Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 815: Reuniting with Qin Jiner

Since Ye Lin could sense the butt bug next to Qin Jin'er, the butt bug naturally sensed Ye Lin. However, after Ye Lin arrived, instead of getting closer to Ye Lin, Qin Jin'er continued to move away quickly.

This made Ye Lin frown.

"Either Jin'er was being chased by a strong man and couldn't join me immediately, or he was worried that I wouldn't be able to deal with that strong man, so he deliberately distanced himself and didn't want me to be in danger!"

Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

"Xiaolan, use the secret method directly and get close to Jin'er as quickly as possible!"


A majestic purple-blue shock wave burst out from Xiaolan's butt, carrying Ye Lin and the others, and the speed suddenly accelerated. The friction between the carapace and the air formed a high temperature, and it was burned red.

Around him, there was a constant stream of condensed sword energy. For a moment, it was unable to catch up with Xiao Lan, who was at full strength. He could only follow behind and eat the exhaust gas.

In order to prevent more and more sword energy from following the attack, Xiaoqiang kept swinging a long sword wrapped in flames in his hand. Every time he slashed, there was a flaming sword energy that was dozens of feet wide. Come out and chop the sword energy that follows behind your butt one by one.

As Xiao Lan flew higher and higher against the Sword Mountain, the surrounding sword energy became stronger and stronger, and the frequency gradually increased. Ye Lin gradually saw a handful of mid-level Taoist weapons in the Sword Mountain. Flying sword.

"We are less than 30,000 feet away from Jin'er, and she is still heading towards the top of Sword Mountain at top speed!"

Jianshan, 90,000 feet high.

A blue escaping light was flying vertically upwards against the sword mountain, and the extremely sharp sword energy around it continued to condense and chop towards the blue escaping light.

Every time he was about to come into contact with the blue escape light, a series of sword lights flashed through, scattering the sword energy that was slashing at him one by one.

Thousands of feet away behind the blue escape light, there is a sword energy escape light that is constantly getting closer to the blue escape light. The sword energy escape light is extremely sharp, and the surrounding sword energy is condensed into a sword energy that can easily kill a monk in the middle stage of leaving the body. The light scatters directly and cannot get closer at all.

"Little lady, don't run away. Hand over the embryo of the Xuehan Sword obediently, and then serve me for decades. I will leave you a way to live. If you continue to waste it, my patience will be gone."

That blue escaping light was a very fast butt bug, and standing on the butt bug's head was a long-haired girl wearing a purple dress, with a graceful figure and a beautiful appearance.

Qin Jiner.

At this time, her face was a little pale and she was worried.

"Hurry up, hurry up, we can only venture to the top of the Sword Mountain now. On the top of each Sword Mountain is a high-grade Taoist flying sword. Only the sword energy stimulated by that high-grade Taoist weapon It’s possible to threaten this person!”

"Mother, the master is approaching very quickly."

Qin Jin'er looked even more worried.

"If you are in the outside world, relying on your husband's strength, you may not necessarily be afraid of this person, but here is the home court of the Sword Immortal. The power of all spells will be weakened. Only the Sword Immortal can exert perfect strength. I am afraid that my husband is It is difficult to fight against the out-of-body Dzogchen Sword Immortal. Moreover, it is not that we don’t want to join him, but that we have no chance. Once we let this person get close, we will be captured or beheaded before our husband comes to rescue us. ”

"As long as we reach the top of the Sword Immortal and rely on the threat of the sword energy of the high-grade Taoist weapon to contain this person, after your husband arrives, we will attack from both front and back, and we will definitely win!"


After understanding Qin Jin'er's thoughts, the speed of Butt Chong became faster and faster, and he arrived at a distance of thousands of feet in a short time.

It was like a fiery red sun hanging on the top of Sword Mountain, and the surrounding air became very hot. As soon as Qin Jin'er arrived, he saw two extremely sharp flaming sword energy falling vertically from the sky.

The target of one attack was her, and the other was the out-of-body Dzogchen Sword Immortal who was chasing her behind.

Qin Jin'er crushed a jade pendant in her hand without hesitation. For a moment, a huge golden light shield appeared on her body. The fiery red sword energy struck the golden light shield with a bang, and the light shield trembled crazily. The golden light was much dimmed, but in the end it was able to completely resist the power of the fiery sword energy.

This jade pendant was given to Qin Jin'er by the ancestor of the Qin family's royal family before he entered the secret realm of the galaxy. It can withstand the full blow of a strong man who has left the body three times and is one of Qin Jin'er's trump cards.

The face of the pursuing swordsman became very ferocious. He pointed at the fiery red sword energy falling from the sky, and flew into the sky one by one. He only heard a series of clanking sounds, and the fiery red sword energy was flying on the sword. It quickly dissipated under constant resistance.

"Hmph, if you don't eat the toast, you will have to drink the fine wine. Do you really think that I will be afraid of a mere flying sword, a high-grade Taoist weapon that has no owner? It's a big joke."

"Even if there are another hundred sword energy attacks coming, I can still resist it. Little lady, as for you, I want to see how many times you can resist the sword energy, and also avoid my attack!"

The speaker was dressed in luxurious green clothes and had an extremely handsome face. He had a wooden sword box slung across his back and looked extremely powerful.

At this moment, he suddenly frowned slightly and looked towards the bottom of the Sword Mountain. He saw a blue light flying towards the bottom of the Sword Mountain at a very fast speed. It was exactly the same as the butt bug light under Qin Jin'er's seat.

"Oh? I didn't expect there would be reinforcements?"

When the escaping light approached, the male monk carrying the sword box immediately opened his brows with a sarcastic look on his face.

"These days, anyone can climb to the top of Sword Mountain. Four reinforcements in the middle stage of Out-of-Body Realm are not worth mentioning. Don't worry, young lady. I will kill your companions right now to let you know what despair is. Only when you are completely in despair will you willingly hand over the sword embryo!"

Ye Lin's brows were originally furrowed and extremely worried. When he saw Qin Jin'er was safe and sound and the Out-of-Body Great Perfection Sword Immortal was flying towards them, his brows suddenly relaxed. When he looked at the Sword Immortal with the sword box on his back, his eyes were extremely cold.

Ye Lin pointed at the Sword Immortal.

"Kill him, don't let him escape, even if he is a Nascent Soul, he can't escape!"


Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang also had cold eyes. They also knew that Ye Lin was really angry, and they were also very angry.

The male monk with the sword box on his back couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"You are really a toad yawning, what a big tone. In this day and age, are all the cultivators in the middle stage of the Out-of-Body Realm so arrogant that they look down on others to such a terrible extent?"

"Let's see what you rely on!"

He made a hand gesture and pointed at Ye Lin and the others. The sword box on his back "swooshed" and spit out three silver flying swords again. The six flying swords that were originally flying around him shot out at the same time, a total of nine flying swords, forming a sword formation in an instant.

The violent sword energy one became two, two became three, three became nine, and ninety-nine eighty-one sword energies covered him.

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