Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 817: The High-quality Taoist Flying Sword Recognizes Its Master

This fart bug that is good at fart swordsmanship was the one that Ye Lin lent to Song Lingtian. Song Lingtian called it Xiaojian.

Xiaojian was originally very fond of studying swordsmanship and combining it with farting, creating a unique fart swordsmanship. He also learned the essence of swordsmanship from Song Lingtian.

Although Song Lingtian's current cultivation level is far behind Ye Lin, Ye Lin never doubts that Song Lingtian is a brilliant swordsman. His sword intent is so strong that few people on the Wan Guo Continent can match him. Even Qin Jiner and Xiaobai, who are masters of swordsmanship, can't catch up. What he lacks is only the realm of cultivation.

In the distance, two cultivators who were carrying sword boxes on their backs were exactly the same when they saw this scene. They felt it was extremely weird.

Facing the strongest sword that consumed the lifespan of the great perfection of the out-of-body, the opponent actually only sent out a disgusting fart bug that was only the size of a fingernail and could be seen everywhere in the world of cultivation. The cultivation level of this fart bug was only the middle stage of the out-of-body!

The inconspicuous butt bug turned its butt quickly, and then he heard a loud "puff", as if someone had let out a big fart, and then a blue light gushed out from the center of the butt bug's butt.

The blue light actually condensed into a blue giant sword several feet wide, on which was carried the shocking sword intent of destroying everything, killing everything, and daring to challenge everything.


The blue giant sword turned into a blue sword light and flashed away, and the world seemed to be divided apart. Then there was a loud bang, and the blue sword light exploded after passing through the giant sword of the Out-of-Body Great Perfection Sword Immortal. The blue sword light still did not dissipate, but dimmed a little, and turned a corner and killed the Out-of-Body Great Perfection Sword Immortal.

The Out-of-Body Great Perfection Sword Immortal, who was carrying a sword box on his back, saw this scene, his eyes widened, and he kept muttering "How is this possible, this is impossible", and at the same time he spurted out a mouthful of blood, turning into a blood-colored sword light and fleeing quickly down the mountain.

What a joke! Even the three-nine-in-one flying sword he had applied a secret method to could not resist the terrifying blue sword light, let alone himself.

His spiritual sense was warning wildly, his soul was trembling, and his intuition told him that if he was hit by the blue sword light, he would be skinned alive.

However, although his escape speed was fast, the blue sword light was faster and pursued him relentlessly.

With a sound of puff.

The blue sword light flashed, and the flesh of the monk who had reached the great perfection of the out-of-body state was split into two. However, the separated flesh quickly turned into a ball of blood mist. I don’t know what secret method this person used to exchange positions with his clone.

His real body was still fleeing at a high speed.

After two attacks, the blue sword light finally dissipated.

Xiaojian was exhausted in front of Ye Lin and was about to fall. He said very apologetically: "Master... I'm sorry, Xiaojian failed to kill the enemy..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaojian's head tilted and he fell asleep. Ye Lin quickly put the Xiaojian in his palm and laughed loudly.

"The power of the sword almost killed a cultivator who had reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm. It was already very powerful. If Song Lingtian knew this news, his jaw would definitely drop to the ground. He would be proud of you."

"I am proud of you too."

Xiao Jian's current strength is only in the middle stage of Out-of-Body Realm. It would be unreasonable if he could kill a Sword Immortal who had reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm alone. Even Xiao Qiang, who used secret techniques, would find it difficult to do so. Only Xiao Bai would have some possibility. Ye Lin had high expectations for Xiao Jian, but Xiao Jian's performance had already met his expectations and even exceeded them by a lot.

In time, Xiao Jian's sword intent would be sharpened in battle, and when his realm reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm, his Fart Sword Technique would be able to pose a fatal threat to the strong men of the Incarnation Realm.

There are some essential differences between the Fart Sword Technique and Xiao Lan's Collapse Fart. Collapse Fart is difficult to change direction after it is released. If the enemy's spiritual perception is sharp enough, it is possible to dodge it, but the sword energy condensed by the Fart Sword Technique can chase and kill the enemy, which is more practical in actual combat.

When Ye Lin was about to put the little sword back into the ancient ring space and let him recuperate, the world suddenly changed, and the whole sword mountain trembled violently. The flaming flying sword that was inserted on the top of the sword mountain suddenly made a sound, and was slowly pulled out of the sword mountain automatically. Then, the flaming sword flashed and shot towards Ye Lin.

This made Qin Jin'er's face change, and Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang did the same.

Ye Lin was slightly stunned, and suddenly realized something.

"Don't panic, it's the performance of the little sword that won the recognition of this top-grade Taoist flying sword. This guy ran over to recognize the master!"

The reason why Ye Lin was so sure was that his spiritual perception did not have a warning. If this top-grade Taoist weapon was really aimed at him, Ye Lin could clearly sense it through his powerful spiritual perception.

It was just as Ye Lin expected.

The flaming flying sword shrank quickly, and finally shrank to a needle-like size, and quietly fell beside the little sword. The unconscious little sword seemed to sense it, and held the flaming flying sword in his arms with six legs.

Ye Lin saw this scene, his eyes lit up.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect to pick up a top-grade Taoist flying sword for free. I'm lucky."

As soon as he finished speaking, the small sword and the flaming flying sword were sent into the ancient ring space by Ye Lin.

The sword cultivator who had reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm and was carrying a sword case on his back saw this scene as if he had seen a ghost.

"This is impossible. I tried five times on the top of this sword mountain and didn't get the recognition of this flying sword..."

He ran as fast as he could while exclaiming that it was impossible.

In the blink of an eye, he was already dozens of miles away from Ye Lin and his group.

The huge flying sword that was fighting with Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang also began to retreat. The sword energy sent out by the Changhe Sword Formation chased after it, but it seemed that it could not catch up with the sword cultivator who had turned into a blood-colored sword light.

Ye Lin, who was in a good mood, stood on the top of the Sword Mountain, overlooking everything, without any anxiety on his face.

Qin Jiner asked with some doubts: "Are we going to let him go like this? We have made a big grudge with him today, and he also knows that we took away the top-grade Taoist flying sword on the top of the Sword Mountain, which will definitely become a huge hidden danger."

Ye Lin smiled and shook his head.

"Just because he is chasing you, it is impossible for him to run away."

As soon as Ye Lin finished speaking, he saw the flags on the Sword Mountain whistling, and a huge sun suddenly appeared, approaching the escaping Sword Immortal who had reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body. The terrifying high temperature instantly burned the Sword Mountain and many flying swords on the Sword Mountain red.

It was the Sun, Moon, Qiankun and Demon Suppression Formation used by the old Taoist who killed the Heavenly Demon Emperor in the past!

Since Ye Lin knew that the enemy was at the top of Jianshan Mountain, he had already ordered Xiaoshu to start setting up the formation before arriving. The reason why he let Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang delay with him for so long was to give Xiaoshu enough time to set up the formation.

Ye Lin smiled kindly.

"The next step is to catch the turtle in the jar, and the power of the sun and the moon will attack in turns. Let's see how many rounds this sword immortal Daoist who has been seriously injured can resist!"

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