Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 801 Agreement with the Mineral Clan

This blood was naturally stored by Ye Lin in the blood bank of the ancient ring space.

The moment the Lingshi Ore Mothers smelled the smell of blood, their eyes suddenly lit up and they swarmed in. The basin of blood turned into hundreds of small blood streams and submerged into the mouths of every Lingshi Ore Mother. inside.

"What kind of blood is this? It's so delicious. It's much more delicious than Void Crystal!"

"Do you have any more? Bring out some more. Don't search like this. We have hundreds of ore mothers. This little blood is not enough to fill the gap between your teeth."

"It seems to be the blood on his body. If you don't take it out, we will suck it dry."

Ye Lin's smile became more and more kind.

"To be honest with you, Ye has established a blood bank in this Taoist artifact. As long as you sleep in the Taoist artifact and provide spiritual energy to Ye, every time you wake up, you will have blood to drink and a full meal. , you shouldn’t have to think about your decision, right?”

When saying this, Ye Lin tightly held the directional transmission order in his hand.

If these guys really wanted to have a good meal, Ye Lin would not hesitate to activate the teleportation order and run away.

Of course, this is the worst case scenario. According to Ye Lin's observation, although the Lingshi Mine Mother is not very smart, she still has basic wisdom. Even if there are idiots who want to have a full meal, they must be very few. , if they want to take action against Ye Lin, they have to get past the overwhelming number of people who want to have a meal.

The Lingshi Mine Mothers communicated noisily with each other.

"I feel that drinking this person's blood will be very beneficial, and it is no worse than eating void crystal..."

"This person shouldn't have any conspiracy against our Lingshi Mine mother clan. I always feel that there is some unknown purpose hidden under his kind smile."

"I think it's better to suck this person dry and get rid of him once and for all. There should be less of such a delicious thing. Drinking it once in a lifetime is enough, and you will remember it for the rest of your life."

"Stupid, if you dare to do something to this person, don't blame me for being rude. Missing him is bullshit. A good meal is king. If you want to miss him, get out now and don't join us. You will miss him for the rest of your life."

"Everyone, calm down first. I think we need to explain something clearly to this person in advance. If this person is sincere enough, we can't sleep in that Taoist artifact. Anyway, where should we sleep?"

"Yes, I have to make a three-part agreement with this person. Our Lingshi Mine Mother Clan will never be driven around by anyone."

Suddenly, the Lingshi Mine Mothers reached a unified opinion and became much quieter.

One of the largest ones, the spirit stone ore mother who seemed to have a beard, came to Ye Lin and said in an old-fashioned way.

"Human boy, after discussion, we are willing to sleep in your Taoist vessel, but there is one most critical condition. You must agree to us, otherwise it is better to have a full meal today."

Ye Lin asked.

"What are the conditions? It doesn't matter if the old man says it."

The Lingshi Mine Mother said.

"It's very simple. You must make a blood oath of inner demons and not use any means to force us to fight for you. Our Lingshi Mine Mother clan has never participated in the wars of any race. This is a rule passed down from our ancestors. At the same time, the worlds of all major worlds The will also restrains us from favoring a certain race. Once violated, it will disappear. "

Ye Lin showed a look of surprise.

No wonder the Lingshi Mine Mother is so weird and tyrannical, but I have never heard of massacres of human and demon monks. It turns out that they are born with restraints.

"The mission of our race is to condense the spiritual energy in the void for the growth and cultivation of all things. It is the foundation of the cultivation world. No matter how delicious the food is, we cannot let us violate our mission."

Ye Lin smiled.

"Understood, I swear to my inner demon that I will never force or ask any member of the Lingshi Mine Mother Clan to participate in any battle in this life!"

As soon as Ye Lin said these words, the tense atmosphere suddenly eased a lot.

The old spirit stone mine mother with a beard laughed loudly.

"Very good. We all feel the restraint of the inner demon oath on you. I want to tell you in advance that we are closest to the rules of the world, so the binding force of your oath is extremely powerful, stronger than any inner demon blood oath you have ever made. Be strong, if you violate it, you will die even ten times."

Ye Lin nodded.

"a man of his words!"

Just as the Lingshi Mine Mother was about to enter the ancient ring space, Ye Lin suddenly said.

"Wait a minute, I wonder if you can do me a little favor?"

Suddenly, many spirit stone ore mothers were a little dissatisfied.

"Stop it off, you bastards. As long as we are not allowed to fight, since your blood tastes so good, we can talk about it..."

"You can help, but you have to pay with blood. Do you have that much blood?"

"Quickly speaking, I'm already sleepy and dozing off."

Ye Lin smiled.

"It's like this. There are so many spiritual stone ore mothers in the Demon Nebula today. They are all of your kind. I have long heard that you like to be lively. Why don't you go and inform them and tell them that I have delicious food here. I just ask them to sleep in the Taoist vessel...the conditions are the same as everyone else."

"Think about it, just you guys go to bed together, and every time you wake up you see these faces, how boring it is... If there are many people, it will be lively even in your dreams."

"Of course, the rewards you request will be met. As long as fellow Taoist Mothers are willing to help, there will be blood to drink after the work is completed."

Ye Lin's words obviously interested the mine mothers...

"You have a big appetite, kid. Well, I'm willing to help. I'll go and inform other tribesmen..."

"Can you really afford so much blood? You won't deny it, will you? Look at your thin arms, there's not much meat or blood."

"You should think about the consequences of deceiving us. There are also many cruel people among our tribesmen."

Ye Lin laughed.

"Of course I won't deny it. Think about it, you sleep for thousands or tens of thousands of years. I draw three pounds of blood every day. How much can I accumulate in thousands or tens of thousands of years? Enough for you to share a meal, right?"

"Besides, after thousands or tens of thousands of years, my cultivation will definitely improve, and my blood-forming ability will also improve. As long as you provide spiritual energy, I will make sure you are full."

When the mother of the spirit stone mine heard it, she felt it made sense.

After tasting Ye Lin's blood just now, they also understood that in fact, they felt a little full after drinking a little at each meal.

Hundreds of mineral mothers disappeared immediately and scattered away, as if to inform other mineral mothers.

Ye Lin smiled brilliantly.

Wonderful, wonderful, from now on, he can instantly carry thousands of spiritual stone mineral mothers, and the scale of spiritual insects in the ancient ring space can be increased again, from hundreds of millions to tens of billions, or even tens of billions, and they can be kept alive.

There are probably tens of billions of demons in this demon nebula consuming spiritual energy here.

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