Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 799 The Spirit Stone Mine Mother Awakens Again

The mother spirit stone is invisible and shadowless. Even if Ye Lin breaks through the out-of-body stage, very little is known about it. Ye Lin has not wanted to have too much contact with it since he almost had his blood sucked out once.

A spiritual stone ore mother has been sleeping in Ye Lin's ancient ring space. She woke up once when he was still in the elixir formation stage. Ye Lin remembered that he had reached an agreement with the spiritual stone ore mother, waiting for Ye Lin to break through and leave the body. During the period, the spirit stone ore mother promised to help him capture more spirit stone ore mothers to enter the ancient ring space and continue to provide spiritual energy output for the ancient ring space.

But after Ye Lin broke through the out-of-body stage, his income was very stable relying on Master Ye brand products, and he was not short of spiritual stones. In addition, he really didn’t want to have too much contact with weird things like spiritual stone mother, so he changed the income at that time The agreement was forgotten.

And now, Ye Lin wants to awaken the spirit stone mother.

As he spoke, his consciousness came to the ancient ring space. With a wave of his hand, a translucent cloud-like object appeared next to Ye Lin in the smallest dragon vein in the ancient ring space.

Whether the cloud is large or small, it seems to be breathing. Between the breaths, pieces of spiritual stone condense and fall to the ground.

It was the spirit stone mother who drank Ye Lin's blood in the past.

The Lingshi Mine Mother slowly opened her blue eyes, a little confused, and said in an angry voice.

"Huh? I just took a nap, why did the master wake me up..."

For the Lingshi Mother, she can sleep for as little as thousands of years or as many as tens of thousands of years at a time. Ye Lin did not spend fifty years in total from the pill formation stage to the out-of-body stage. It could only be regarded as a nap. Son.

The Lingshi Mine Mother seems to have discovered the changes in her body.

"How come you've become so big...are you promoted in such a short time? It's unreasonable..."

At first, Lingshi Mine Mother didn't call Ye Lin Master, but after staying in the Ancient Ring Space for a long time and drinking Ye Lin's blood, it seemed natural to call him master, and Mine Mother didn't feel any discomfort at all. Appropriate.

Ye Lin smiled.

"Fellow Mine Mother, your growth is most likely caused by drinking my blood. Do you want to drink it again?"

Mother Mine looked excited.

"Of course, I also ask the master to give me blood."

Ye Lin said: "It's okay to drink blood, but you have to do something when you're full. Do you still remember the agreement we made back then?"

The mine mother seemed to remember something and smiled excitedly.

"It turns out that the master has broken through the out-of-body stage? This is too fast. The master wants me to cooperate in capturing other spiritual stone mothers and let them become my little friends, right? Of course there is no problem. I can stay here alone. The world is really boring and deserted, and there is no place to visit if I wake up.”

Ye Lin did not hide the spirit stone mother, and told the situation of the spiritual energy cloud outside.

Hearing this, the mother of the Lingshi Mine said: "Little problem, there is no place in this world that we cannot go to. Except for the master's world, once you enter, don't even think about running away..."

Upon hearing this, Ye Lin waved his sleeves and a large plate of blood flew out from the blood storage warehouse. This blood was accumulated bit by bit by Ye Lin every day, and it would not solidify or spoil if placed in the ancient ring space.

The Lingshi Mine Mother immediately took a big gulp, and the blood in the basin turned into a stream of blood. It was instantly sucked into the Mine Mother's body, and the originally translucent figure gradually turned into a light red color.

The Lingshi Mine Mother smacked her lips and had enough to eat and drink.

Ye Lin's consciousness then withdrew from the ancient ring space, and the Lingshi Mine Mother also followed him to the outside world. Now Ye Lin has telepathy with the Lingshi Mine Mother, and as the owner of the Lingshi Mine Mother, strictly speaking Said that it cannot go against Ye Lin's will, so there is no chance to escape.

Ye Lin pointed to the spiritual stone cloud in front of him.

"right here."

Mine Mother sniffed beside the spiritual energy cloud.

"Master, I don't feel any danger. There should be no problem in going to investigate the situation."

Ye Lin was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Okay, that's settled, but just in case, we have to wait for a day until all the spiritual bodies of the surrounding demons are taken away, and then we start taking action."

Now there are Ye Lin and hundreds of thousands of spiritual insects within a radius of ten thousand miles who are collecting the spiritual body of the demon. The ghost kings from all directions are also devouring the spiritual body of the demon to restore their strength. Once an unforeseen accident occurs while exploring the spiritual energy cloud, Ye Lin cannot escape. Unless he is willing to leave these hundreds of thousands of spiritual insects behind.

So Ye Lin planned to wait until the demon's spiritual body was completely collected before going to find out the situation.

When the mine mother heard this, her eyelids immediately trembled, and soon she heard the sound of snoring, and she suddenly fell asleep...

At this moment, a strong breath burst out, and then someone heard laughing.

"Master, my cultivation has recovered, and my strength is stronger than before. I can't stand without breaking."

He saw a girl wearing a light veil, with a graceful figure and an almost perfect appearance appearing in front of Ye Lin. She was one of the ghost kings of the ten directions. It seemed that she was named the Shadow Ghost King before being hunted by the ghost king of the underworld and integrated into the rosary of the ghost king of the ten directions. , the Shadow Ghost King ranks among the top two in strength among the top ten ghost kings, and has the most active mind.

The shadow ghost king's waterfall-like long hair is flying freely, and under the gauze, the snow-white skin is faintly visible, showing his charming charm.

But before she could stabilize her figure, a terrifying coercion fell on her. The face of Youquan Ghost King changed, and he lowered his head unwillingly.

I heard Xiaobai reminding me.

"You'd better put away all your little thoughts and do things peacefully. Don't dare to seduce the master just because you think you have some strength and beauty. If you want to use the opportunity to rise to power, completely regain your freedom and get rid of the ghost king's rosary of the ten directions, control."

There was a reason why the Ghost King was not convinced by Xiao Bai. In her opinion, Xiao Bai was also Ye Lin's subordinate spirit insect, and her strength had reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body, which was stronger than before. Why was she superior to her...

She saw her master looked at him expressionlessly.

"You have just joined our team and don't know much. It is normal to be unconvinced. There will be a time when you will be completely convinced in the future. Go back to the rosary."

The Ghost King did not dare to go against Ye Lin's will, so he had to turn into a spiritual light and return to the rosary.

Ye Lin had seen too many stunning beauties now. Even if this ghost king had the strength of the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body, Ye Lin still had no feelings and no other thoughts.

Apart from other things, there were tens of thousands of peerless beauties transformed from his billions of spirit insects. Once on Ye Lin's birthday, tens of thousands of beauties danced together to celebrate for Ye Lin.

One day later, all the demon spirits within a radius of ten thousand miles were finally stored in the warehouse of the ancient ring space. Xiaoqi and Xiaodan were very happy, saying that there would be no shortage of demon spirits for alchemy and weapon making in the next hundred years.

When the vortex of the demon sea space was raging, the total number of demons that went to attack the Demon City was probably not as many as Ye Lin's spirit insect army had killed in the past few days.

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