Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 829: Xingyue Pavilion

According to the map, the location of Xingyue Pavilion is extremely far away, almost three times the distance from Jiufeng Sword Mountain to the Broken Star Belt.

Sailing in the vast outer space, except for the occasional vulnerable demons and star creatures, there is nothing else.

Here, maybe there will be no crisis worth mentioning for a year or even decades, but there is also the possibility of continuous fatal crises. Therefore, Ye Lin did not dare to sit and practice boldly. He must always open his spiritual consciousness, covering a million miles in radius, and master the situation of the surrounding star field.

Fortunately, Qin Jin'er was with Ye Lin. Along the way, the two played chess and chatted on Xiaolan's head. Ye Lin would also accompany Qin Jin'er to practice sword. Although Ye Lin was not very interested in swordsmanship, he still learned a lot of swordsmanship skills from Qin Jin'er.

On the way, Ye Lin also asked Xiaoqi to build a mid-grade Taoist instrument attic. When he needed to practice hard, Ye Lin put the attic on Xiaolan's back. When he didn't need it, Ye Lin put the attic away and put it in the ancient ring space.

With Ye Lin's help, Qin Jin'er's cultivation is getting closer and closer to the late stage of out-of-body.

As for Xiaobai, when the dragon essence is sufficient, she will come out of the ancient ring space to increase Ye Lin's cultivation. After hard training, she will return to the ancient ring space to practice quickly. Her goal is to break through the out-of-body great perfection as soon as possible. By then, Ye Lin can really walk sideways in this galaxy secret realm. Even if he encounters a spiritual cultivator, Ye Lin will have enough confidence.

More than a month later, Ye Lin and his party finally arrived at a small desert world of khaki color.

Standing in the outer starry sky and looking into the distance, Ye Lin can clearly see that there is a triangular khaki tower in the desert world, which is extremely conspicuous and exudes a mysterious and ancient atmosphere.

"Could it be that the triangular tower is the Xingyue Pavilion? It is very different from the Xingyue Pavilion I imagined. The ancient teleportation array is also in this small world."

After Xiaolan slowly slowed down, he rushed towards the direction of the triangular tower. As Ye Lin got closer and closer to the khaki world, Ye Lin felt the long-lost gravity.

Looking down from tens of thousands of feet high, Ye Lin saw the boundless desert. In the desert, there were yellowish tornadoes covering hundreds of miles, spinning rapidly. The tornadoes wrapped the Xingyue Pavilion in them, and even the top of the Xingyue Pavilion was covered by the tornado.

"It seems that if you want to enter this Xingyue Pavilion, you must pass through the tornado."

From a distance, these tornadoes look ordinary. As long as the cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul stage, you can pass through them at will, but after Ye Lin's spiritual sense swept through them, his face suddenly changed slightly.

"These tornadoes seem to be not simple. My spiritual sense cannot penetrate them. Not only that, the space around the tornadoes seems to be distorted, and there are thin space cracks around the tornadoes."

Hearing this, Xiaobai, Qin Jiner, and Xiaoqiang all changed their faces slightly.

Xiaoqiang asked: "Is it so dangerous? Then how do we pass these weird tornadoes?"

Qin Jiner seemed to remember something, and a flash of light flashed in her jade hand, and a small light blue flying boat appeared.

"In that case, the power of this tornado is similar to that of a space storm, and this Fengshenzhou can just play a role."

Qin Jin'er's Fengshenzhou is a top-grade Taoist weapon, given by the ancestor of the Qin family in the upper realm. It is specially used to resist space storms and ensure Qin Jin'er's safe ascension to the spiritual world. Ye Lin and Qin Jin'er teamed up to obtain it in the Tianmo Sea.

Ye Lin smiled when he saw the Fengshenzhou, but he was not in a hurry to let everyone board the Fengshenzhou.

"To be on the safe side, let's send puppets to try whether there are other strange things about this tornado. If it is found that it really only has the ability to tear and distort space, we will board the Fengshenzhou and pass through it."

Qin Jin'er and others nodded repeatedly.

As he said, Ye Lin summoned the little puppet who was responsible for organizing the puppet army. After the little puppet received the order, he immediately summoned three puppets with the strength equivalent to that of an early-stage out-of-body cultivator. The puppets fell down quickly and flew towards the direction of Xingyue Pavilion.

When approaching the strange tornado, the puppets began to slow down their speed.

At first, the puppets only had a little irregular distortion, and their movements were not affected. As the puppets flew into the tornado, Ye Lin saw that the ears of a certain puppet disappeared without any warning. Soon, the legs of another puppet disappeared, and then another puppet was inexplicably split into two parts and declared scrapped.

Only one puppet was lucky enough to pass through the tornado after losing two arms and half of its body, and arrived at the main entrance of Xingyue Pavilion. There were two huge stone sculptures at the main entrance of Xingyue Pavilion. One sculpture was carved with a milk toad with a big mouth, and the other sculpture was a very strange creature that looked like a snake but not a snake, and a dragon but not a dragon.

Ye Lin said: "It seems that these tornadoes are indeed small space storms. Let's board the Fengshenzhou and pass through them."

Qin Jin'er threw the shrunken Fengshenzhou in her hand, and the Fengshenzhou instantly expanded to dozens of feet long, and everyone landed on the bow of the Fengshenzhou.

Qin Jiner took out more than a hundred pieces of immortal stones and put them into the control array. She cast a series of spells towards the control array of the Wind God Boat, and the control array immediately started to operate. The entire flying boat was wrapped in a green light curtain.

The flying boat slowly approached the strange tornado, and then "whoosh" quickly passed through and came to the front of the two huge statues.

Ye Lin asked Xiao Kui to release the puppet to explore the surroundings of the statue. After confirming that the surrounding space was not distorted or torn, he landed on the yellow sand ground with a group of people.

Qin Jiner also put away the Wind God Boat.

Ye Lin carefully looked at the two statues. His powerful spiritual sense was also unable to penetrate them.

When he approached the toad statue, his face suddenly changed and he quickly retreated.

Everyone showed doubts. From beginning to end, they did not feel anything unusual about the two statues, and their spiritual senses did not give any warning.

Ye Lin said in a deep voice: "Don't get close to the statues. Let's go through the small path in the middle. Just now I felt that something seemed to be flowing in my body, but I couldn't be sure what it was."

Hearing this, the little puppet was a little confused.

"Master, my puppets have touched these two statues just now, and everything is normal now."

Ye Lin thought for a while.

"It may only work on living cultivators. Anyway, let's not get close."

As he said, he led everyone through a small path in the center of the two huge statues and came to a gate that was thirty feet high. Above the gate was a yellowish-brown plaque with three big characters "Xingyue Pavilion" written on it.

The entire Xingyue Pavilion gave Ye Lin an extremely ancient and extremely strange feeling.

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