Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 823: The King of Mineral Veins

The puppets ran in front, and Ye Lin and his party followed closely behind in Xiaolan.

Half a day later, Ye Lin and his party had arrived at their destination, which was a huge canyon. Some rocks in the canyon were light yellow, and some were dark black.

These light yellow rocks were because the rare black iron was exposed to the outside for a long time and rusted, while those dark black stones were rare black iron of high age, which would not rust.


With Ye Lin's order, the puppets either used weapons or claws to dig in the black steel veins, just as they touched the black steel veins.

A sudden change!

Ye Lin only felt the world trembling, and cracks suddenly appeared on the ground. The black steel ore that had been lifeless just now actually began to wriggle and came to life completely!

Ye Lin's face changed slightly.

"Sure enough, in the Star River Secret Realm, it's not that easy to get any opportunity!"

More and more black steel stones squirmed and struggled to come alive. Some black steel stones turned into strange birds with huge wings on their backs, some turned into dragons formed of rocks, and some turned into ancient demons made of rocks. They rushed to the group of puppets on the ground like a tide.

The puppets, which were originally huge in size, seemed very small in front of these living mineral monsters.

Ye Lin continued to give orders.

"Try the strength of these mineral monsters."

As Ye Lin gave orders again, the puppets that had been standing still in place suddenly took action.

The puppet holding a huge scimitar turned into a phantom, and its speed was extremely fast, rushing towards a mineral monster with wings on its back, about a hundred feet high.


A series of sword qi as wide as dozens of feet chopped towards it.

The huge monster with wings on its back stretched out its wings forward and turned into a huge shield. There was a clang, sparks flew, and three huge gullies appeared on the shield, and a lot of gravel splashed.

The next moment, the puppet holding the scimitar was close. His speed was very flexible and swift, and the knife light kept flashing. In the blink of an eye, the head of the huge monster was chopped off to the ground by the scimitar, but unexpectedly, the shape of the head on the ground changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a big turtle, and it hit the puppet's feet with its rotating shell.

Not only that, the huge claws of the ore monster also grabbed the puppet holding the double knives at the same time. The puppet had no choice but to avoid the attack and retreat. The turtle took this opportunity to climb to the broken part of the monster's head, and unexpectedly changed back to its original appearance and connected the head.

Other puppets also began to fight with the ore monsters, leaving wounds on the ore monsters that should have been fatal, but here, they had no effect on these rock monsters.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin was slightly startled.

"This ore monster is actually unkillable? No, no, it seems that after receiving fatal damage, its strength has become much weaker, and there are more cracks on its body. At the same time, the age of the black iron ore on its body has also increased."

Sure enough, as the puppets continued to fight in the monster pile, an ore puppet that received three fatal injuries "bang" completely shattered, turning into a dark black iron ore on the ground. These black iron ores no longer moved, and did not change their form to become monsters.

Ye Lin smiled.

"So that's how it is. If you want to mine, you have to pass the test of these ore monsters. Kill them three times and you can get ore."

Ye Lin, who found out the danger, felt much more relieved. What he feared most was that the danger was hidden in the dark and he was not easy to guard against.

"In this way, the mining team that Xiaoqi had organized before can't be used. These ore monsters are huge in size, and their strength is at least around the Nascent Soul stage. Apart from instinctive fighting, they have no wisdom at all. It is easier to deal with them than to deal with the demons."

At this moment, a huge rock tentacle stretched out from the ground, like a whip, whipping Ye Lin and his party who were thousands of feet high in the sky. At the same time, a majestic ancient breath emanated from deep underground.

Xiao Lan was extremely fast, spewing blue flames from behind his buttocks. He dodged the sudden whip with a flash, but then, one after another tentacle stretched out from the ground and attacked Ye Lin and his party.

Xiao Bai said.

"This thing should be the king composed of the million-year-old black iron ore and the 100,000-year-old black iron ore at the core of this ore vein. Its strength is comparable to the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body. No wonder the demons wandering in the outer space dare not approach the Star Shattering Belt!"

Ye Lin's face remained unchanged.

The strength of this ore king is equivalent to that of a cultivator who has reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm. In addition, there are dozens of ore monsters equivalent to cultivators who have reached the late stage of Out-of-Body Realm, thousands of monsters in the middle and early stages of Out-of-Body Realm, and as for the monsters in the Nascent Soul Realm, there are really too many.

"That's good. The strongest monsters have all appeared, which means that there are no other hidden dangers around. As long as we kill this ore king, the threat of other ore monsters can be almost ignored."

Boom boom boom!

On the ground, more than a dozen puppets were besieged by the monster group and finally could not hold on any longer. They were completely crushed by the ore monsters.

The faces of the three spirit insects controlling the puppets turned slightly pale. These puppets were connected to their souls. If the puppets were destroyed, they would naturally suffer a little backlash.

However, the backlash was not serious, much lighter than the destruction of the cultivator's life treasure.

Ye Lin waved his sleeves and put the three people into the ancient ring space.

"You guys go back and recuperate, and when you are stronger, you can initially form a puppet army and then go out to fight."

Then, he waved his sleeves.

Hundreds of spiritual lights flashed, and rows of spiritual insect monks who turned into human forms appeared in front of Ye Lin. These spiritual insects all had the cultivation level of the middle stage of the out-of-body state.

Ye Lin pointed at the monster underground that stretched out dozens of terrifying tentacles like a big octopus.

"Together, kill the king of the ore vein first and draw his body out first!"

Since he understood the characteristics of these ore monsters, Ye Lin would naturally not make useless attacks. Although these tentacles in the sky were extremely powerful and brought them many obstacles, no matter how they attacked these tentacles, they could not cause fatal damage to the king of the ore vein.

With Ye Lin's order, all the spiritual insect monks shrank their bodies and fell on Xiao Lan's wide back. The extremely flexible Xiao Lan carried Ye Lin and his party and kept dodging under the siege of dozens of tentacles, and quickly escaped through the gaps between the tentacles.

As Xiao Lan pulled away, the tentacles of the Mineral King also extended.

20,000 feet.

50,000 feet.

When it was over 100,000 feet and still hadn't caught up with Ye Lin and his group, the tentacles of the Mineral King finally stopped extending, and the ground began to rumble and tremble. From the huge canyon crack, an octopus monster several thousand feet tall, with dozens of tentacles, held together by pieces of rock, and dozens of big black eyes, crawled out.

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