Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 831: Strange Treasure Chest

Ye Lin frowned slightly and asked suddenly.

"I wonder if the treasure chests of the two shopkeepers can issue directional teleportation orders."

Shopkeeper Toad and Shopkeeper Dragon Snake said almost in unison.

"Of course you can, and the probability is very high, the quality of the teleportation order is also better than the outside world!"

The toad shopkeeper hugged Ye Lin's left leg.

"Fellow Taoist, if you buy my Longevity Treasure Box, the probability of issuing a teleportation order is very high."

Shopkeeper Long Snake also flew over and wrapped around Ye Lin's right leg.

"He is a liar. Come and buy my luck treasure box. There is a directional teleportation order in each treasure box!"

Fortunately, these two storekeepers with unfathomable strength didn't use any force and just hugged his left and right legs tightly like ordinary monsters.

Ye Lin is quite relieved about these two shopkeepers. They should not take the initiative to take action against the monks who come to seek opportunities, which is similar to the will of the ancient trees in the Linhai Ancient Battlefield.

The two shopkeepers began to quarrel again and again.

It is said that colleagues are enemies, and Ye Lin finally realized the true meaning of this sentence.

Ye Lin frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

"If we give up on obtaining the teleportation order from Xingyue Pavilion, it will take at least three more months to get to the next opportunity point, and the next opportunity point may not necessarily have the opportunity to obtain the teleportation order."

"If I buy the treasure chest from the two shopkeepers, I don't care too much about the Luck Golden Dragon and part of the longevity element, but the key point is that this treasure box is very strange. Both shopkeepers said that it will be addictive if you open it. These bones are the best proof. They must have lost control after opening the treasure chest and made endless purchases. Eventually, their luck and longevity ran out and they died here.”

Ye Lin has an extremely large number of Luck Golden Dragons, hundreds or even thousands, and they are constantly increasing, so the impact of consuming ten Luck Golden Dragons on him is negligible.

He also has a lot of lifespan. So far, Ye Lin has not used up his lifespan to activate the secret technique in the battle. In addition, he has also practiced the "Old Turtle Longevity Skill" that Xiaobai learned from the ancient ring space to Dzogchen. Realm, adding ten thousand years of life, adding up, he has more than ten thousand years of life, and the impact of consuming ten years is minimal.

Thinking of this, Ye Lin lowered his head and asked.

"Do the two shopkeepers have any way to resist the addiction to buying treasure chests?"

The two shopkeepers answered at the same time, but the answers were actually different.

The toad shopkeeper said: "Of course there is a way. As long as your heart to the Tao is strong enough, why would you be willing to run out of life and die here? We are all truly free to buy and sell, and we will not buy or sell by force. Everything depends on our fellow Taoists." Make your own decision!"

Shopkeeper Long She said: "Isn't this simple? Don't you have companions? Once your companions find out that you are addicted, they will knock you out and take you away by force. As long as you leave Xingyue Pavilion, you will not be addicted. It’s affected, young people, you have to use your brain, there are always more solutions than difficulties!”

Ye Lin asked again.

"How can we believe that what the two shopkeepers say is true? After all, the corpses here cannot all be stupid. They should have asked similar questions, right?"

The toad shopkeeper said.

"I can swear to my inner demons."

Shopkeeper Long She agreed.

"I also swear to my inner demons."

With that said, the two shopkeepers made poisonous oaths to their inner demons. What made Ye Lin laugh and cry the most was that the oaths of the two shopkeepers were more poisonous than the other, and they even wanted to compete with each other even if they took poisonous oaths.

Ye Lin fell into deep thought again.

At this moment, Little Puppet sent a message.

"Master, you can let us spirit insects give it a try. If we become addicted and find it difficult to control ourselves, you can force us back into the Ancient Ring Space. Besides, we cannot disobey your orders under any circumstances."

Ye Lin's eyes lit up.

"That makes sense."

Ye Lin asked the toad shopkeeper who was still swearing poison.

"I wonder if the spirit insects below can purchase the longevity treasure chest?"

When the toad shopkeeper heard that Ye Lin was willing to buy, he immediately became very energetic.

"Of course. All living beings who have life span can spend their life span to purchase treasure chests from this shopkeeper."

Ye Lin immediately smiled.

Xiaoqiang's eyes lit up when he heard this: "It's much easier this way, let me give it a try."

Xiao Puppet quickly grabbed Xiao Qiang's clothes.

"Brother Xiaoqiang, you have to fight for the master often. If something unexpected happens, the master's combat power will be greatly reduced. It's better to let the little puppet do it. After all, we all control the puppet. If we really encounter fatal danger, we can also use the puppet to control the puppet. The baby is parasitic in the natal puppet and has a stronger ability to handle risks. "

Xiaoqiang thought it made sense when he heard it, and he patted Xiaopuppet on the shoulder.

"Okay, I'll take care of this brother of yours."

Ye Lin nodded slightly to the little puppet.

"First buy a low-grade longevity treasure chest and give it a try."

The low-grade treasure chest only consumes one Jiazi and sixty years of life, and the cost is negligible. After all, the little puppet has also practiced the "Old Turtle Longevity Technique".

The little puppet handed the puppet of his destiny into Ye Lin's hands, and then bowed to the toad shopkeeper.

"I want a low-grade longevity treasure chest!"

The toad shopkeeper suddenly beamed.

"It's easy to talk about."

He saw the Toad Shopkeeper open his mouth and suck at the little puppet. Ye Lin saw strands of silver-white silk threads being sucked out of the Little Puppet and gathered into the Toad Shopkeeper's mouth.

The toad shopkeeper narrowed his eyes slightly, showing an expression of enjoyment.

Then he waved his hand, and a flash of light flashed, and he saw a very rough stone treasure box placed in front of the little puppet.

"This is your treasure chest. I don't know what it can bring out..."

Ye Lin paid careful attention to the little puppet, and nodded to him after confirming that nothing unusual had happened to the little puppet so far.

I saw a scorpion puppet crawling along the little puppet's legs to the front of the treasure chest. The scorpion raised two large black pliers and pushed, and the stone treasure chest opened with a click.

I saw the blue light shining inside the treasure box...

It turned out to be a box of medium-grade spiritual stones.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

Ye Lin frowned slightly, this was too cheating, he wouldn't even take a second look at the top-grade spiritual stone now, and he wouldn't be willing to pick up the middle-grade spiritual stone if it fell on the ground...

And this actually costs a Jiazi's lifespan. A Jiazi's lifespan can be used to launch a secret technique that can turn the tide of the battle at a critical moment.

Shopkeeper Long She laughed loudly and said happily.

"Boy, if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer a loss right in front of you. I told you that his longevity treasure box is all a lie. You will lose blood. Feel good! Hahaha... Come and buy my luck treasure box. I guarantee that you will only make a lot of money. pay!"

The toad shopkeeper on the side snorted coldly and said to the little puppet in front of him.

"What you don't have enough money to buy is the most rubbish treasure chest. It doesn't even have a guarantee. Isn't it normal to open a piece of rubbish? Come and buy a top-quality treasure box, and you will be guaranteed to take off in a spiral!"

The little puppet on the side swallowed hard, his eyes became very hot, and his voice was trembling.

"Master, Master, I have a hunch. The next treasure box will make a fortune. The next treasure box will definitely pay back the money. Please let me open another one!"

"I have a hunch that as long as we open the treasure box, we can ascend to the spiritual world and become immortal immortals!"

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