a spiritual insect.

"This is impossible. I can understand that the flying sword composed of twenty-seven middle-grade Taoist tools can compete with the Dragon Balls, but those two swords also exude the aura of high-grade Taoist tools. Just a spiritual insect. He actually carries two high-grade Taoist tools!"

"When did high-grade Taoist artifacts become so worthless!"

He has not forgotten that Ye Lin relied on a high-grade Taoist artifact whisk and a string of high-grade Taoist rosary beads to defeat His Highness the Silver Dragon. In addition to the Nine Tribulation Dragon Balls obtained from His Highness the Silver Dragon, Ye Lin actually already possessed Five top-grade Taoist tools!

Just thinking about it made the monk in the dragon robe feel his scalp numb!

Outside, in front of the Winter Emperor's Palace.

The fight for the imperial palace is a major event that can cause huge waves on any safe island. Coupled with the help of the intelligence monks, more and more monks came to watch the battle. At first, there were only a dozen or so, and it took less than a cup of tea. There are more than a hundred people, and the number is still increasing.

The spectators all raised their heads, staring intently at the picture projected from the decisive battle space in the sky. When Ye Lin's spirit insects took action, they gained the upper hand, and there was a burst of exclamation from the crowd.

"It's impossible. Did I see it wrong? How could Ye Lin be so strong! Isn't he number 25 on the Galaxy List? That Mr. Lihuo in the dragon robe is number 17."

"Could it be that Mr. Lihuo hasn't taken full action yet and is just testing it a little bit now?"

"Most likely."

"No matter what, Ye Lin's strength should not be underestimated. He is in the top 25 of the ranking list, which is well deserved."

"Why does Ye Lin have so many high-grade Taoist tools? This is unreasonable. I really doubt that even the three powerful gods don't have more high-grade Taoist tools than Ye Lin."

"Indeed, middle-grade Taoist tools are everywhere in the spiritual world, but high-grade Taoist tools are still extremely precious. Poorer gods can only dream of high-grade Taoist tools."

"Ye Lin is really good. I look forward to his performance. I hope that Master Lihuo will go all out as soon as possible to see how Ye Lin responds!"

In the duel space.

Master Lihuo, who was wearing a dragon robe, felt bitter. Only he knew that he had already gone all out, but he was suppressed by the spirit insects sent by Ye Lin.

In the starry sky, Xiaoqiang and the two dragon balls were still fighting.

Master Lihuo looked in the direction of Ye Lin with a gloomy face. When he saw that Ye Lin did not move, he just waited without using any new means.

"Your spiritual insect's strength is only at the middle stage of the Out-of-Body Realm. Let's see how much mana it has to consume two top-grade Dao tools and twenty-seven mid-grade Dao tools at the same time."

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