Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 827 Qin Jiner turns into a dragon

"Of course, the most important thing is that after swallowing this pill, you can use the "Dragon Yuan Xuan Gong"."

With that said, Ye Lin took out another jade slip.

Qin Jin'er showed doubts again.

"What is "Long Yuan Xuan Gong"?"

Ye Lin coughed twice, and then told the story of how he helped Ao Lingshuang solve the nature of the dragon after arriving at the hurricane safety island. He repeatedly emphasized that he only wanted to repay his past kindness...

But Qin Jin'er looked suspicious.

Fortunately, Qin Jin'er is not a boring woman who likes to be jealous. After hearing this, she was just a little surprised. She didn't expect that after entering the secret realm of the galaxy and not seeing Ye Lin for a month, Ye Lin would have one more Taoist companion.

Fortunately, he was not disgusted with Ao Lingshuang, nor did he mind that Ye Lin and Ao Lingshuang had practiced hard for a month to obtain the "Dragon Yuan Xuan Gong". He just looked at his man with a half-smile.

"My husband's luck has never been broken..."

Ye Lin laughed twice and began to teach Qin Jin'er the formula for interpreting "Long Yuan Xuan Gong".

Although "Long Yuan Xuan Gong" is a heaven-level skill, it is after all a method of supplementing the dragon clan. It is not a mental method or a magic method. It is not complicated. With Ye Lin's explanation, Qin Jin'er has completely mastered it after more than three hours. comprehend.

However, the specific usage needs to be learned through practice.

Qin Jin'er picked up the jade box placed on the quilt and opened it with a click. Suddenly, a majestic dragon pressure spread, and in the center of the jade box, there was a blood-red pill the size of a thumb, and a translucent The silver dragon is spinning around the elixir.


Qin Jin'er picked up the elixir and swallowed it into her belly with a slurp. Then she closed her eyes slightly and meditated to digest the medicine. After a while, her delicate body trembled slightly, and two silver-white dragon horns appeared on her forehead. At the same time, , the aura belonging to the dragon clan quickly merged with her original aura.

About three hours later, Qin Jin'er opened his eyes again, and a dazzling silver-white light burst out from his eyes.

Ye Lin was a little confused.

"Isn't it going to be half-human and half-dragon? Apart from the addition of a pair of dragon horns, I don't see any other changes?"

Qin Jin'er stretched out his jade hand. The moment he reached out, silver-white dragon scales grew on his hand, but in the blink of an eye, it returned to normal human skin as smooth as jade.

She touched her dragon horn and pointed at it. The dragon horn sank into her forehead again and disappeared.

In this way, Qin Jin'er is no different from before.

"Now I am half human and half dragon. If I want to change into a dragon form, I can change into a dragon form. If I want to change into a human form, I can maintain the human form. I can switch with a thought, and I can't change after merging the dragon blood. A growing dragon can only grow dragon horns and dragon scales at most."

Ye Lin looked surprised when he heard this.

"That's good. If you often have to fight like a dragon with a human head, it will feel weird."

Qin Jin'er's eyes looking at Ye Lin suddenly became more fiery than ever before. Just when Ye Lin was thinking about what changes would happen after Xiao Bai swallowed the dragon blood elixir, Qin Jin'er suddenly pounced on him with great enthusiasm.

"Husband...Jin'er has also felt the nature of the dragon...and Jin'er now has a half-dragon body, and her physical strength has greatly increased. Today's hard training must be fun and the benefits will be huge!"

Hearing this, Ye Lin suddenly felt a little numb. How could he have forgotten that if the Taoists were allowed to fuse the dragon blood, wouldn't they all become like Ao Lingshuang, with a dragon nature that is difficult to suppress when facing him? ?

His life may not be so easy in the future.

Originally, Ye Lin planned to rest for three days this time, but after he and Qin Jin'er started practicing "Long Yuan Xuan Gong", they seemed to be unable to stop. This hard training alone took four days.

Of course, these four days were not wasted. Qin Jin'er further verified the effectiveness of "Long Yuan Xuan Gong" and robbed Ye Lin of a large amount of Yuan Yang energy, taking a big step closer to the late stage of leaving the body.

Four days later, Xiaobai's energy had recovered.

Qin Jin'er consciously returned to her room to consolidate the results of the four days of practice, and Xiaobai and Ye Lin were sitting on the bed looking at each other.

Xiaobai shyly looked at the dragon blood elixir in Ye Lin's hand.

"Well, husband... you know, the snake nature is very similar to the dragon shape. If they are superimposed on each other... I don't know what will happen."

Ye Lin said extremely firmly.

"Don't worry, for the sake of our cultivation state, no matter how much hardship we endure, I will not hesitate."

Hearing this, Xiaobai became even more shy.

After receiving the dragon blood elixir, Xiaobai did not rush to take it. He sniffed it first and then said thoughtfully.

"It's strange. I didn't feel any changes in the blood in my body. Logically speaking, the snake demon should be born with a thirst for dragon blood, and long for the day when it can walk across the river and transform into a dragon."

Ye Lin was slightly startled.

This was somewhat beyond his expectation. He originally thought that this dragon blood elixir would improve Xiao Bai the most.

Xiaobai opened her red lips slightly and put the Dragon Blood Golden Pill into her mouth, swallowed it with a gulp, and then began to meditate with her eyes closed.

After waiting for a long time, Ye Lin still didn't see Xiaobai grow dragon horns like Qin Jin'er.

Xiaobai slowly opened his eyes, but his breath didn't change at all.

There was no disappointment on Xiaobai's face, but a look of surprise: "So it can still be like this!"

Ye Lin looked confused.


Xiaobai said: "Maybe the ancient bloodline that Xiaobai awakened is not inferior to the dragon clan, so the dragon clan bloodline cannot affect my original bloodline. However, after swallowing the dragon blood golden pill, Xiaobai feels that there are more dragon clan magical powers in my bloodline, which means that my bloodline has not changed, but I can use the dragon clan's magical powers!"

As he said, Xiaobai stretched out his hand, and pieces of dragon scales covered the back of his hand. Ye Lin was very sure that this was dragon scales, not snake scales, but in terms of defense ability, Ye Lin felt that dragon scales were not much different from Xiaobai's original snake scales.

Xiaobai opened his red lips and spit out a silver pill that looked like a small sun. On the pill, thunder crackled and flashed continuously.

"This is the dragon ball that Xiaobai just bred. Compared with the useless dragon scales, this dragon ball is somewhat useful. In the future, I can learn from His Highness Silver Dragon and refine a more powerful Nine Tribulations Dragon Ball."

Ye Lin was delighted when he heard this.

"The Nine Tribulations Dragon Ball is already a top-grade Taoist weapon. Wouldn't a better Nine Tribulations Dragon Ball be the legendary top-grade Taoist weapon?"

Xiao Bai nodded.

"You must absorb all the power of the thunder tribulation when you are going through the divine tribulation!"

Ye Lin asked another key question.

"In that case, can you also operate the Dragon Yuan Mysterious Art?"

Xiao Bai swallowed the newly bred dragon ball and nodded with a slightly red face.

"Yes, let's try to see how effective the Dragon Yuan Mysterious Art can be."

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